Thread: Differences..!
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Old May 9th 08, 06:25 PM posted to
Cecil Moore[_2_] Cecil Moore[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,521
Default Differences..!

Bill Horne wrote:
When the Citizen's Band went from a well-intentioned "service" to an
uncontrollable nightmare in less than two years, the commission had to
take abuse from everyone else in and out of the government who were
still smarting from _their_ earlier revelations that they could predict
or control the actions neither of the ungrateful whelps who had picked
up placards and told a nation of their elders to shove the American
Dream, nor of the froggy little native boys who had picked up AK-47's
and said "No, Daddy Warbucks, you *won't* do that here".

I remember participating in the last 11m contest to
save the band for hams - don't remember the year.
Wonder what would happen if the FCC re-opened the 11m
band to amateur radio operators as a shared band under
conditions similar to 60m operation?
73, Cecil