Thread: The CFL Fraud
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Old April 22nd 11, 01:03 PM posted to
Joe from Kokomo[_2_] Joe from Kokomo[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2009
Posts: 952
Default Upper Mid West Goes Full On Fascist (Steve puts on his brownshirt)

dxAce wrote:

Joe from Kokomo wrote:

Joe from Kokomo wrote:

dave wrote:


"dxAce" wrote in message ...

Rickmers, you really need to get to a doctor and have your medication
checked, and also tested for Alzheimer's and/or dementia.

On 4/21/2011 8:58 AM, Brenda Ann wrote:

Steve, what part of the wholesale disenfranchisement of the City of
Benton Harbor [Michigan] in order to give it away to build a friggin' golf
course is "unreal"? I can't think of a single instance of government
overreach that even comes close.

Yes, the fine Republican Governor Snyder of Michigan that Lare helped
vote into office turned out to be a closet DICTATOR, throwing out of
office the duly and freely elected city officials of Benton Harbor,
going against the *core values* of this country.

The only "justice" that may come out of this is when Snyder starts
taxing Lare's pension (assuming Lare gets one) and Ryan guts Medicaid,
Medicare and Social Security that Lare may be on.

On 4/21/2011 6:55 PM, dxAce wrote:

As far as I know there will be no gutting of Social Security as I know it and am
currently collecting. However, as I calculated a few weeks ago, I could continue
to draw my current benefit out of savings for 198 months and that doesn't even
include what I receive from my two pensions.

Well, here's hoping Snyder doesn't tax both your pensions like he is
trying his damnedest to do.

My standard advice to all: Go to work and save and invest your money. If
necessary get two jobs. Bottom line, save as best as you can, and do your best
to avoid living paycheck to paycheck.

Bravo! EXCELLENT advice (not sure about the two jobs, though...a sad
commentary on life today). However, please don't lose sight of the main
topic of this thread; i.e. Snyder the dictator.

If so, then there have been other take-overs by other Michigan Governors (Democrat and
Republican), especially with the Detroit school system.

Bottom line is that others have to jump in to save things when the clown 'tards run

On 4/21/2011 8:41 PM, dxAce wrote:

Much like that city in California, where fairly recently the clown 'tards decided to vote
themselves a great largess at the expense of the taxpayers.

Yes...and they were caught by the criminal justice system, not a dictator.

Can't remember the name of the town...

Bell, California, I believe.

but I figure a few of them will go to jail/prison.

As well they should.