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Old December 9th 10, 05:11 PM posted to
Sébastien MEDARD Sébastien MEDARD is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2010
Posts: 21
Default Balcony Antenna for Shortwave Listening


On Tue, 07 Dec 2010 21:58:17 -0800, Richard Clark wrote:

On 08 Dec 2010 00:45:41 GMT, SĂ©bastien MEDARD wrote:

But, before that I just wanted to know what would be a good antenna, or
good antennas for where I live.

want to listen to. You should have a choke (W2DU style BalUn) connected
at the feedpoint. One example shown at:

That's the first thing I will do. Ferrite ordered

Paying attention to your ground is important, but if you live upstairs
in an apartment, then think dipole (even if one side is vertical - where
the horizontal wire would be called a "long-wire").


By the way...... What would be a good antenna tuner for a SWL? Any
advice for a brand? Any advice for a good DIY kit?

The price you could pay is not a predictor of performance. Look at the
schematic on the last page of:

Seems not so simple for me.

I see two things on the schematic :

- 2 variable capcitor and an inductance on the center
- A balun for balanced line (ie dipole????)

As I already get a balun for dipole could you confirm that I just need the
center part of the schematic?

If the answer is yes, if I understand the schematic well, both of
variable capacitors are put one after the other inserted into the line.
The big question is how to make the variable inductance? Some wire wired
on a ferrite rod? (L ----------- A????) with a selector? Are the number
of half-loops means the number of turns?

Even there, with a good
switching design you could use the same components to build them too.
(I am thinking of PI configuration, L, and so on).

What is the influence of these different configurations?

Old AM (tube) radio parts are perfect for building your own tuner.

It seems I need to find some

Thank you for your patience,
