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Old May 11th 07, 08:32 AM posted to
KØHB KØHB is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 125
Default How Popular Is/Was Amateur Radio

On May 10, 6:20 pm, AF6AY wrote:

Why is the (supposed) laugh on voice expressed as "HI HI."

For the same reason that hams give "59" signal reports instead of
saying "you're loud and clear", for the same reason that they say
"73" instead of "best wishes", and for the same reason that they say
"QSL" instead of "I got that". These, and "hi hi", are carryovers of
CW "shorthand" and have survived as a natural sort of "insiders
lingo". As a newer ham you may find them unnatural or awkward to
use, and the good news is that everyone will still be happy to snag
your prefix in WPX, even if you don't say TKS ES GL OM HI HI..

73, de Hans, K0HB