got the old scanner
On Mon, 4 Oct 2010 19:09:27 -0400, "Steve"
And someone show can't read as well - the guy said he is on the "CREW" - not
that he chases them! Geesh. What an idiot.
that's true. it's my wife who's the lawyer!
"bpuharic" wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 10:30:07 +1000, Barry
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:27:50 -0400, bpuharic wrote:
got an old pro 2050 scanner on ebay for $40. trunk scanner and, with
the help of the group here (thanks alex clayton and john szalay), set
it up in about 2 minutes...working great...1st trunk scanner...thank
goodness the county is cheap and hasnt upgraded its system
i run with the local ambulance crew so like to keep an eye on the
folks when i'm not on duty
You're and ambulance chaser and you never learned how to write?
I hope you don't get in their way?
gee. someone who has absolutely nothing to say commenting on grammar
life treating you poorly? your dog hate you?