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Old Ed October 16th 04 09:33 PM


sideband October 16th 04 10:42 PM

Well, if you've figured out my call, then you can figure out how to
find my real email address...

Like I'd put it on usenet so I can get more SPAM...


Fractenna wrote:

Just as I would be interested in the sources of your data on the
Fractal antenna vs. the dipole in the aforementioned situation. That
is to say, the name(s) of the test range(s) you employed, and a POC at
each range.

Hi Chris,

Well, i answered your question, and since I have no reason to share it (when no
one else is interested), I e-mailed it to you. Here's what I got back:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to


550 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local
recipient table
550 ... User unknown


I conclude that you have no interest in the answer and just want to waste
others' time.

Sorry; not playing.

Chip N1IR

'Doc October 16th 04 10:44 PM

I wonder if 'they' will hold up the 'taking of office' until
after all the 'provisional' ballots are counted? What if the
count should change to favor the 'looser'? Wonder why I am still
amazed to hear how the government has "solved" a problem?

PS - It was a joke, right??

scott October 16th 04 11:33 PM

Good point ed !

Here in NC the bpl was wifi with a sealth antenna inside a streelight
so the hoa and others would not see it.

I agree, with all the poles they own along with the hi tension right of ways,
would cost them less to bury the fiber on the way then go wifi.


Ed wrote:

"Fractenna" wrote in message
Dear OM,

I am sorry that you take personal offense; I will be happy to state why
was posted:

1) it has been an ongoing topic on this NG for a long time, and now we
final resolution;
2) I did not expect nor require anyone to respond, ergo the 'troll factor'
not an issue;
3) The FCC has taken careful and measured steps to assure that US amateurs
remain with the enjoyment of the HF bands, given the sharing of spectrum
4)It is the very best scenario for all involved. That is definitely worth
gloating over.

Wishing you the best,

Chip N1IR

The "very best solution" would be to allow the utilities to use their
extensive system of power poles to string a fiberoptic cable to residences
(either direct, or maybe the last half-mile as an RF node). If the power
companies had spent their lobbying and legal money on installing this base,
a lot of people would now have high-speed net connections.

BPL is simply a poor technical solution, and is an interim communications
step that should be bypassed. You may gloat over your prediction accuracy,
but certainly not over the existence of any form of BPL.


scott October 16th 04 11:40 PM

Sorry but I don't think so !

No, I don't have an impressive resume or advance degree in RF or anything.

BPL can't turn a profit without a large customer base. So, this bs about
the rural folk getting their internet cheap don't fly because of all the
hardware they need to string out in the country and that cost money.

Do you think the telco and cable co will loose customers to bpl, I don't.

DSL has dropped in price several times since the BPL dog and pony show
has started. Cable roadrunner has reduced the price and increased speed.

Now cell phone companies have the capacity to offer it via the new phones
and with a network card in your laptop or desktop.

If people need internet in rural area, let them dial in like I do.
Sure the kids need internet to stay on top of stuff but don't need
to download Gb size files with music and movie crap.


Fractenna wrote:

BPL is simply a poor technical solution, and is an interim communications
step that should be bypassed.

Why wait? People have things to say and see right now.

Ultimately, all telecom systems transition. BPL has the good fortune of having
an infrastructure and a need right now; tomorrow; and for some time to come.

Seize the day! Solve a pressing problem. BPL looks very promising.

Chip N1IR

Jer October 16th 04 11:45 PM

Go to tools, message rules, Blocked Senders List, News Rules, and check
the approapriate sections. works fine...

de Jer...

"Old Ed" wrote in message
But for someone who comes on an amateur radio forum to gloat over
the probable destruction of the HF radio spectrum, I'll make an exception.

Will someone please tell me how to "killfile" this F***ING STUPID
TROLL? I haven't quite figured out how to do it in OE6. (That will
also save me from feeding this Troll, which I'm afraid I just did.)


"Fractenna" wrote in message
For those who don't know it yet, the FCC approved modifications to Part
regarding BPL.

This is an extraordinary example of the FCC being both responsive to the
--need-for new technologies and innovative spectrum use, while invoking

guidelines and requirements to assure dual use between licensed and


I agree with Mr. Powell's assessment that it was a "banner day". The FCC

did a
spectacular job!

But, if you've followed my comments, you knew that this was my prediction

some time...

Chip N1IR

Dee D. Flint October 16th 04 11:48 PM

"Theplanters95" wrote in message
I have an unanswered question about BPL. Where I live has a very old

line system, full of splices and corrosion. How will splices affect the

1) the
internet signal and 2) RFI?

Randy ka4nma

The internet signal will be crappy and subject to interruption by static
from all kinds of sources. RFI generation will be severe. I do not know
whether the splices and corrosion will make it worse but it certainly won't
help matters.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

NN7Kex October 17th 04 12:18 AM

Dee D. Flint wrote:
"Theplanters95" wrote in message

I have an unanswered question about BPL. Where I live has a very old


line system, full of splices and corrosion. How will splices affect the

1) the

internet signal and 2) RFI?

Randy ka4nma

The internet signal will be crappy and subject to interruption by static
from all kinds of sources. RFI generation will be severe. I do not know
whether the splices and corrosion will make it worse but it certainly won't
help matters.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

If open wire (telephone line) is a precident- ANY HI RESISTANCE, or ground, or
arcing in the instance of power will cause an unbalance of the circuit. This causes
a very high noise level on that circuit pair,
and would also cause it to RADIATE interference! And,
consider, that power companies have substancial arcing (caused by dirt, and loose
hardware), and ESCAPE (the induction from an A.C. line to other objects, if the
voltage is high enough and the magnetic field is strong enough), like fence lines
and telephone co. messenger (the steel cable that supports their telco cables),
paralleling it, and arcing to ground - there are several undesired effects even
WITHOUT BPL to cause QRN ! And btw, it is NOT necessary for a very good ground
to cause problems- just tree limbs are enough to cause a problem in this area.
ONLY GOOD part of the situation is the more current that flows thru the wire
(and hence the sleeves), the internal arcing in those bad sleeves tends to "SEAL"
or heal themselves for a duration- but if the current lowers to a substantial
amount, the problem will be BAAAAAACCCK !!! As info, Jim NN7K

To reply, remove the NOSPAM

Brian Kelly October 17th 04 01:26 AM

(Fractenna) wrote in message ...
Love as usual,

Brian w3rv

Hi Brian,

I imagine that when 10M comes back, I will be fascinated to do so. I still have
the JRC and use it for MF antenna testing on occassion.

I do hope that, when this occurs, we in the ham 'fraternity' (a horrible
sexist misnomer IMO)

Only to an eternal college boy.

will have finally switched to voice-digital modes on HF
and away from SSB . Such digital modes are far less sensitive to supposed
'interference'. About time we were 'with it' and don't let the totality of the
wireless/telecom revolution pass us by..

Tsk, tsk. Terrible troll, not even close to your usual product. Are
you getting old or are you just having a bad day?

Chip N1IR

Brian w3rv

Mark Keith October 17th 04 04:31 AM

sideband wrote in message
I'll be the first to admit I have things to learn, and I'm no expert
in any one area. I do know what I've experienced with BPL, and it's
not been pleasant. Just ask the folks around the Orlando, Florida
area... Their BPL tests can be heard all the way across the state in
Titusville, and so greatly that it interferes with communications.

Money talks, and common sense and real world reports take a walk. In
most cases anyway. Some companies have already tried and discarded
BPL. Problems o-plenty. Maybe others will see the light. The dark side
has won a major battle, and Darth Chipster gloateth o-plenty, but the
day is not lost yet. My R2 unit, "henry 2k console model", is jumping
around beeping and squeaking just itching to join the battle. If they
attack locally, I will give them sporadic shots of my BPL death beam
via my various elevated radiating devices. I'll have them locking up
like a J38 model speedsters hitting a canyon wall. The F.C.C brass
should be flogged with leather whips for the obvious disregard of the
currents users of the HF spectrum. It's all about money...Nothing
else. All the reports of problems with the systems were ignored.
"Except by some owners, who dropped out of the BPL testing"
Also, many claims are pretty hokey...IE: they claim that they can null
out problem frequencies, IE:, aircraft, etc, etc. But I hear of
problems doing this. I hear it's not really that feasable if they want
to maintain proper operation, and I also hear it doesn't really cure
the problem, as the "nulling device" is not far from the user.
Take just aircraft alone...We are talking nulling say 2-3 mhz, 6 mhz,
8 mhz, 10 mhz, 11 mhz, 13 mhz, 17 mhz, 21 mhz, 27 mhz, just for a
few...I may have missed some military bands, etc...
I have heard of no notching plans for amateur bands, so I guess we
have to go to rf noise hell...:(
I bet the system will work great with all those notched

They still will be radiating those freq's on the main lines I would
think. It's the biggest money grubbing farce I've ever heard of. Heck,
with my radios and antennas, they could probably be blocks or even
miles away, and I could still hear it. The Florida experience backs me
up on this. I'm not just barking at the moon. Bye bye weak DX....Bye
bye weak aircraft signals. Bye bye any rf weaklings...QRp will be
extra fun being half the country will probably soon have their ears
plugged with digital spew.
But, I bet they will hear me too, if the leakage is that bad...:) It
will be a bad day for the empire if my R2 unit joins the fray. I'll
keep those BPL techs a hopping all over the neighborhood. Remember,
most of the speculation is about damage to the hams, etc... But don't
ignore the damage all the 1000's of hams and other rf emitting device
owners will likely cause them. CB's will have to deal with them also,
and you know how nasty signaled some cb'ers can get. I hear some 4-5
mhz wide as it is... I don't think they have really fully taken this
into account yet. MK

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