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Old November 7th 12, 11:52 PM posted to
Paul W. Schleck[_3_] Paul W. Schleck[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2010
Posts: 63
Default Hurricane Sandy and ARES

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In Channel Jumper writes:


And with the general mindset - most Amateur Radio Operators - at least a
majority of them only has a Technician Class License, hence they cannot
participate in ARES activities.


A General-class or higher license is not required for ARES, either

"Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other
local or national organization is eligible to apply for membership in


or any local ARES organization I've ever joined. Most local ARES
organizations make extensive use of Technician-class licensees and
repeaters. Local repeaters seem to be a bit more survivable than your
experiences suggest. Even if repeaters are somehow not available,
point-to-point communications with directional antennas and/or
higher-power radios can be used successfully in an emergency.

If you don't have equipment beyond basics like an HT or mobile VHF/UHF
rig, opportunities to staff positions at hospitals or Emergency
Operations Centers (EOC's) are also available. Owning equipment capable
of operating under emergency power is desired, but not required, to
participate in ARES.

Local ARES groups I have joined welcome all sincerely interested
amateurs, and if you show up consistently to meetings, classes, and
exercises, you will get meaningful training. And day-to-day
participation isn't just practice. Weather spotting, siren testing, and
support for public events occurs many times a year with most local ARES
groups. As the quote attributed to Woody Allen says, "80 percent of
success is just showing up." So, if you want to help make ARES succeed,
please consider showing up.

(73, Paul, K3FU)

- --
Paul W. Schleck
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