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Old January 20th 15, 11:38 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
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Default Antenna recommendation needed

On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 4:16:04 PM UTC-6,
Yes, because you are dealing with apples and oranges in the real
world, and until he comes back and describes what mode of operation
he prefers most of the time, I include both options.

What he prefers is irrelevant to a general discussion about how antennas

This is not a general discussion about how antennas work.
Myself, I already know how antennas work.
These are replies to him asking for recommendations for antennas
to fit the room and lot he has. And what type of operation he
prefers to do is a large part of knowing the best antennas to
recommend, and is totally relevant.

He may well prefer DX, but on the other hand, he may well prefer
general rag chew type work closer in.
We haven't heard from him about that part yet, so I don't have a
clue on that part.

He specifically mentioned 40 and 20 meters and said he had a height

I compared low mounted horizontal antennas, which within the limitations
he mentioned would be low mounted, with vertical antennas.

That alone should be enough information for any half way intelligent
person to make some conclusions.

That is, given his stated limitations, for the lower bands, if NVIS
communications is the desire, a low mounted horizontal is called for.
If DX is the desire, a vertical is called for.

Just what specifically are you objecting to?

And I did NOT limit the discussion to verticals, I compared low mounted
horizontal antennas to vertical antennas.

I already know how low mounted horizontal antennas compare to verticals,
both by modeling, and many real world comparisons.
But this discussion is not about me, or what I may or may not know.

Quite true; what was offered was general information for the original

I credit the original poster with having enough intelligence that given
some factual information with numbers he can make his own decision
about what is best for him.

Jim Pennino