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Old December 17th 16, 04:41 PM posted to
Joe from Kokomo[_2_] Joe from Kokomo[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2009
Posts: 952
Default Rooskies

Joe from Kokomo wrote:

On 12/16/2016 7:16 PM, wrote:

Let's be honest- poor education is NOT at fault here. On the
contrary, many highly educated and very intelligent folks voted for

Poor education is certainly *part* of the problem. I know some educated
people that voted for trump but I don't know why. Gullible? Believed
trump's unkeepable campaign promises? Just plain conned by a superb con
man? Many people just don't care what trump says. The only thing I agree
on with trump is when he said he could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and
people would *still* vote for him. Why?????

On 12/17/2016 2:50 AM, analogdial wrote:

I know people who voted for TRUMP. I certainly am not one of them.
None of those people are stupid, although I think they're foolish.
People are feeling the pressure of the economic malaise of the last 40
years. Sure, the stock market has boomed and income for the 1%ers has
gone up exponentially. Yet inflation adjusted income for the 90%ers is
flat. Somebody says "Make America great again" and they hear that.

Yes, people do hear -- and believe -- that. However, that cheap
sloganeering implies that America isn't great already.

This also says nothing about the fact that trump has no solution to the
problem of "economic malaise".

trump -- and his pick for the Department of Labor are both *against*
raising the minimum wage. Tell me how that plan will help our "economic

Bring back jobs from China? Sure, if Americans want to work for 50 cents
an hour...or pay more at the store due to higher American labor
costs...or pay more at the store because of the trade war trump would start.

Build a wall? Well, that would come out of our tax dollars, thus costing
the citizens more. Of course, if we kept the Mexicans out, I'm sure that
would create a lot more high-paying lettuce picking jobs for Americans.

trump tells Apple to build their I-phones here? Sure, if we want to work
here for 50 cents an hour or pay even more for those phones.

Sorry, but blowhard trump hasn't come up with any realistic or viable
plan to "Make America great again". Now, if you had said "Make America
Hate Again", I would agree with you.

I don't personally know ANYBODY who voted for Hillary.

Maybe not you personally, but almost *3 million* more voted for Hillary.

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