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Old December 18th 11, 08:34 AM posted to,,talk.politics.guns,alt.conspiracy
John Smith[_9_] John Smith[_9_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2011
Posts: 87
Default Our first enemy has become our own government, a sad day forAmericans ...

On 12/17/2011 9:09 PM, Royal Marines wrote:
Howard wrote:
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 09:03:26 -0800, John

First, before anything, we need to get rid of the crooks, simply naming,
then renaming, then defining, etc., etc., their crimes and treason is
how we got here and what is keeping us here, it is time to get them into
prison cells or onto the gallows and honest men in the offices -- only
then will we begin to move forward.

Trouble is, it's the people who go against the Constitution, and who
exempt themselves from the laws everybody else has to follow who
define "treason".

Nobody on the right objected to The Patriot Act because it was Bush!

If it had been the idea of a Democrat, civil war would have broken

bush and anyone, and everyone, supporting it, passing it, or enforcing
it should be given long prison terms ... if obama hangs, let's not see
him hang alone, bush should accompany him ... and for the same
reason(s), high crimes of treason against American citizens -- and war
crimes, of course.
