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Old December 18th 11, 05:07 AM posted to,,talk.politics.guns,alt.conspiracy
Royal Marines Royal Marines is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2011
Posts: 2
Default Our first enemy has become our own government, a sad day forAmericans ...

John Smith wrote:

Reclaim our Constitution, death to criminally-treasonous public servants
and tyrants ... power BACK to the people, DUH!


Of course it will become a fine and proper government when a
Republican is in the White House. Blind faith.

How odd that the private militias were so defensive about our civil
rights when Clinton was President, but vanished when Bush was in
charge, not a peep out of them about the Patriot Act.

Then! Suddenly! Their on the rise again, not because of freedom, but
because there isn't a Republican in the White House.

Of course we all know that the Michigan Militia went corporate and
transitioned into a well compensated corporate entity hired by the
Bush regime called Blackwater. Now called Academi– previously known
as Xe Services LLC, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide.

How fashionable. How freedom loving and bipartisan!