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Old August 9th 15, 05:36 PM posted to
John S John S is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2011
Posts: 550
Default Antennas - balanced or not?

On 8/5/2015 8:47 AM, John S wrote:
On 8/4/2015 11:31 AM, rickman wrote:
On 8/4/2015 11:39 AM, John S wrote:
The balun thread has become long (138 posts). I propose that we not
discuss baluns, but concentrate on antenna balance and coax attachment.

Starting from the simplest of all situations, assume a dipole with an RF
generator in the middle.

Connect an additional wire to one side of the source so that you have
one wire on one side and two wires on the other side. Is it still

Well, the starting point is this:


Where the 0 is the generator.

So, if any current flows, it will be the same magnitude in each wire
like this:

I - I -

Then we attach a wire like so:


Now, if we have a current in the left-hand side, it MUST be balanced by
the SUM of the currents in the right hand side. Like this:

I(t)- I(1)-
| I(2)
| |
| V

So, I(t) = I(1) + I(2)

The point here is that there will be a current (I(2)) in a coax shield
attached to the antenna whether there is a ground connection or not.
There will be a current (I(2)) in a coax shield attached to the antenna
whether the antenna is matched or not. I do not see any other alternatives.