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Old September 19th 03, 03:58 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article, "Dwight
Stewart" writes:

Absolutely correct Larry. Bottom line is its too tough to
actually try to learn something for these whiners. It really
is pathetic.

No, it's pathetic that some judge themselves, and others, based on
something as outdated as Morse Code/CW. This was designed for communications
in the early 1900's. By the late 1900's, it's usefullness as a
communications mode had almost entirely disappeared. Today, it has no
substantial use other than recreation. As such, it has no value as a license
exam requirement. To claim otherwise simply because you've built a
self-identity around that mode is truely pathetic.


Sorry, but that is a judgment that you are not qualified to make. I'm not
even going to bother to mention how wrong this judgment is, because it
comes from someone who is incapable of rendering a credible judgment
of the Morse/CW mode because of his lack of experience therein.

In the end, look at yourselves before you start talking about what is
pathetic. The two of you (Dan and Larry) sound like a couple of tired old
CB'ers still arguing that D-104 microphones and tube-type linears were
better as you sit around humming the tune to the movie "Convoy." You're too
old to raise hell in real life anymore,

Sez who, Dwight? Again, you're speaking out of turn, and making judgments
you are not qualified to make.

so you instead sit around trying to
raise hell in this newsgroup, patting each other on the backs for the
imagined value of your skill while the rest of the world continues to pass
you by.

Incorrect. Dan and I are just speaking the truth based on practical
experience…something you don't have when it comes to Morse/CW.

Most Code/CW users understand the changing times and simply enjoy Code/CW
for what it is - one more enjoyable operating mode in the rich diversity of
Amateur Radio. Too bad you two can't come to grips with that.

Dwight, I'll match my involvement in the "rich diversity of Amateur Radio"
against anyone's in this newsgroup -- or just about anywhere else in the
ARS! And don't get me wrong -- I'm not claiming to be anything like Joe
Super Ham -- but I'm eminently qualified to judge the value and currency
of the Morse/CW mode based on my experience. You are not. Therefore,
whenever you speak on the subject, you are wasting your time.

73 de Larry, K3LT