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Old April 2nd 11, 08:57 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2008
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Default June Gloom on April the 2th

On Apr 2, 9:43*am, dave wrote:
On 04/01/2011 09:37 PM, wrote:

On Apr 1, 12:08 am, wrote:
I don't know if it is True, or not, but I once read somewhere that Owles
are the Dumbest of all Birds.

Fits Dumb Ass Owle 'Global Warming' Gourdhead to a T.

How come that 'Clobal Warming' MOFO Dumb Bird *has Shut Up?

May be the 'Global Warming' is a total hoax . Amongst many other
popular 'trends',e.g. Y2K , NAFTA , 'organic food' etc. etc. etc.

How can something measured with instruments be a hoax? More likely, your
source of scientific info is a hoax.

You seem to be an undiscriminating news consumer. Most of what they tell
you is wrong, or out of context, etc. TV news is completely wrong almost

What's a hoax about organic food? Are you saying eating pesticides is
good for you?

How do we define the term 'organic' ? Who knows what the so-called
healthy-food and organically-grown-food is really naturally 'grown' ?
And how much of it is genetically modified ? And why so many US food
products are banned in many countries ? And what makes you come to the
conclusion I get my news from television ?