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Old September 30th 11, 04:57 PM posted to,talk.politics.guns,,alt.conspiracy
John Smith[_7_] John Smith[_7_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2011
Posts: 987
Default Small gun, the serious protection you need ...

On 9/29/2011 5:41 PM, RHF wrote:
On Sep 29, 2:05 pm, Gray wrote:
Thomas wrote in news:9ejucrFg8tU1

Am 29.09.2011 18:16, schrieb SaPeIsMa:

"Thomas wrote in message
Am 29.09.2011 08:24, schrieb Gray Guest:

The "professionals" only prevail if you fight them on their terms.

Has no one heard of Sun Tzu?

'The art of war' old Chinese philosophy of government.

Too bad you only know of the title and haven't' actually read it.

Actually I've not read it, but listened to it as audio-book - in English
btw, what is a second language for me.

But anyhow: there is a difference between a person and a country.

Really ?
Do tell..


The difference is cooperation and organisation. A single person cannot
know, what other people do, only guess. The uncertainty makes it much
harder for an individual to defend himself than a multitude of organised

This means, that individuals should find trustful friends.

In modern times people are too often separated and have not many trusted

To overcome this, I kind of 'invented' a concept, I call 'tribes':
imagine 'Indians', but young, modern, western people, equipped with
computers and other electronic means, that mimic Indians to some extend
(wear a feather or alike).

Would that include scalping and slow cooking an enemies haed over a low hot
fire while they are still alive.


Note, you sure spew a lot of words to demonstrate crass and abyssal
Are you a graduate student in the arts or alleged sciences ?

Actually I live in Germany and am an engineer. American society is
something I have not too much knowledge, but certain developments really
frighten me. There are these FEMA camps for example or military grade
weapons in private hands or in that of policemen. A lot of other things
I really don't like, but usually the people and have quite a few friends
from the US.


Okay, first of all the FEMA camps are the product of diseased imaginations.
2nd if it were true why wouldn't we want to arm ourselves to prevent us
being cast into concentration camps.

As to military grade hardware in the hands of civilians? Tough ****. We as
a people are grown up enough to decide our own fate, needs and wants. If I
want to own something it's my business so long as I do no harm to another.

Now the police having them, I don't much care for that. But your cops have
military grade weapons don't they. Ever hear of GSG-9.

What is military grade anyway?

Words of wisdom

What does not kill you... probably didn't cause enough tissue damage.

The Minutemen and the Redcoats where equally
Armed {Balance-of-Power} -so- Why Should That
Change Today : The Power of the People Should
Equal or Exceed the Power of the Government.
Just Say "No" To Obama-U-Nism© ! ~ RHF

Yes, the people are the real government here in America ... no one wants
their government to be unarmed ... besides, I think the Constitution is
very clear on those rights, to bear arms.

The framers would have known it would take equal arms to put down an
offending group of criminal public servants, if they ever attempted, or
did, usurp the peoples powers.
