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Old October 5th 13, 09:42 PM posted to
Irv Finkleman Irv Finkleman is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 220
Default Homebrew Coil Form Factor

Thanks Ealph,

I'd consider a screwdriver but it's not in my blood to buy
something unless (1) I really need it fast, or (2) I can get
a used or broken one cheap and fix it up. Most of the
gear I have I got under those conditions and they have
served me well.

I nust admit that I have looked at them and they are
getting pretty good reviews. If my lottery comes
through I'll reconsider! :-)

"Ralph Mowery" wrote in message
While it migh be out of your price range, look into the screwdrver
antennas. Usually for mobile,but I don't see why you could not get it to
work for you .

You do not need a tuner with it as it does its own tuning by a motor. I
have worked lots of mobiles that had them and they seem to put out a good

"Irv Finkleman" wrote in message
Hi Jeff, and thanks for your reply.

To begin with I run QRP (5W on a Yaesu ft-817ND).
I have limited workshop space (my desk in a senior's villa), but
lots of my old tools.

I ran into problems in the last senior's residence I lived in and have
now moved into a new one. All my previous preparations to set up an
antenna have been foiled -- one old busybody saw us stringing a line
out of my window to a nearby tree. Before anything could be done she
had a whole bunch crying to the General Manager that we were (a) killing
trees (b) setting up satellite antennas on the roof (c) going to
interfere with
radios, TVs, heating pads and such. So much attention was drawn to
a simple twenty foot piece of small nearly invisible wire that I decided
would be easier to move than fight a battle that I had little chance of

The unit I am in now has a balcony, and I have moved in with the
understanding that I will not have any wires hanging off the balcony
to nearby trees etc., and that anything I do set up will remain within
the confines of the small balcony (roughly 6ft x 10ft. They do not
mind if I have a collapsible whip or somnething similar which could
be taken in (or out ofsight) when I'm not operating -- they don't
want it left sticking out.