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an old friend November 8th 05 06:45 PM

More Markie Mularkie

K4YZ wrote:
stole from old friend wrote:

more violationof of property right

K4YZ wrote:
raped an old friend wrote:

violation of Proety right by K4YZ

What's a "Proety right"...?!?!

There's no such thing.

K4YZ wrote:
raped_by_an_old_friend wrote:
You didn't correct Brian and tell him that Steve did not prescribe
medicine, did you?

no I did not

nor do I feel there is anything to correct

so why should try

But that's NOT what you said in OTHER posts, Markie!

I never said I felt there was anything to corect in any other post


But that's not what you suggested in the previous post.

what post and what are you talking about?

Every recent post in which you suggest that I "prescribed"

And you substantiated that in the very post that you've now thrice

There's not a single word in anything I've said that violates
either the Nurse Practice Act OR the Medical Practice Act of the
State of Tennessee...or any OTHER state, for THAT matter!

it does violate the regs posted for LPN by the BoN of TN


sure seems to

What "seems" to you is nothing more than your inappropriate
interpretation of something you HOPE you can use against me.

The truth is something different.

Keep dreaming, Markie.

not dreaming

Actually, DAYdreaming is more appropriate.

nothing concerning is dream, a nightmare prehaps never a dream

Again, you leave words out, disorganize others, and the meaning is

How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?

no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs

Yes, a very OBVIOUS "imprecision" occured!


that I choose not to dispute that others may form different opinion
than mine?

No, from your imprecison with the written word.

what imprecision are you refering to?

Your assinine attempt to suggest my "take an Ativan" comment was
an attempot to prescribe a medicine.

As for what may be a "different opinion" or what is just jibberish,
who's to tell?

me for one

How can you tell?

Your English comprehension skills, in a word, suck. Your grammar
is worse.


Then you're even more confused than you first appeared to be....



No "prehaps" to it...You're confused.

another stevie lie

How can THAT be? YOU have suggested that you ARE confused! You
even requoted it right here!

obviously I don't think so but you may be right

There's no "may be" to it.

yet another lie

Again, how can it be? YOU suggested that I am right, and even
quoted it in your OWN post! Both of these examples simply substantiate
my opinion that you ARE confused!

Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

my lies conering my rank I can easily explain, and were obviously legal
enough that dispite the fact Stevie claims to have reported the matter
to the DoD no action was taken

Lying about being a Field Grade commissioned officer is NOT legal
under ANY circumstances, save perhaps for obvious theatrical

as was the case those years ago

as I said it was clearly legal enough since the DoD did nothing in
response to your complaints

That the DoD has better things to do than intervene in a USENET
exchange is one thing.

meaning they found legal enough not to bother with, exactly as I said

Not as you said.

People "break laws" every day without being cited or prosecuted
for them...But that does NOT legitimize their infractions.

yep you would certainly know about that Stevie


cuting steve being nonresponive

What's "nonresponive"...?!?!?

yes I can since they can no longer file charges, and never choose to
file them espite your infroming them

"chose" "despite" "informing"

That they dismiss you as the nutcase you are does not lefitimize
breaking the law. It just means you're probably THAT insignificant...

Stevie it means as a matter of law I am inocent of the offense

You are only innocent of an offense when so adjudicated by the

I am inocent of any crime any crime til proved guilty

get over it

Get over what? That you're a liar and deceiver?

respect the rule of law

The law has not "ruled" here.

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

And they ALSO get people "confessing" to be JFK's assassin, to
have been abducted by aliens and hundreds of other crank and obviously
mentally inadequate states of mind ever year.


So it puts you into that pile.

still makes me an innocent man

No, it means you've not had your day in court.

an innocent man that you hound despite the legal facts of the case

There are no "legal facts" until the evidence has been submitted
to a court and deemed valid. So far that's not happened.

No doubt you made the list.

That you would "call and confess" only made you look more idiotic!

but it legaly would start the clock on the staute of limitations

"legally" "statute"

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iight.


Uh huh.


for what?

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I guess your ignorance really DOES know no bounds!

and you refuse to enlighten me

I've been trying...Lord knows I've been trying, as have dozens of

You're beyond being "enlightened"...Sooooooooooooooooooo far

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

Hot flash, Hot Rod...No prosecutable act of discrimination has

agreed nor do I expect one to occour therefore I expect the State of TN
to ignore my sexuality as I said to Dave

So now we have TWO statements in ONE 12 hour period wherein you
acknowledge that no censurable act has occured.

nope we have no such stament at all

we have Stevie lying again about what I have said

Nope. I have YOUR words. Again, YOU requoted them in this most
immediate post!

You can't even follow your own words in the attributes!

Thanks. I'll file this one too.

if the State treats me with less credibility becuase of My sexuality
then a violation would occour but I don't expect that to happen

We can wrap you in Saran Wrap, ....

no you can not

that would be assualt


hide every religious icon, tatoo or
other mark or symbol you may wear or bear, and it won't make a

except those acts would be violating my civil rights gues you have not
heard of the 1st amendment

Oh, I've heard of it!

And Markie, in the above exchanges, the First Ammendment has

If you're going to invoke the Bill of Rights, Markie, invoke the



You've already admitted on occassions too numerous to catalog that
you lie, do so liberally, and consider it to be a "right" and a morally
just act.

you keep omiting the full quote "in some cases"

Oh Mr Markie! Don't YOU give ME any guff about "full quotes" ! !

We have a billion of your "cut" and "cuting" comments throughout

That's all I need, Markie.

how does my lying allow you to claim Todds Father has Aids

Your LYING has ALSO included numerous occassions wherein you've
deceided to add your own "definitions". You failed to quote my
"definition" of "AIDS".

You've not been "denied" a seconds worth of "free speech" here, nor
have you been denied the vote, kept from health care (indeed I think
you are more in need than most) nor have you been impeded from one
inch's worth of unfettered travel or free movement.

never claimed any such thing

Sure you have!


Oh yes you have, Markie! (More Markie Lies!) You've made
numerous rants wherein you've suggested that the exchanges herein
somehow "prevented" you from getting something you think you deserve.

Lately that "something" you THINK you deserve is "respect",
suggesting that everyone in this forum has yet to "earn" it from you!
THAT is the epitome of ARROGANCE!

Good luck proving "discrimination".

why I wasn't planing on trying to prove discrimnation (by the State of
TN) nor claiming any had occoured or was likely to occour

Three admissions of no violations or censurable acts.

three lies


your censurable acts concern your LYING not any act of the state of TN

You've not "proved" a single one!

if he lies about pumbing you can be sure I will

It get's deeper and deeper.

The liar threatening action against others for "lying":....

why not? you do


yes you do

OK Markie...if you say so! (snickersnickergigglegiggle.....)


I know dave is one of them from his words as are you

No, we're not.

yes you are both of you

More random words in search of order, Markie.


Lot's of "cut" Markie.

Guess you're getting tired of stuff to get your nose rubbed in,

none presented for your either

You're the one spouting what real doctors would say. None have popped
up here to challenge my diagnosis, Colonel.

becuase you can't make one

But you claim I have, Markie!

yes I do

but I was addresing Dave

Dave can't make one

He sure did!

he isn't an LPN last time I heard therefore the standards of nursing
don't aplly to him they do apply to you

Sure they do! They "aplly" to you to!

Since you seem to be having so much fun with the Tennessee Nurse
Practice Act, I'll give you some time to find out why! It's in there!
Good luck!~

get your attributions correct

I did. YOU are confused again.

you are confusing when you lie so much and so baddly yes


You are confused becasue YOUR lies are so interwoven and complex,
leaving your unable to keep all the stories straight.

That ONE simple fact is why you keep getting tripped up on your
own posts!

The OTHER simple fact is that your misuse and abuse of the English
language leaves you hanging out to dry!

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

But YOU have refered to YOURSELF as a Colonel, Colonel.

you lying about that to?




You HAVE refered to yourself as a "Colonel" As you and Brain
say..."Google provides"...

but you are lying in reffering to me as one


YOU were lying in refering to yourself as one.

as to the other "charge" I am inncocent of it as a matter of law

What's "inncocent"...?!?!

As for being "guilty" of claiming that you were a Colonel, that was
proven a long time ago.

YOu continue to foul this newsgroup with your paranoid and juvenile posts.

you foul it with your bigoted lying postings

If you'll look to some of the material which appears above, you'll find
at least two lies spouted by you.

not a one Dave



S E V E R A L........................

not a one

S E V E R A L.........................

As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

THAT would be a first.

nope I deal with it all the time

Obviously not.

obvioulsy how?

Obviously you have a problem "dealing" with reality. Everyone is
a "bigot" to you.

The only thing that IS "obvious" is that you misuse the word

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Geeze, Markie! You can't even quote a word in the very next

but you evade the question while claerly understanding it

Markie, there was no QUESTION posed there!

another lie

"what sexual perverity?"

is a question

That's NOT what I said, Markie!

I said you couldn't even quote words correctly in the following

As for the "QUESTION", that was the one you posed to DAVE. I was
commenting on your abusive use of the King's English.

A "question" is an interrogative, grammatically stated with the use
of a question mark at the end of it.

a lie is the willing willing stament of falsehood and you have lied in
stateing, "Markie, there was no QUESTION posed there!"


cuting stevie libel

There's no "libel".

Just you making a fool of yourself.

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

not sure if you need an Optical felow or MD or an MSSW

He needs none of the above.

I think he does

Based upon what professional credential of your own?

no need for one

Sure there is!

Otherwise YOU are "practicing medicine" without a license.

That's what YOU have been accusing ME of all week!

I think you need much the same help too

Same question.

same answer

Then you've made a NON-answer, Markie.


You've shrouded yourself
in victimhood and you want a free ride in life.

another lie on your part

Nope....Tons of posts attesting to same under any one of dozen or
more screen names you've used in the last eight years.

nope more Stevie lies


You're only deluding yourself if you think so.

you are the deluded one

Nope. We have your posts to substantiate my conclusions.

As you and Brain say, "Google provides".


"" Select "Groups", then ""

You blame all of your
numerous problems on others.

another lie Dave





As you and Brain like to say..."Google provides".




"" Select "Groups", then

Now, see if you can have me fired.

where do you work?

if it is your wosh that I try and get you fired, I am willing to help
you out, but you need to provide the name of your boss a means of
contacting him and I promise to look into it

A "promise" from you is like using a roll of toilet paper to dry up
Lake Erie.

not at all

Absolutely "at all".


I have every intention of trying to get dave fired if he comfrimed that
it is his wish I do so

Uh huh.

if Dave wishes me to get him fired all he needs to do is amke it clear
that is what he wants give the means to contact his boss and I will get
to work on it

More empty threats.

another lie from Stevie

No threat at all

Dave has offered a contract if he accept the services he seem to be
requesting I will accept the deal and carry out the contract

nothing threating in offering to cary out his wishes for him (unless we
are talking about assiting him in suicide or something like that
although I don't think that should be crime, the legal system does
disagree at this time)

but we both know (i know at least I hope you do but you know I can't be
sure you do know) that Dave is talking ####

Markie, That was priceless.

the same offer extend to you, if you WANT me to get you fired tell me
where you work the name of chian of supervisours and I will get to work
on it

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I take it you decline my offer, might senible of you I must say


Markie, creeps like you call the hospitals EVERY DAY and try to
"get Nurse So-and-So fired" for some perceived sleight.

Your "attempts" from the UP would be dismissed just as rapidly as
the local ones are.

I can be quite generous with such things when i please

The only thing you are "generous" with, Markie, is deceit and

more stevie lies


"Google provides"

Steve, K4YZ

Dave Heil November 9th 05 05:17 AM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

in the stuff als I cliped away scroll up in google
I never claimed he was precirbing I claimed he parcticing medicine
split hair all you like

Brian made the statement and you commented on it.

Brian Burke:

"But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion. When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

You didn't correct Brian and tell him that Steve did not prescribe
medicine, did you?

no I did not

nor do I feel there is anything to correct

There was, but you didn't notice.

so why should try the interest of accuracy.

I sated that I never used accused him of presribing, I happen to think
a more proper choice is to say that he acted unethicalin medial matter
which as happens is the words of the regs that Govern Stevie's LPN

That's nice.

How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?

no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs

Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

...which is cause to have his license revoked or for him to
suffer some kind of censure, according to state of TN BoN website
Go for it, Colonel. You have a number of issues which might lessen your

they might but not likely if I tell em about em up front

They might not?

indeed they might not

Do you really believe that?


I think you may be in for an awfully big surprise.

Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

C'mon, Mark! You've lied about any number of things here. You've lied
about your military service and I don't mean just a single lie. You've
lied to cover lies. It isn't like the stuff isn't archived. There are
records of your lies and records of your lies uncovered.

my lies conering my rank I can easily explain, and were obviously legal
enough that dispite the fact Stevie claims to have reported the matter
to the DoD no action was taken

You've lied about rank. You've lied about circumstances regarding your
release. You've lied about your work. You've lied about your IQ.
You've lied about your income. You've lied about your trained pool of
typists. You're a fabricator.

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that

How does one legally assume?

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

Fine, Colonel. You can dress in full uniform and have a little game of
beat me/spank me/pee on me.

you seem to forget the care used by Phil(e) Kane I believe his name is
in his posts being that he is an attonrney
Are you trying to get Phil's license yanked?
nope nor making any allusion to such
I was pointing out the Licensed folks like Phil and Stevie have to be
more carefull than the rest of us

I have a friend who is a licensed plumber. I'll be sure to tell him to
watch his P's and Q's when posting here, lest you attempt to have his
license revoked.

if he lies about pumbing you can be sure I will

One cannot be sure of anything with the likes of you.

Why not go after me for
practicing medicine without a license?

if you kgo ahaed and make about 8000 post like Stevie I'll look into it
Sure you will, Mark. Go blow hot air toward someone likely to be impressed.

firsdt make about 800 more post then we will see

I'll post as I choose. You keep track of them and let me know when I've
exceeded the limit. Alternatively, you can reduce the number to five
and proceed next week. I'm telling you now that I don't care what
silliness you pull.

np I'll let you know

np? I don't need you to let me know about anything. Make calls; write
letters; stand on your roof with a bullhorn.

if that is your desire you had better begin typing
I'll type or not type as I choose, not as directed by you. You have no
leverage whatever on me.

i do if you want me to take a certain action

You don't get it, Colonel: Take any action your little perverted heart
desires. Write my mommy.

you momy is alive what is her address I'll be only to happy to tell her
what a hate filled bigot her son has turned into

Are you too lazy to do anything for yourself? Write letters to the
editor of your paper. Write letters to the editor of my paper. Take
out an ad on WTOV-TV. Start a petition. You're a perverse twit and
people will know it.

Write my draft board. Contact the Today
Show. Telephone Oprah. Your threats are empty.

but if you want to be reported for practicing medicine without a
license you need to start some serious typing

Take two peach pits and call me in the morning.

I still maintain, by the way,
that I've made a correct diagnosis.

but real doctors know you are wrong
There is no factual evidence to support your claim.

none presented for your either

You're the one spouting what real doctors would say. None have popped
up here to challenge my diagnosis, Colonel.

becuase you can't make one

Look at the lines I wrote above. I *did* make one.

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

Oh, weren't you a Colonel in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps anymore? Was
that a bald-faced lie? Was your IQ of 248, higher than that of any other
living person, also a lie? Was your salary of 200-some thousand dollars
a lie?

YOu continue to foul this newsgroup with your paranoid and juvenile posts.

you foul it with your bigoted lying postings

If you'll look to some of the material which appears above, you'll find
at least two lies spouted by you.

not a one Dave

Make that "at least three lies spouted by you".

As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

You haven't demonstrated that you are able to do so.

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

There's the story of your life, Mark. You're a pervert and everyone who
isn't a pervert needs help. You can't write and won't use a
spellchecker and it is the problem of everyone else. You can't learn
morse code and it is someone else's fault. You tell numerous lies and
begin to call numerous others "lier".

not sure if you need an Optical felow or MD or an MSSW

I believe that you aren't sure of much of anything.

You've shrouded yourself
in victimhood and you want a free ride in life.

another lie on your part

HF access in amateur radio? Others should have to try to decipher your

Mark is *special* and we have to make allowances for him.

You blame all of your
numerous problems on others.

another lie Dave

Mark Morgan on a number of issues: "Your problem"

Now, see if you can have me fired.

where do you work?

I'm not going to hand you anything, Mark. Go to work.

if it is your wosh that I try and get you fired, I am willing to help
you out, but you need to provide the name of your boss a means of
contacting him and I promise to look into it

Oh? Did Steve provide you the name of his boss and a means of
contacting him? Go to work, shirker.

Dave Heil November 9th 05 05:19 AM

Another Baseless BrainRant
an_old_friend wrote:

I will be writing My report

Hooooooooooooboy. You're a million grins, Mark.

Dave K8MN

Dave Heil November 9th 05 05:24 AM

Mark Morgan Acknowledges That He Has "No Factual Evidence"
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Unlike you, Mark, there's nothing in my past which is likely to come
back to bite me. You have documented issues.

I have nothing to come back and bite me. nothing at all.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Mark lives in an alternate reality.

Dave K8MN

[email protected] November 9th 05 02:46 PM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:17:15 GMT, Dave Heil

an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

in the stuff als I cliped away scroll up in google
I never claimed he was precirbing I claimed he parcticing medicine
split hair all you like
Brian made the statement and you commented on it.

Brian Burke:

"But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion. When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

You didn't correct Brian and tell him that Steve did not prescribe
medicine, did you?

no I did not

nor do I feel there is anything to correct

There was, but you didn't notice.

nothing to correct it was and remains a fact that Stevie appreas to be
abusing the preveldges of his LPN license, that exact dtails are
unimportant HERE

so why should try the interest of accuracy.

it is more acccurate than Stevie own post was, more accurate than most
of yours

I sated that I never used accused him of presribing, I happen to think
a more proper choice is to say that he acted unethicalin medial matter
which as happens is the words of the regs that Govern Stevie's LPN

That's nice.

How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?

no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs

Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

what case?

...which is cause to have his license revoked or for him to
suffer some kind of censure, according to state of TN BoN website
Go for it, Colonel. You have a number of issues which might lessen your

they might but not likely if I tell em about em up front
They might not?

indeed they might not

Do you really believe that?


I think you may be in for an awfully big surprise.

you think that would be newsflash right

Dave heil can think stop the presses

the LAW say the issues you claim are not important

I expect TN to obey its own laws

in the USA today that may be a bit foolish but i will take the chance

Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

C'mon, Mark! You've lied about any number of things here. You've lied
about your military service and I don't mean just a single lie. You've
lied to cover lies. It isn't like the stuff isn't archived. There are
records of your lies and records of your lies uncovered.

wrong Dave like Stevie you think disagreeing with you is lying

I have lied about my rank and that is all I have told some lies that
have lead Stevie off on wild goose chases about my identity that is it

andI have have said in the mix something these post is a lie as I was
making em, nor was under oath

how do these facts allow Stevie to claim someone has AIDS isn't lie
about medical matters?

how does that allow Stevie to LIE about the procedure of BoN so he can
try to frighten someon into not reporting him?

deal with reality Dave if you can

my lies conering my rank I can easily explain, and were obviously legal
enough that dispite the fact Stevie claims to have reported the matter
to the DoD no action was taken

You've lied about rank.


You've lied about circumstances regarding your

You've lied about your work.

no I haven't have never said anything detailed enough to lie about
You've lied about your IQ.

wrong again

You've lied about your income.

no i have not

I have never stated my income you dolt

therefore having never made such a statement I have never lie within
such a statement

You've lied about your trained pool of

You're a fabricator.

when it serves to make me safer yes long ago admited

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that

How does one legally assume?

by doing so

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

why report myself again? esp as No rime was comitted Stevei greatly
over simplifies anything when he tlaks about the law

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

Fine, Colonel. You can dress in full uniform and have a little game of
beat me/spank me/pee on me.

and None of the is legaly something the BoN may consider

you are a prude, but the LAW does not allow you to enforce that on
everyone else

grow up and get over it Dave

you seem to forget the care used by Phil(e) Kane I believe his name is
in his posts being that he is an attonrney
Are you trying to get Phil's license yanked?
nope nor making any allusion to such
I was pointing out the Licensed folks like Phil and Stevie have to be
more carefull than the rest of us
I have a friend who is a licensed plumber. I'll be sure to tell him to
watch his P's and Q's when posting here, lest you attempt to have his
license revoked.

if he lies about pumbing you can be sure I will

One cannot be sure of anything with the likes of you.

you and ESP Stevie should remember that

you don't know what I can or will do

Indeed just for illustration if i happened to paranoid threat to
myself and other Stevie has claimed to be "his professional opinion"
(and if anything gets him besides mouthing to an investagtor those
words wil be it) pushing proding trying to rerate someone like risk
his own life and you would be risking your iF I were what Stevie says
I am

you nor I can know very much about a person based on the degree on
contact you have with me

Why not go after me for
practicing medicine without a license?

if you kgo ahaed and make about 8000 post like Stevie I'll look into it
Sure you will, Mark. Go blow hot air toward someone likely to be impressed.

firsdt make about 800 more post then we will see
I'll post as I choose. You keep track of them and let me know when I've
exceeded the limit. Alternatively, you can reduce the number to five
and proceed next week. I'm telling you now that I don't care what
silliness you pull.

np I'll let you know

np? I don't need you to let me know about anything. Make calls; write
letters; stand on your roof with a bullhorn.

you asked me to let you know I promised to do as YOU asked Dave

if that is your desire you had better begin typing
I'll type or not type as I choose, not as directed by you. You have no
leverage whatever on me.

i do if you want me to take a certain action
You don't get it, Colonel: Take any action your little perverted heart
desires. Write my mommy.

you momy is alive what is her address I'll be only to happy to tell her
what a hate filled bigot her son has turned into

Are you too lazy to do anything for yourself?

Write letters to the
editor of your paper.

Write letters to the editor of my paper.

which paper is yours?

out an ad on WTOV-TV. Start a petition. You're a perverse twit and
people will know it.


you do have such a rich fantasy life Dave

Write my draft board. Contact the Today
Show. Telephone Oprah. Your threats are empty.

but if you want to be reported for practicing medicine without a
license you need to start some serious typing
Take two peach pits and call me in the morning.

I still maintain, by the way,
that I've made a correct diagnosis.

but real doctors know you are wrong
There is no factual evidence to support your claim.

none presented for your either
You're the one spouting what real doctors would say. None have popped
up here to challenge my diagnosis, Colonel.

becuase you can't make one

Look at the lines I wrote above. I *did* make one.

if you have Stevie has if Stevie has he will likely lose his licens or
be oteherwise punished

but you are fool if you I am going to take on everyone at once

Stvie has ****ed me off enough and he is far greater danger from a
medical practice issue than ANYONE in the NG only Phil Kane has to be
more careful and since he is an antonry not a paralegal (Stevie is the
nursing version of a paralegal) he has greater latittude in giving
professional LEGAL oppinions than Stevie has in Giving PROFESSIONAL
nursing opinions

grow face facts

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

Oh, weren't you a Colonel in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps anymore?

right said years ago

I wasn;t a colonel, only YOU and stevie have been trying to continue
that lie other the years

that a bald-faced lie? Was your IQ of 248, higher than that of any other
living person, also a lie?

nope it was the result of test done many years ago

Was your salary of 200-some thousand dollars
a lie?

never said my salery was 200K I said I turned a job that would paid
240K, and I did do that

that you choose to assume I did so becuase I was claiming to make that
or more is not my fault

You just lied Dave

YOu continue to foul this newsgroup with your paranoid and juvenile posts.

you foul it with your bigoted lying postings
If you'll look to some of the material which appears above, you'll find
at least two lies spouted by you.

not a one Dave

Make that "at least three lies spouted by you".


disgreeing with you or confsuing you becuase you can't think or
understand what is being said isn't lying

indeed if you are ever being truthfull yourself ain your claims you
don't understand my writting you can't realy claim you know anything I

As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

You haven't demonstrated that you are able to do so.


are you using some specail definiation of "deal" i should know about

I don't deal with it as you would like it seems But I need not please
your sensiblities

Indeed that is what you and Stevie are all about.

Yoou two carries these chips on your shoulders thinking everyone
around must confrom toyour expectations

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

again what sexual perverity

You by my starndard are the prevert

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

There's the story of your life, Mark.

nope perhaps yours from all apearances

You're a pervert and everyone who
isn't a pervert needs help. You can't write and won't use a

and your and stevie whine and whine about it

Killfle me that is your previeledge

....r and it is the problem of everyone else.

not everyones Dave only those that CHOOSE to try and read my stuff

you are showing signs of meglomania in claiming your veiwpoint is the
only viewpoint

You can't learn
morse code .....

true enough
.....and it is someone else's fault.

never claimed that is another lie from you Dave

I have never claimed that my lack of ability is ANYBODIES fault

It the fault of others that Codes testing contues to be requiredbut
that is another matter
You tell numerous lies

begin to call numerous others "lier".

I have caled 4 people liars (the Comode and the various slits are not
proven to be people on their own so they don't count) and I have
called on lies

you have lied today in saying I claimed a 200k income I have not you
asumed incorrectly that that came as the only reason I would turn down
a job making 240K. That you are (I infer from your action) a person
that would do anything for money ( or something like that) and you
assume everyone is like you (given the obvious differences betwen us
assuming I would do anything the same way as you is REALY stupid Dave)
is not my fault

you making incorrctly making assumetion beyond what I have said does
not make me liar but when you make make statement of fact based on
your incorect deduction it makes you the liar

not sure if you need an Optical felow or MD or an MSSW

I believe that you aren't sure of much of anything.

true enough

I am abosolutely sure of nothing.

after all I believe in the reality of Heisenburg's work, as well as ,
being a general skeptic

You've shrouded yourself
in victimhood and you want a free ride in life.

another lie on your part

HF access in amateur radio?

how does this question relate to your claim?

Hf access is needed for life?

how is taking part in the porcess of making the rules as provided for
by law asking for a free ride in life?

Others should have to try to decipher your

you DON"T have to try to deipher my writing. I have never said you do.
You choose to do so, if you don't like the rsults of your efforts make
another CHOICE nonone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you is
there? certainly not by my order, if you think someone is holding a
gun to head and making you read my stuf call 911, i am certain (a
rarity for me) that in this event and you call someone will help you.

Mark is *special* and we have to make allowances for him.

never said that anywhere

that is another lie in claiming I have

You blame all of your
numerous problems on others.

another lie Dave

Mark Morgan on a number of issues: "Your problem"


if you can reason correctly this not my problem I refer you to
detailed response above to your lie about my claim of a 200k income

I have not blamed you for any of MY rpoblems, I have points out you
have your own problem

Now, see if you can have me fired.

where do you work?

I'm not going to hand you anything, Mark. Go to work.

do you want me to get fired or not?

if it is your wosh that I try and get you fired, I am willing to help
you out, but you need to provide the name of your boss a means of
contacting him and I promise to look into it

Oh? Did Steve provide you the name of his boss and a means of
contacting him? Go to work, shirker.

we are talking about YOU

if you truely want me to get you fired then you are asking for my help
and to get it you must pay MY price

I don't want you or Stevie fired from your jobs for my own sake.

In Stevies case we may end up there and indeed the result may turn out
to be Stevie losing his job but that is not in fact my true aim, it
may be what happens but we shall see

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[email protected] November 9th 05 02:47 PM

Another Baseless BrainRant
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:19:44 GMT, Dave Heil

an_old_friend wrote:

I will be writing My report

Hooooooooooooboy. You're a million grins, Mark.

truely gald to be of service

Dave K8MN

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[email protected] November 9th 05 02:49 PM

Mark Morgan Acknowledges That He Has "No Factual Evidence"
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:24:38 GMT, Dave Heil

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Unlike you, Mark, there's nothing in my past which is likely to come
back to bite me. You have documented issues.

I have nothing to come back and bite me. nothing at all.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Mark lives in an alternate reality.

no i live in the real world

you live a fantasy govened by your views on life

Dave K8MN

Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server
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itchy sanshez November 9th 05 03:11 PM

markie will sueTennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN

wrote in message
nothing to correct it was and remains a fact that Stevie appreas to be

abusing the preveldges of his LPN license, that exact dtails are
unimportant HERE

Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

the LAW say the issues you claim are not important

I expect TN to obey its own laws

in the USA today that may be a bit foolish but i will take the chance

Markie is going to sue!!!! go get them little buddy!

an old friend November 9th 05 03:19 PM

Steven J Robeson, LPN

itchy sanshez wrote:
markie will sueTennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN

the the poster being responded to (is it Stevie or Dave I wonder) is
lying I have no current intentions to sue stevie+

about the only thing truthfull was the poster efort to crosspost to NG
continaing the word Kook in the tile and th kook is the poster i am
responding to

wrote in message
nothing to correct it was and remains a fact that Stevie appreas to be

abusing the preveldges of his LPN license, that exact dtails are
unimportant HERE

Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

the LAW say the issues you claim are not important

I expect TN to obey its own laws

in the USA today that may be a bit foolish but i will take the chance

Markie is going to sue!!!! go get them little buddy!

Cmdr Buzz Corey November 9th 05 06:40 PM

Another Baseless BrainRant
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

I will be writing My report

Hooooooooooooboy. You're a million grins, Mark.

Dave K8MN

If he can't write a report that makes any more sense than the gibberish
he posts hear, the people who get it will just throw it away as so much

[email protected] November 10th 05 02:54 AM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Steve Robeson
May 30 2000, 2:00 am hide options

From: (Steve Robeson) - Find messages by this author
Date: 2000/05/30
Subject: Kim's Callsign
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original
| Report Abuse

Subject: Kim's Callsign
From: (T.L. Bryant)
Date: 05/29/2000 8:07 PM Central Daylight Time
Thank you, Sigmund. Now, if our inadequacies offend you so much, please turn

your radio off, or change the frequency to something that isn't so
for you.


We hit a bit close to HOME, did we, Tom?

I didn't say ANYTHING about being inadeqaute for ME. I
placed that
onus upon those who find it necessary to resort to "shock-jock" antics

Take an Ativan, Tom. That's my professional suggestion.


The nation that is ready to fight in peacetime is less likely to HAVE
to fight
in wartime......(Author unknown, but he probably wasn't a politician!)

Hmmm? Is Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN prescribing meds?

so it would seem med by name in his professional opinion

like you said Google provide

You're welcome to try and document this as an attempt to
"prescribe". I'll offer the BopN my congratualtions on reserving thier
laughter now.....

Steve, K4YZ


Steve, when I put forth my opinion that you were nuts, you jumped up
and down asking where my medical degree came from, screaming and crying
like a little baby that I had made a medical diagnosis.

But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion. When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

You're such a two-faced little skunk. Best of Luck with the board.

Five minutes on Google provides.

Here's two such incidents. There are more.

Steve tried to use his professional license to:

1. diagnose a mental illness over the internet, and
2. get someone in another state committed with a simple phone call.


348. Steve Robeson K4CAP
Mar 25 2004, 9:17 am hide options

From: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) - Find messages by this author

Date: 25 Mar 2004 14:17:01 GMT
Local: Thurs, Mar 25 2004 9:17 am
Subject: Ham-radio is a hobby not a service
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original
| Report Abuse

- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

Subject: Ham-radio is a hobby not a service
From: (William)
Date: 3/24/2004 6:08 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Ham-radio is a hobby not a service
From: (William)
Date: 3/19/2004 6:16 PM Central Standard Time

I know only one Steve Roberson and he's nuts.

Well..."Steve Roberson" MAY be nuts.

I am not.

YOU, on the other hand, are not truthful.

Steve, K4YZ

I stand corrected.

Steve Robeson is nuts.

You've made another assertion of fact, Brain.

That assertion would be, in most cases, the rendering of a
which requires a degree as a medical doctor.

Are you now telling us that you are a medical doctor?

Please cite what criteria you base this diagnosis on?

That I have labled you a liar after having presented you with your
words only to have you try and deny it...?!?!

Or that I have labeled you a liar becasue you've made OTHER
assertions of
fact for which you refuse to corroborate with some reasonably valid

Steve, K4YZ
End Quote
160. Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Jun 28 2004, 1:58 am hide options

From: (Steve Robeson, K4CAP) - Find messages by this
Date: 27 Jun 2004 23:58:14 -0700
Local: Mon, Jun 28 2004 1:58 am
Subject: Temper Fry, Was Able Baker Charlie
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original
| Report Abuse

(William) wrote in message
. com...
He yell and yell, he hate me and hate me. Now he say he spect better
from me.
Maybe trap or lie. I no trust.
He noisy. He yell and yell.
Why he want military gear? I 'member. He say he militia.
Why he fixated with boys? He need get help. Take somekinda sumptin.
No badge as boy. Must compensate now.

I re-extend my offer to use my professional contacts to help you,
Brain. It always looks better on your record to appear as having been
aware you ahve a problem and taking steps to fix it, than to be
involuntarilly commited in order to force the issue.

I can make that happen for you, Brain. Shall I make the

Steve, K4YZ

End Quote

an old friend November 10th 05 04:55 AM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN

K4YZ wrote:


You're such a two-faced little skunk. Best of Luck with the board.

Five minutes on Google provides.

or less I should think

Here's two such incidents. There are more.

lots more the problem is not finding em but find the clearcut ones that
the BoN can't fail to understand

Steve tried to use his professional license to:

1. diagnose a mental illness over the internet, and
2. get someone in another state committed with a simple phone call.



K4YZ November 10th 05 11:45 AM

More Markie Mularkie

On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:17:15 GMT, Dave Heil
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
in the stuff als I cliped away scroll up in google
I never claimed he was precirbing I claimed he parcticing medicine
split hair all you like
Brian made the statement and you commented on it.

Brian Burke:

"But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion. When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

You didn't correct Brian and tell him that Steve did not prescribe
medicine, did you?

no I did not

nor do I feel there is anything to correct

There was, but you didn't notice.

nothing to correct it was and remains a fact that Stevie appreas to be
abusing the preveldges of his LPN license, that exact dtails are
unimportant HERE

They're unimportant ANYwhere, Markie.

Try as you will, there's not one thing in this NG that the BoN
will be able to consider for censure.

Not a one.

You may continue to lie to yourself and make up tales for the NG
all you care to.

so why should try the interest of accuracy.

it is more acccurate than Stevie own post was, more accurate than most
of yours

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ght......

I sated that I never used accused him of presribing, I happen to think
a more proper choice is to say that he acted unethicalin medial matter
which as happens is the words of the regs that Govern Stevie's LPN

That's nice.

How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?

no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs

Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

what case?

Hey Dave...

He's too danged stupid to realize what he said or did...Let's just
let him dwell on it and laugh at him while he chases his tail!

...which is cause to have his license revoked or for him to
suffer some kind of censure, according to state of TN BoN website
Go for it, Colonel. You have a number of issues which might lessen your

they might but not likely if I tell em about em up front
They might not?

indeed they might not

Do you really believe that?


I think you may be in for an awfully big surprise.

you think that would be newsflash right

Dave heil can think stop the presses

the LAW say the issues you claim are not important

I expect TN to obey its own laws

in the USA today that may be a bit foolish but i will take the chance

And Tennessee will.

And when they are done, MY attorneys get to earn their keep!

THAT will be the end of KB9RQZ's USENET spamming days!

Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

C'mon, Mark! You've lied about any number of things here. You've lied
about your military service and I don't mean just a single lie. You've
lied to cover lies. It isn't like the stuff isn't archived. There are
records of your lies and records of your lies uncovered.

wrong Dave like Stevie you think disagreeing with you is lying

No, Markie....

Telling people you are something that you are clearly NOT is a LIE!

I have lied about my rank and that is all I have told some lies that
have lead Stevie off on wild goose chases about my identity that is it

You've not led me on one single goose chase, Markie!

You were never an officer in the Armed Forces. Period. You were
never drafted. You are not being held hostage by a CO who refuses to
let you resign despite your avowed perversions.

andI have have said in the mix something these post is a lie as I was
making em, nor was under oath

backpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebckpeddleb ckpeddlebackpeddle

how do these facts allow Stevie to claim someone has AIDS isn't lie
about medical matters?

how does that allow Stevie to LIE about the procedure of BoN so he can
try to frighten someon into not reporting him?

Hey Markie...I said GO AHEAD AND DO IT!

But I ALSO said that when your malicous attack is over, then I
get to play!...

deal with reality Dave if you can

I dare say Dave's reality is a heck of a lot closer TO reality
than you, Sparky!

my lies conering my rank I can easily explain, and were obviously legal
enough that dispite the fact Stevie claims to have reported the matter
to the DoD no action was taken

You've lied about rank.


A lie is a lie. Period.

You've lied about circumstances regarding your


No. Not "some".

YOU stated that your "CO" refused to allow you to resign.

You've lied about your work.

no I haven't have never said anything detailed enough to lie about

Sure you did. You said you were in the US Army Chemical Corps. We
need no more than that.

You've lied about your IQ.

wrong again

Obviously you HAVE lied. You claim a 248, yet can't seem to master
grade school English or the insatllation of simple spellchecker

You've lied about your income.

no i have not

I have never stated my income you dolt

You're the dolt.

You HAVE stated your income.

therefore having never made such a statement I have never lie within
such a statement

backpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebckpeddleb ckpeddlebackpeddle

You've lied about your trained pool of



You're a fabricator.

when it serves to make me safer yes long ago admited

Mark, you leave a trail wider than an elephant with diarrhea...A
deaf, blind and mute bloodhound could follow you without ever leaving
the porch.

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that

How does one legally assume?

by doing so

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah......Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight........ ..........

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

why report myself again? esp as No rime was comitted Stevei greatly
over simplifies anything when he tlaks about the law

Was that a sentence?

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

Fine, Colonel. You can dress in full uniform and have a little game of
beat me/spank me/pee on me.

and None of the is legaly something the BoN may consider

You think the BoN wouldn't consider your state of mind under such


you are a prude, but the LAW does not allow you to enforce that on
everyone else

grow up and get over it Dave

Musta slipped Dave's name in there while talking to yourself,

you seem to forget the care used by Phil(e) Kane I believe his name is
in his posts being that he is an attonrney
Are you trying to get Phil's license yanked?
nope nor making any allusion to such
I was pointing out the Licensed folks like Phil and Stevie have to be
more carefull than the rest of us
I have a friend who is a licensed plumber. I'll be sure to tell him to
watch his P's and Q's when posting here, lest you attempt to have his
license revoked.

if he lies about pumbing you can be sure I will

One cannot be sure of anything with the likes of you.

you and ESP Stevie should remember that

you don't know what I can or will do

Sure we can.

We KNOW you can lie.

We KNOW you can deceive.

We KNOW you are a deviant with potentially unlawful conduct in teh
presence of minors.

We KNOW you will attempt to place yourself in the position of
"victim" in order to feign innocence.

Indeed just for illustration if i happened to paranoid threat to
myself and other Stevie has claimed to be "his professional opinion"
(and if anything gets him besides mouthing to an investagtor those
words wil be it) pushing proding trying to rerate someone like risk
his own life and you would be risking your iF I were what Stevie says
I am

What was that?

Dave, was there a coherent sentence in there?

you nor I can know very much about a person based on the degree on
contact you have with me

Sure we can.

We KNOW you can lie.

We KNOW you can deceive.

We KNOW you are a deviant with potentially unlawful conduct in teh
presence of minors.

We KNOW you will attempt to place yourself in the position of
"victim" in order to feign innocence.

All of that just from what transpires here...God knows what kind of
creep you REALLY are.......

Why not go after me for
practicing medicine without a license?

if you kgo ahaed and make about 8000 post like Stevie I'll look into it
Sure you will, Mark. Go blow hot air toward someone likely to be impressed.

firsdt make about 800 more post then we will see
I'll post as I choose. You keep track of them and let me know when I've
exceeded the limit. Alternatively, you can reduce the number to five
and proceed next week. I'm telling you now that I don't care what
silliness you pull.

np I'll let you know

np? I don't need you to let me know about anything. Make calls; write
letters; stand on your roof with a bullhorn.

you asked me to let you know I promised to do as YOU asked Dave

if that is your desire you had better begin typing
I'll type or not type as I choose, not as directed by you. You have no
leverage whatever on me.

i do if you want me to take a certain action
You don't get it, Colonel: Take any action your little perverted heart
desires. Write my mommy.

you momy is alive what is her address I'll be only to happy to tell her
what a hate filled bigot her son has turned into

Are you too lazy to do anything for yourself?


I am sure you are.

I am sure you seldom stray more than 30 feet in any direction from
the computer and/or refrigerator.

Write letters to the
editor of your paper.


So your neighbors can see what kind of an illiterate fool you are.

Write letters to the editor of my paper.

which paper is yours?

out an ad on WTOV-TV. Start a petition. You're a perverse twit and
people will know it.



you do have such a rich fantasy life Dave

Write my draft board. Contact the Today
Show. Telephone Oprah. Your threats are empty.

but if you want to be reported for practicing medicine without a
license you need to start some serious typing
Take two peach pits and call me in the morning.

I still maintain, by the way,
that I've made a correct diagnosis.

but real doctors know you are wrong
There is no factual evidence to support your claim.

none presented for your either
You're the one spouting what real doctors would say. None have popped
up here to challenge my diagnosis, Colonel.

becuase you can't make one

Look at the lines I wrote above. I *did* make one.

if you have Stevie has if Stevie has he will likely lose his licens or
be oteherwise punished

More random letters and occassional words in search of order,

but you are fool if you I am going to take on everyone at once

You couldn't "take on" on of the "Pink Ladies" at the hospital
auxiliary in a game of Bingo.

Stvie has ****ed me off enough..........(SNIP)


Markie-warkie is MAD!

(UNSNIP)....and he is far greater danger from a
medical practice issue than ANYONE in the NG only Phil Kane has to be
more careful and since he is an antonry...(SNIP)

He is?

I thought he was an attorney.

(UNSNIP)...not a paralegal (Stevie is the nursing version of a paralegal)


It doesn't say "Paranurse" any where on my license.

And Markie...there's only about six things I cannot due as an LPN
that I will be able to du as an RN. Do YOU know what they are? I

(UNSNIP)...he has greater latittude in giving
professional LEGAL oppinions than Stevie has in Giving PROFESSIONAL
nursing opinions

Only a judge can render a legal OPINION. An attorney can render

I am not aware of Phil having ever sat on the bench.

grow face facts

More random words.

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

Oh, weren't you a Colonel in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps anymore?

right said years ago

I wasn;t a colonel, only YOU and stevie have been trying to continue
that lie other the years

But you HAVE lied about it.

What you haven't done is APOLOGIZE for it.

that a bald-faced lie? Was your IQ of 248, higher than that of any other
living person, also a lie?

nope it was the result of test done many years ago

By who?

Was your salary of 200-some thousand dollars
a lie?

never said my salery was 200K I said I turned a job that would paid
240K, and I did do that

Probably a good thing, too...

Someone would probably turn you over to the law for trying to pass
Monopoly money as real currency....

that you choose to assume I did so becuase I was claiming to make that
or more is not my fault

You just lied Dave

No he didn't.

He asked you a question. A question cannot be a lie, only a

YOu continue to foul this newsgroup with your paranoid and juvenile posts.

you foul it with your bigoted lying postings
If you'll look to some of the material which appears above, you'll find
at least two lies spouted by you.

not a one Dave

Make that "at least three lies spouted by you".


disgreeing with you or confsuing you becuase you can't think or
understand what is being said isn't lying

"...or confsuing you..."

What you meant to say is that you are trying to intentionally

That IS a lie, Markie.

indeed if you are ever being truthfull yourself ain your claims you
don't understand my writting you can't realy claim you know anything I

I say you're an idiot.

You claim to have an IQ of 248 but then write sentences like the
last three above.

As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

You haven't demonstrated that you are able to do so.



are you using some specail definiation of "deal" i should know about

I don't deal with it as you would like it seems But I need not please
your sensiblities

Indeed that is what you and Stevie are all about.

Yoou two carries these chips on your shoulders thinking everyone
around must confrom toyour expectations


YOU are the one with the chip...The one that says "The World Owes
Me Everything And I Owe It Nothing".

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

again what sexual perverity

Thanks for providing ME with the stuff I need, Markie.

You by my starndard are the prevert

"standard" "pervert".

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

There's the story of your life, Mark.

nope perhaps yours from all apearances

Uh huh...

All those articles in the various Amateur journals were really
about ANOTHER Dave heil, K8MN...

You're a pervert and everyone who
isn't a pervert needs help. You can't write and won't use a

and your and stevie whine and whine about it

Markie...Can you not even interrupt a quote correctly?


Killfle me that is your previeledge

"Killfile" "priviledge"


....r and it is the problem of everyone else.

not everyones Dave only those that CHOOSE to try and read my stuff

So then you acknowldge that you intentionally spam USENET with
semi-illiterate dreck in an attempt to create disorganization and

you are showing signs of meglomania in claiming your veiwpoint is the
only viewpoint

W H E R E did Dave say "Mine is the only viewpoint"...?!?!?!

You can't learn
morse code .....

true enough

And you admit to being a coward.

.....and it is someone else's fault.

never claimed that is another lie from you Dave

Nope...You have.

I have never claimed that my lack of ability is ANYBODIES fault

Sure you have...You went on and on once upon a time about how you
were failed by your special ed teachers.

It the fault of others that Codes testing contues to be requiredbut
that is another matter


You tell numerous lies


N U M E R O U S lies.



With highlights noted.

begin to call numerous others "lier".

I have caled 4 people liars (the Comode and the various slits are not
proven to be people on their own so they don't count) and I have
called on lies


You've called the following people "lier" at one time or another:
Jim N2EY, Dave, Kim, Dee, Hans, Ed Hare, "Buzz Corey", Dick Carrol,
Larry Roll, Jim Kehler, Mike Deighan, and of course, me. I count that
as twelve, and that was just off the top of my head...I am sure that
number would rise dramatically if I had your kind of lay-about time to
do some research.

you have lied today in saying I claimed a 200k income I have not you
asumed incorrectly that that came as the only reason I would turn down
a job making 240K. That you are (I infer from your action) a person
that would do anything for money ( or something like that) and you
assume everyone is like you (given the obvious differences betwen us
assuming I would do anything the same way as you is REALY stupid Dave)
is not my fault

you making incorrctly making assumetion beyond what I have said does
not make me liar but when you make make statement of fact based on
your incorect deduction it makes you the liar

Sorry, Markie...

You've made so many assinine suggestions as to what you are, who
you are, what you do and how you do it, that "ordinary mortals" just
can't keep up with the tales.

not sure if you need an Optical felow or MD or an MSSW

I believe that you aren't sure of much of anything.

true enough

I am abosolutely sure of nothing.

Including your English skills.

after all I believe in the reality of Heisenburg's work, as well as ,
being a general skeptic

There are some things you really, REALLY ought to NOT be skeptical
about, Markie...

You've shrouded yourself
in victimhood and you want a free ride in life.

another lie on your part

HF access in amateur radio?

how does this question relate to your claim?

Hf access is needed for life?

Obviously for you and Lennie, it is....

how is taking part in the porcess of making the rules as provided for
by law asking for a free ride in life?

Whoa! Skimming on Lennie's schtick!

Others should have to try to decipher your

you DON"T have to try to deipher...(SNIP)


(UNSNIP) writing. I have never said you do.
You choose to do so, if you don't like the rsults of your efforts make
another CHOICE nonone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you is
there? certainly not by my order, if you think someone is holding a
gun to head and making you read my stuf call 911, i am certain (a
rarity for me) that in this event and you call someone will help you.

Mark is *special* and we have to make allowances for him.

never said that anywhere

Sure you have! Every single one of your "I'll file an ADA claim"

that is another lie in claiming I have's another "Google provides" moment.

You blame all of your
numerous problems on others.

another lie Dave

Mark Morgan on a number of issues: "Your problem"


if you can reason correctly this not my problem I refer you to
detailed response above to your lie about my claim of a 200k income

Markie, nice try trying to spin ONE issue into an entire whitewash
of YOUR lies, YOUR deceit, YOUR cowardace and YOUR misconduct.

I have not blamed you for any of MY rpoblems, I have points out you
have your own problem

What problems?

Being intolerant of liars and deceivers is a "probem"...?!?!

Perhaps in Chassell, Michigan it is...

Now, see if you can have me fired.

where do you work?

I'm not going to hand you anything, Mark. Go to work.

do you want me to get fired or not?

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

P R I C E L E S S ! ! ! !

F R E A K I N' P R I C E L E S S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

if it is your wosh that I try and get you fired, I am willing to help
you out, but you need to provide the name of your boss a means of
contacting him and I promise to look into it

Oh? Did Steve provide you the name of his boss and a means of
contacting him? Go to work, shirker.

we are talking about YOU

Hey Markie!

Who was the one whining about "carrying others freight"...?!?!

You want it? You earn it!

OH! Wait a minute.....W H A T W A S I T H I N K I N G ? !
? ! ? ! ? ! ?

Your whole reason for being in this forum is about getting what
you haven't earned!

Silly me! WHAT was I thinking...?!?!

if you truely want me to get you fired then you are asking for my help
and to get it you must pay MY price

I don't want you or Stevie fired from your jobs for my own sake.


Markie caught in BIG LIE!

Markie...What do you think my employer would do if the BoN granted
your wishes and revoked my Nursing license...?!?!

See! You CAN'T have your cake and eat it too!

In Stevies case we may end up there and indeed the result may turn out
to be Stevie losing his job but that is not in fact my true aim, it
may be what happens but we shall see

You go RIGHT AHEAD, Markie!

Steve, K4YZ

an old friend November 10th 05 05:04 PM

More Markie Mularkie

K4YZ wrote:
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:17:15 GMT, Dave Heil
an_old_friend wrote:


nor do I feel there is anything to correct

There was, but you didn't notice.

nothing to correct it was and remains a fact that Stevie appreas to be
abusing the preveldges of his LPN license, that exact dtails are
unimportant HERE

They're unimportant ANYwhere, Markie.

then you are lying in claiming any harm can come to me in report ing

if you can not be damaged by what I do you are not harmed by it, if you
are not harmed no civil case,

try a basic study guide to law

Try as you will, there's not one thing in this NG that the BoN
will be able to consider for censure.

then if true you have been lying about the consequences of my actions
in reporting the matter

Not a one.

You may continue to lie to yourself and make up tales for the NG
all you care to.

you are and have been lying to yourself and the NG for years

so why should try the interest of accuracy.

it is more acccurate than Stevie own post was, more accurate than most
of yours

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ght......

you agree than

Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

what case?

Hey Dave...

He's too danged stupid to realize what he said or did...Let's just
let him dwell on it and laugh at him while he chases his tail!

what case?

in the USA today that may be a bit foolish but i will take the chance

And Tennessee will.

which means that tennesse will not be considering such things a s my
sexuality and that dave was wrong in saying they would

And when they are done, MY attorneys get to earn their keep!

for what?

if you are telling the truth then you will not be harmed in any way by
my action, therefore no tort was done therefore no case exists for them
to prusue

If I am right then you also have no case

you are in a no win affair sir you may be able to break even but that
is all

THAT will be the end of KB9RQZ's USENET spamming days!

another lie from Stevie I do not spam the NG thef0ore it is will not
end any spaming by me

I have lied about my rank and that is all I have told some lies that
have lead Stevie off on wild goose chases about my identity that is it

You've not led me on one single goose chase, Markie!

yes I have

You were never an officer in the Armed Forces. Period.

back pedaling again you normaly I never served

do make up your mind

You were
never drafted.

never said I was inducted by draft, you assmued that by choosing ( or
being unable) to understand a turn of phrase

You are not being held hostage by a CO who refuses to
let you resign despite your avowed perversions.

never said that either

andI have have said in the mix something these post is a lie as I was
making em, nor was under oath

backpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebckpeddleb ckpeddlebackpeddle

I call it CYA but if you like prefer the term back peddle but you
should use better formating if you are going to play gramous and
spelling cop

how do these facts allow Stevie to claim someone has AIDS isn't lie
about medical matters?

and you are avoiding this issue

how does that allow Stevie to LIE about the procedure of BoN so he can
try to frighten someon into not reporting him?

Hey Markie...I said GO AHEAD AND DO IT!

I have according to BoN the investagation will take months

but you still have not explained how my lying allows to to lie and say
Todds father has aids

But I ALSO said that when your malicous attack is over, then I
get to play!...

no malicous atack exists

deal with reality Dave if you can

I dare say Dave's reality is a heck of a lot closer TO reality
than you, Sparky!

who are you adressing sir ;)

my lies conering my rank I can easily explain, and were obviously legal
enough that dispite the fact Stevie claims to have reported the matter
to the DoD no action was taken

You've lied about rank.


A lie is a lie. Period.

then Ferman went to jail for perjury at the OJ trial?

You've lied about circumstances regarding your


No. Not "some".


you don't know the facts

YOU stated that your "CO" refused to allow you to resign.

yes I did

You've lied about your work.

no I haven't have never said anything detailed enough to lie about

Sure you did. You said you were in the US Army Chemical Corps. We
need no more than that.

but I was so no lie exists

You've lied about your IQ.

wrong again

Obviously you HAVE lied.

simple falsehood on your part

You claim a 248, yet can't seem to master
grade school English

You are now alicensed school teacher?

or the insatllation of simple spellchecker

how do I install a spell checker on google?

You've lied about your income.

no i have not

I have never stated my income you dolt

You're the dolt.

You HAVE stated your income.


I have never stated my income ever except in scuh terms as enough to
suits my needs

I have stated the incomeof a job i turned down 240K

that you wrongly choose to assume I was claiming that income level for
myself is YOUR mistake not mine

therefore having never made such a statement I have never lie within
such a statement

backpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebackpeddlebckpeddleb ckpeddlebackpeddle

nope you and Dave assumed a statement meant several other things beyond
what was said

You've lied about your trained pool of



prove it

You're a fabricator.

when it serves to make me safer yes long ago admited

cuting stevie obsene display

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that

How does one legally assume?

by doing so

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah......Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight........ ..........

report me again
the result will be no action meaning I am innocent of the allegation
asa matter of law

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

why report myself again? esp as No rime was comitted Stevei greatly
over simplifies anything when he tlaks about the law

Was that a sentence?

Fine, Colonel. You can dress in full uniform and have a little game of
beat me/spank me/pee on me.

and None of the is legaly something the BoN may consider

You think the BoN wouldn't consider your state of mind under such

they can't

nor does any defect in myself allow you to claim I have aids or anyone
else has aids
you are a prude, but the LAW does not allow you to enforce that on
everyone else

grow up and get over it Dave

Musta slipped Dave's name in there while talking to yourself,

nope gues you can't read

I am certainly not a prude, by any standard

One cannot be sure of anything with the likes of you.

you and ESP Stevie should remember that

you don't know what I can or will do

Sure we can.

We KNOW you can lie.

I certainly can

nothing ilegal in thatt

We KNOW you can deceive.

sure thing I can it is a skill I am proud of

We KNOW you are a deviant with potentially unlawful conduct in teh
presence of minors.

there you go again with the pedophile/child abuse charges

We KNOW you will attempt to place yourself in the position of
"victim" in order to feign innocence.

another lie

I am inocent

I have done nothing to you ever, and yet you have attacked me since you

you lie about me and deny do so

you make vile unture claims about me

Indeed just for illustration if i happened to paranoid threat to
myself and other Stevie has claimed to be "his professional opinion"
(and if anything gets him besides mouthing to an investagtor those
words wil be it) pushing proding trying to rerate someone like risk
his own life and you would be risking your iF I were what Stevie says
I am

What was that?

read it and find out
you nor I can know very much about a person based on the degree on
contact you have with me

Sure we can.

you cant determine what you claim to have determined
cuting the repiting of load BS

you momy is alive what is her address I'll be only to happy to tell her
what a hate filled bigot her son has turned into

Are you too lazy to do anything for yourself?


I am sure you are.

you can think what you like

I am sure you seldom stray more than 30 feet in any direction from
the computer and/or refrigerator.

you are wrong of course but at lests it is harmless mistake unlike you
aids claim

Write letters to the
editor of your paper.


So your neighbors can see what kind of an illiterate fool you are.

gee I ahve written scuh letters none of my neight sem to think so

a couple would like to burn me at statke for one in which I said the
world was coming to a sudden firery end if Gay were allowed to marry

and I got pretty good reveiws on one where I said the 10 comenedants
had their place just not in public school

but the question which you choose to misunderstand was
why should I write a letter to editor localy about Dave

context man you realy need to work on context


none presented for your either
You're the one spouting what real doctors would say. None have popped
up here to challenge my diagnosis, Colonel.

becuase you can't make one

Look at the lines I wrote above. I *did* make one.

if you have Stevie has if Stevie has he will likely lose his licens or
be oteherwise punished

More random letters and occassional words in search of order,

more stevei making fun of the disale which is defined as abuse when
done by a sprofesional in medical feild by the state of TN BTW although
it is not covered through the BoN

but you are fool if you I am going to take on everyone at once

You couldn't "take on" on of the "Pink Ladies" at the hospital
auxiliary in a game of Bingo.

No I could not I loath bingo, makes me want to throw up,

but your point wass or were just vilifiing again?

Stvie has ****ed me off enough..........(SNIP)


Markie-warkie is MAD!

(UNSNIP)....and he is far greater danger from a
medical practice issue than ANYONE in the NG only Phil Kane has to be
more careful and since he is an antonry...(SNIP)

He is?

he says so he apprears to be

I thought he was an attorney.

**** you and your spelling cop ****, and hope youare in fact lying when
you claim I have aids

(UNSNIP)...not a paralegal (Stevie is the nursing version of a paralegal)


It doesn't say "Paranurse" any where on my license.

never said it did

And Markie...there's only about six things I cannot due as an LPN
that I will be able to du as an RN. Do YOU know what they are? I

the reference is not to the difference bewtween LPN and RN but nurses
and Doctors

if you understood english you would realize i i was saying Nurses are
to Doctors as Paralegals are to Attonreys


Oh, weren't you a Colonel in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps anymore?

right said years ago

I wasn;t a colonel, only YOU and stevie have been trying to continue
that lie other the years

But you HAVE lied about it.

yes I have

What you haven't done is APOLOGIZE for it.

but I have

However that was made to DoD which is the body entitled to it

Was your salary of 200-some thousand dollars
a lie?

never said my salery was 200K I said I turned a job that would paid
240K, and I did do that

cuting steveie evdading the issue

that you choose to assume I did so becuase I was claiming to make that
or more is not my fault

You just lied Dave

No he didn't.

yes he did

Make that "at least three lies spouted by you".


disgreeing with you or confsuing you becuase you can't think or
understand what is being said isn't lying

"...or confsuing you..."

What you meant to say is that you are trying to intentionally

I am not responible for what you and Dave try to misread into something

That IS a lie, Markie.

meaning Dave was in fact lying by questioning me about my 200k income
trying to deceive everyone into believing I said something I had not

indeed if you are ever being truthfull yourself ain your claims you
don't understand my writting you can't realy claim you know anything I

I say you're an idiot.

You claim to have an IQ of 248 but then write sentences like the
last three above.

that is what being LD is all about Stevie, indeed it lies close to very
meaning fo the term LD

As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

You haven't demonstrated that you are able to do so.



no where

Yoou two carries these chips on your shoulders thinking everyone
around must confrom toyour expectations


YOU are the one with the chip...The one that says "The World Owes
Me Everything And I Owe It Nothing".

never said anything of the sort

you are lying again

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

again what sexual perverity

Thanks for providing ME with the stuff I need, Markie.

for what to claim Todd father has AIDS

let me help you then I am Bisexual kinky Dave is leing about defaction
of course but who cares other than you

You by my starndard are the prevert

"standard" "pervert".

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

you too

by my religious standard you and everyone else in the NG is a prevert
by being either Homo or Heterosexual, by defining the ability to love
soley based on what is between one legs you defile the very principles
of nature and of the devine

by the first amendant I am allowed to believe it

unlike you and dave I dont go around demanding that anyone else
confrom to my religious standards


....r and it is the problem of everyone else.

not everyones Dave only those that CHOOSE to try and read my stuff

So then you acknowldge that you intentionally spam USENET with
semi-illiterate dreck in an attempt to create disorganization and

no i don't

in detail

I don't spam the usenet at all

I am not intionaly illeterate at all ( I am untintetionaly and
unwillingly disgraphic but that is not the same)

I make no amttepmt to create disorder and/or confusion

four false statements in one, Stevie you going for a record?

you are showing signs of meglomania in claiming your veiwpoint is the
only viewpoint

W H E R E did Dave say "Mine is the only viewpoint"...?!?!?!

in claiming as you do BTWthat your sexual morality is the only valid
one amoug other such efforts

You can't learn
morse code .....

true enough

cut off topic remark
.....and it is someone else's fault.

never claimed that is another lie from you Dave

Nope...You have.

another stevie lie

I have never claimed that my lack of ability is ANYBODIES fault

Sure you have...You went on and on once upon a time about how you
were failed by your special ed teachers.

no I have not

I siad there effort failed I never said it was their fault

It the fault of others that Codes testing contues to be requiredbut
that is another matter


You tell numerous lies


N U M E R O U S lies.

cut the ranting

begin to call numerous others "lier".

I have caled 4 people liars (the Comode and the various slits are not
proven to be people on their own so they don't count) and I have
called on lies

ctuing stevie rants

you have lied today in saying I claimed a 200k income I have not you
asumed incorrectly that that came as the only reason I would turn down
a job making 240K. That you are (I infer from your action) a person
that would do anything for money ( or something like that) and you
assume everyone is like you (given the obvious differences betwen us
assuming I would do anything the same way as you is REALY stupid Dave)
is not my fault

you making incorrctly making assumetion beyond what I have said does
not make me liar but when you make make statement of fact based on
your incorect deduction it makes you the liar

cuting more stevie tnagents

not sure if you need an Optical felow or MD or an MSSW

I believe that you aren't sure of much of anything.

true enough

I am abosolutely sure of nothing.

Including your English skills.


after all I believe in the reality of Heisenburg's work, as well as ,
being a general skeptic

There are some things you really, REALLY ought to NOT be skeptical
about, Markie...

more of your efforts to imply your way is the only way

Hf access is needed for life?

Obviously for you and Lennie, it is....

bull**** another made up charge on your part

how is taking part in the porcess of making the rules as provided for

Mark is *special* and we have to make allowances for him.

never said that anywhere

Sure you have! Every single one of your "I'll file an ADA claim"

never made such a rant

that is another lie in claiming I have's another "Google provides" moment.

then let it provide if it could

You blame all of your
numerous problems on others.

another lie Dave

Mark Morgan on a number of issues: "Your problem"


if you can reason correctly this not my problem I refer you to
detailed response above to your lie about my claim of a 200k income

Markie, nice try trying to spin ONE issue into an entire whitewash
of YOUR lies, YOUR deceit, YOUR cowardace and YOUR misconduct.

I choose not to waste more bandwidwith on an issue you and Dave have
decided to lie about

I have not blamed you for any of MY rpoblems, I have points out you
have your own problem

What problems?

Being intolerant of liars and deceivers is a "probem"...?!?!


if it is your wosh that I try and get you fired, I am willing to help
you out, but you need to provide the name of your boss a means of
contacting him and I promise to look into it

Oh? Did Steve provide you the name of his boss and a means of
contacting him? Go to work, shirker.

we are talking about YOU

Hey Markie!

Who was the one whining about "carrying others freight"...?!?!

me bu that isnt the issue

You want it? You earn it!

But I don't Dave fired Indeed I think I want him to get lots more hours
at work so he doesn't have to time to come here and talk ****

OH! Wait a minute.....W H A T W A S I T H I N K I N G ? !
? ! ? ! ? ! ?

Your whole reason for being in this forum is about getting what
you haven't earned!

more lies stveie from you

Silly me! WHAT was I thinking...?!?!

do you even know what you are thinking?

do you even think?

if you truely want me to get you fired then you are asking for my help
and to get it you must pay MY price

I don't want you or Stevie fired from your jobs for my own sake.


Markie caught in BIG LIE!


Markie...What do you think my employer would do if the BoN granted
your wishes and revoked my Nursing license...?!?!

you would be fired, however your being fired is not my goal, it would
be side effect one indeed that I would regret since it would give you
more time to hang here

what I want is justice.

in your case true justice would be your being behind bars withe rumour
put outthere that you are pedophile and child killer but they could
trump up some minor charge due to lack of evidence, then the prisons
would show the dangers created with false claims of child abuse and
pedophilia. That IMO would be justice for you. forunately there is
zero chance of your getting that treatment.

Faling that there IS Justice IMO in the happnestance of the man who
claims he will not tolerate lying being punished in any way for lying

See! You CAN'T have your cake and eat it too!

but I don't want the cake you think I want

you don't understand me Stevie

I don't realy understand you ( not that I want to, and likely you think
the same)

In Stevies case we may end up there and indeed the result may turn out
to be Stevie losing his job but that is not in fact my true aim, it
may be what happens but we shall see

You go RIGHT AHEAD, Markie!

going right ahead

but you could do us a favor and hold breath till it is over;)

Steve, K4YZ

Dave Heil November 10th 05 06:23 PM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:17:15 GMT, Dave Heil

an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
in the stuff als I cliped away scroll up in google
I never claimed he was precirbing I claimed he parcticing medicine
split hair all you like
Brian made the statement and you commented on it.

Brian Burke:

"But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion. When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

You didn't correct Brian and tell him that Steve did not prescribe
medicine, did you?
no I did not

nor do I feel there is anything to correct

There was, but you didn't notice.

nothing to correct it was and remains a fact that Stevie appreas to be
abusing the preveldges of his LPN license, that exact dtails are
unimportant HERE
so why should try the interest of accuracy.

it is more acccurate than Stevie own post was, more accurate than most
of yours

I sated that I never used accused him of presribing, I happen to think
a more proper choice is to say that he acted unethicalin medial matter
which as happens is the words of the regs that Govern Stevie's LPN

That's nice.

How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?
no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs

Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

what case?

Are you narcoleptic? Do you recall my comments about your imprecision
with words? You proved it above. See your terms "occoured" and "spliting".

...which is cause to have his license revoked or for him to
suffer some kind of censure, according to state of TN BoN website
Go for it, Colonel. You have a number of issues which might lessen your
they might but not likely if I tell em about em up front
They might not?
indeed they might not

Do you really believe that?

I think you may be in for an awfully big surprise.

you think that would be newsflash right

I think it would be newsflash? No, I think you may be in for a surprise.

Dave heil can think stop the presses

Okay, I've thought, "stop the presses". Did it happen?

the LAW say the issues you claim are not important

What issues did I claim are not important?

I expect TN to obey its own laws

Oh, I'd expect that it does. But if you don't think that anyone there
would be interested in who is submitting a complaint and why, I think
you are going to be surprised.

in the USA today that may be a bit foolish but i will take the chance

You don't believe that U.S. states generally follow the laws they have

Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

C'mon, Mark! You've lied about any number of things here. You've lied
about your military service and I don't mean just a single lie. You've
lied to cover lies. It isn't like the stuff isn't archived. There are
records of your lies and records of your lies uncovered.

wrong Dave like Stevie you think disagreeing with you is lying

No, I don't believe that disagreeing is lying. Lying is lying and
you've done it time and again. You aren't credible. There are archived
posts which prove that you've lied.

I have lied about my rank and that is all I have told some lies that
have lead Stevie off on wild goose chases about my identity that is it

Yes, you certainly have lied.

andI have have said in the mix something these post is a lie as I was
making em, nor was under oath

Yes, you certainly have lied.

how do these facts allow Stevie to claim someone has AIDS isn't lie
about medical matters?

Is Steve acting in a medical capacity here?

how does that allow Stevie to LIE about the procedure of BoN so he can
try to frighten someon into not reporting him?

I've not noted Steve attempting to frighten "someon" into not reporting
him. I have observed his warnings to you on what is likely to take
place after you've done so.

deal with reality Dave if you can

Mark, I don't think you are in a position to tell others about reality.

my lies conering my rank I can easily explain, and were obviously legal
enough that dispite the fact Stevie claims to have reported the matter
to the DoD no action was taken

You've lied about rank.


There you have it.

You've lied about circumstances regarding your


There you have it.

You've lied about your work.

Were you ever in the Chemical Corps of the United States Army?

no I haven't have never said anything detailed enough to lie about

You've lied about your IQ.

wrong again

The living woman who has the world's highest documented IQ has a much
lower test score than yours, Mark. Are you telling us that you have the
highest documented IQ in the world?

You've lied about your income.

no i have not

I have never stated my income you dolt

Haven't you?

therefore having never made such a statement I have never lie within
such a statement

So the way we can tell if you aren't lying is because you haven't said

You've lied about your trained pool of


Sure you have, Mark. You told us that you have a trained pool of
typists. You later said that you couldn't have one of 'em type
something up because of the expense of paying her.

You're a fabricator.

when it serves to make me safer yes long ago admited

There you have most of it. You also lie when it is convenient or when
it suits you.

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that

How does one legally assume?

by doing so

How does one go about doing so?

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

why report myself again? esp as No rime was comitted Stevei greatly
over simplifies anything when he tlaks about the law

If no "rime" was "comitted", why'd you report yourself? What are you
"tlaking" about?

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

Fine, Colonel. You can dress in full uniform and have a little game of
beat me/spank me/pee on me.

and None of the is legaly something the BoN may consider "legally assume". Those things would seem to go toward
establishing the credibility of an accuser. Do you think you'd be seen
as credible?

you are a prude, but the LAW does not allow you to enforce that on
everyone else

A prude, Mark? Do you think I'm part of some tiny minority which
approves of your lifestyle?

grow up and get over it Dave

I'm fully grown and nothing compels me to get over anything.

I have a friend who is a licensed plumber. I'll be sure to tell him to
watch his P's and Q's when posting here, lest you attempt to have his
license revoked.

if he lies about pumbing you can be sure I will

One cannot be sure of anything with the likes of you.

you and ESP Stevie should remember that

I don't think either of us is likely to forget it.

you don't know what I can or will do

About the only things I can reasonably expect is that it won't be 1)
reasonable, 2) rational or 3) truthful

Indeed just for illustration if i happened to paranoid threat to
myself and other Stevie has claimed to be "his professional opinion"
(and if anything gets him besides mouthing to an investagtor those
words wil be it) pushing proding trying to rerate someone like risk
his own life and you would be risking your iF I were what Stevie says
I am

I don't believe you to be rational, Mark, but I'm not afraid of you.
If I survived Vietnam and all of the years I lived in Africa, I'm not
apt to be scared by someone who, when men hear his effeminate voice,
they sometimes want to marry him. If there is a bogeyman under my bed,
he doesn't tell me that I have lovely eyes.

you nor I can know very much about a person based on the degree on
contact you have with me

I know enough about you that I'd not want to hang out with you, work
with you or have a series of QSOs about what interests you.

if that is your desire you had better begin typing

I'll type or not type as I choose, not as directed by you. You have no
leverage whatever on me.

i do if you want me to take a certain action

You don't get it, Colonel: Take any action your little perverted heart
desires. Write my mommy.

you momy is alive what is her address I'll be only to happy to tell her
what a hate filled bigot her son has turned into

Are you too lazy to do anything for yourself?


Then hop to it.

Write letters to the
editor of your paper.

why? tell him that I've been mean to you.

Write letters to the editor of my paper.

which paper is yours?

....the one in the paper box next to my mailbox.

out an ad on WTOV-TV. Start a petition. You're a perverse twit and
people will know it.


No, really.

you do have such a rich fantasy life Dave

Do you think I made up the part about reading a newspaper? having a
nearby TV station? What part do you believe to be fantasy?

I still maintain, by the way,
that I've made a correct diagnosis.

but real doctors know you are wrong

There is no factual evidence to support your claim.

none presented for your either

You're the one spouting what real doctors would say. None have popped
up here to challenge my diagnosis, Colonel.

becuase you can't make one

Look at the lines I wrote above. I *did* make one.

if you have Stevie has if Stevie has he will likely lose his licens or
be oteherwise punished

That doesn't track, Colonel. I'm not Steve. I made a diagnosis.
See if you can have my license revoked or have me "oteherwise" punished.

but you are fool if you I am going to take on everyone at once

I cringe to think what that might mean.

Stvie has ****ed me off enough and he is far greater danger from a
medical practice issue than ANYONE in the NG

Right. Lots of people get their medical information from some guy
posting in an amateur radio newsgroup.

...only Phil Kane has to be
more careful and since he is an antonry not a paralegal...

I'm sure that it will come as a great surprise to Phil to find that he
is an antonry.

...(Stevie is the
nursing version of a paralegal) he has greater latittude in giving
professional LEGAL oppinions than Stevie has in Giving PROFESSIONAL
nursing opinions

Why have you chosen to write "professional LEGAL" and "PROFESSIONAL

grow face facts

What are face facts and how do I grow them?

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

Oh, weren't you a Colonel in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps anymore?

right said years ago

I wasn;t a colonel, only YOU and stevie have been trying to continue
that lie other the years

You've accused me of lying in addressing you as "Colonel". You were the
person who told us that you were a Colonel. That must have been *you*
doing the lying. Were you in the United States Army Chemical Corps?

that a bald-faced lie? Was your IQ of 248, higher than that of any other
living person, also a lie?

nope it was the result of test done many years ago

....and the test revealed that you have a higher IQ than the woman
recognized as having the highest tested IQ?

Was your salary of 200-some thousand dollars
a lie?

never said my salery was 200K I said I turned a job that would paid
240K, and I did do that

My mistake. Perhaps your claim about turning down "240k" has a built-in
fudge factor. You didn't say what the "k" was. Perhaps it was 240k dimes.

that you choose to assume I did so becuase I was claiming to make that
or more is not my fault

You just lied Dave

No, I asked you a question.

indeed if you are ever being truthfull yourself ain your claims you
don't understand my writting you can't realy claim you know anything I

With your writing and your refusal to use spell checking, no one can
know much of anything you are trying to say.

As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

You haven't demonstrated that you are able to do so.



are you using some specail definiation of "deal" i should know about

There is no "specail definiation" but I think you should learn the
commonly used definitions.

Yoou two carries these chips on your shoulders thinking everyone
around must confrom toyour expectations

"Yoou two carries"? Phew! I've never asked for any special
accommodations or revisions in regulations, standards or commonly
accepted conduct in my life.

You're a real non-confromist, Mark.

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Not perverity, Mark. Perversity. You know--yours.

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

again what sexual perverity

Again, not perverity, Mark. Perversity. Start with the ones I asked
about above.

You by my starndard are the prevert

I'm sure that you believe that. The world doesn't seem to operate on
your "starnard".

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

There's the story of your life, Mark.

nope perhaps yours from all apearances

I don't have a history of lying, Mark. You do.

You're a pervert and everyone who
isn't a pervert needs help. You can't write and won't use a

and your and stevie whine and whine about it

I complain about it. Steve has complained about it. Others have
complained about it. You tell all, "your probelm".

Killfle me that is your previeledge

Thanks for illustrating my point.

....r and it is the problem of everyone else.

not everyones Dave only those that CHOOSE to try and read my stuff

Isn't the point that you are attempting to communicate with others?
Would you have us believe that you don't care if others can't make sense
of your writing or that they find it laborious to decipher it?

you are showing signs of meglomania in claiming your veiwpoint is the
only viewpoint

Right, Mark. Nothing is right or wrong, good or bad. There are only
shades of gray.

You can't learn
morse code .....

true enough

.....and it is someone else's fault.

never claimed that is another lie from you Dave

Didn't you claim that attempting to learn morse was "torture"? Were you
only torturing yourself?

I have never claimed that my lack of ability is ANYBODIES fault

It the fault of others that Codes testing contues to be requiredbut
that is another matter

You tell numerous lies


Wrong? You admitted it above in the very same posting!

begin to call numerous others "lier".

I have caled 4 people liars (the Comode and the various slits are not
proven to be people on their own so they don't count) and I have
called on lies

Would you like to adjust the number?

you have lied today in saying I claimed a 200k income I have not you
asumed incorrectly that that came as the only reason I would turn down
a job making 240K.

I asked you a question.

That you are (I infer from your action) a person
that would do anything for money ( or something like that) and you
assume everyone is like you (given the obvious differences betwen us
assuming I would do anything the same way as you is REALY stupid Dave)
is not my fault

Nothing is ever your fault, Mark. Your comments do not read as those of
a person with an IQ of 248.

you making incorrctly making assumetion beyond what I have said does
not make me liar but when you make make statement of fact based on
your incorect deduction it makes you the liar

"you making incrrctly making assumetion"? Your frequent lies make you a
liar, Mark. That's it in a nutshell.

You've shrouded yourself
in victimhood and you want a free ride in life.

another lie on your part

HF access in amateur radio?

how does this question relate to your claim?

You want a free ride in amateur radio. You want the regs changed to
accommodate you.

Hf access is needed for life?

I didn't write "for life", Mark. I wrote "in life". Remember, you're
supposed to be the fellow the 248 IQ. The two terms are quite different.

how is taking part in the porcess of making the rules as provided for
by law asking for a free ride in life?

You demand that the standards for obtaining HF amateur radio access be
lowered for *you*.

Others should have to try to decipher your

you DON"T have to try to deipher my writing. I have never said you do.
You choose to do so, if you don't like the rsults of your efforts make
another CHOICE nonone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you is
there? certainly not by my order, if you think someone is holding a
gun to head and making you read my stuf call 911, i am certain (a
rarity for me) that in this event and you call someone will help you.

Why are you babbling about calling 911 and someone holding a gun to
someone's head? Is the object of your posting here to communicate your
thoughts to others? If it is, you aren't doing a very good job of it.
One would think that you'd do all in your power to make your posts as
well written and concise as possible. You don't do so.

Mark is *special* and we have to make allowances for him.

never said that anywhere

No, I did, right here.

that is another lie in claiming I have

No, it is not.

You blame all of your
numerous problems on others.

another lie Dave

Mark Morgan on a number of issues: "Your problem"


There you have it.

if you can reason correctly this not my problem I refer you to
detailed response above to your lie about my claim of a 200k income

Do you mean my question?

I have not blamed you for any of MY rpoblems, I have points out you
have your own problem

That is simply incorrect.

Now, see if you can have me fired.

where do you work?

I'm not going to hand you anything, Mark. Go to work.

do you want me to get fired or not?

Suits me.

if it is your wosh that I try and get you fired, I am willing to help
you out, but you need to provide the name of your boss a means of
contacting him and I promise to look into it

Oh? Did Steve provide you the name of his boss and a means of
contacting him? Go to work, shirker.

we are talking about YOU

Okay, I'm telling you that Steve didn't provide you the name, address
and telephone number of his employer or of the employer's supervising
organization. I refuse to be held to a different standard. Go to work.

if you truely want me to get you fired then you are asking for my help
and to get it you must pay MY price

Pay your price? You're out of your perverted little mind.

I don't want you or Stevie fired from your jobs for my own sake.

Oh, I see. You're just doing it for the sake of humanity. That's very

In Stevies case we may end up there and indeed the result may turn out
to be Stevie losing his job but that is not in fact my true aim, it
may be what happens but we shall see

The result may be that you ending up with your ass in a crack. We shall
see. Enough of that. Your current problem is to find out who and where
my employer is. Then you'll need to find out who to contact in order to
point out that I've belittled and made fun of you. Be sure to tell them
that I see you as a liar and a pervert. Let them know that I refuse to
be politically correct in dealing with you. Good luck with your jihad.

Dave K8MN

an old friend November 10th 05 10:56 PM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN
Dave Heil wrote:
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:17:15 GMT, Dave Heil


How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?
no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs
Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.

what case?

Are you narcoleptic?


Do you recall my comments about your imprecision
with words? You proved it above. See your terms "occoured" and "spliting".

wrong again I simply proved I suffer from Dyslexia and what the doc
termed Dyslexiod aphasia

I used the terms pricisely
I think you may be in for an awfully big surprise.

you think that would be newsflash right

I think it would be newsflash? No, I think you may be in for a surprise.

you thinking would be the newsflash

I might be in for a suprise but I can see how Stevie or BoN can claim
that who I may have sex with allows Stevie to say I have AIDS

Dave heil can think stop the presses

Okay, I've thought, "stop the presses". Did it happen?

nope becuase you failed to think

the LAW say the issues you claim are not important

What issues did I claim are not important?

you did not

I did

but the issues refer to are my sexuality and my alleged criminality

both are legaly irrelevant in this matter

I expect TN to obey its own laws

Oh, I'd expect that it does.

as do I

But if you don't think that anyone there
would be interested in who is submitting a complaint and why,

I am sure they will curious, but I expect them to be profesional in the
end don't you?

I think
you are going to be surprised.

no suprise indeed in making my report they will told of these "issues"
since knowing the turth will be requiredin order to explain Stevie

in the USA today that may be a bit foolish but i will take the chance

You don't believe that U.S. states generally follow the laws they have

not always the US is better about it than most nation but I believe
that the US is still imperfect, and liekly always will be to some

I also know that one of the areas in which the US most often shows its
imperfections is in the treatement of those of its people that are
"defferent" in some way

Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

C'mon, Mark! You've lied about any number of things here. You've lied
about your military service and I don't mean just a single lie. You've
lied to cover lies. It isn't like the stuff isn't archived. There are
records of your lies and records of your lies uncovered.

wrong Dave like Stevie you think disagreeing with you is lying

No, I don't believe that disagreeing is lying.

yes you do
Lying is lying and
you've done it time and again.

yes I have so have you and so has Stevie

You aren't credible.

Why? I am as credible as Stevie or you.

you lie you have lied within the past 24 hrs about my claims as to

Stevie has lied he has said I have aids, that I engage in unpropected
sex, that I have admited to child mosting

we are on the same footing

There are archived
posts which prove that you've lied.

as their are for Stevie lots of them

I have lied about my rank and that is all I have told some lies that
have lead Stevie off on wild goose chases about my identity that is it

Yes, you certainly have lied.

cut repating yourself get your stuff dumped

how do these facts allow Stevie to claim someone has AIDS isn't lie
about medical matters?

Is Steve acting in a medical capacity here?

that is one of the 2 issues for the BoN to decide

I would say Yes, as soon as he claims he is making a PROFESSION opinion
he is acting in medical capcity

as soon as HE gives medical advice to people that KNOW he is an LPN is

as soon as he claims to have used the materail here to act
professionaly he is

the BoN will make its ruling and act accordingly

If I am right Stevie will suffer some kind of scantion, he may lose his

if Stevie is right nothing will happen to him and no harm done

how does that allow Stevie to LIE about the procedure of BoN so he can
try to frighten someon into not reporting him?

I've not noted Steve attempting to frighten "someon" into not reporting

then you have not been reading

I have observed his warnings to you on what is likely to take
place after you've done so.

and he is lying about it

deal with reality Dave if you can

Mark, I don't think you are in a position to tell others about reality.

right you don't think but I knew that

You've lied about your work.

Were you ever in the Chemical Corps of the United States Army?

cutting unsuported bs
You've lied about your income.

no i have not

I have never stated my income you dolt

Haven't you?

no I have not

therefore having never made such a statement I have never lie within
such a statement

So the way we can tell if you aren't lying is because you haven't said

not exactly but yuou can assume I making statments I have not made

You've lied about your trained pool of


Sure you have, Mark. You told us that you have a trained pool of
typists. You later said that you couldn't have one of 'em type
something up because of the expense of paying her.

never said that

I siad I choose not to pay for the time not that I could not pay for it

that is the problem you and Stevie take a statement, apply a host of
assumetion and then claim I said what you think was implied in the
first statement and run off from there

You're a fabricator.

when it serves to make me safer yes long ago admited

There you have most of it. You also lie when it is convenient or when
it suits you.

not exactly

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that
How does one legally assume?

by doing so

How does one go about doing so?

by doing so

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

why report myself again? esp as No rime was comitted Stevei greatly
over simplifies anything when he tlaks about the law

If no "rime" was "comitted", why'd you report yourself? What are you
"tlaking" about?

I discussed the matter as part of reporting stevies death threats

why does everyting have to be repeated for you

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

Fine, Colonel. You can dress in full uniform and have a little game of
beat me/spank me/pee on me.

and None of the is legaly something the BoN may consider "legally assume". Those things would seem to go toward
establishing the credibility of an accuser. Do you think you'd be seen
as credible?

they seem might to , to you, but the law ,and the BoN say otherwise

other than some kind of Illegal sex ( and I think all that is left in
feild is sex with kidds, animals and corpses and rape in the legal
sense of the word) the rest does not matter, legaly

you are a prude, but the LAW does not allow you to enforce that on
everyone else

A prude, Mark?

yes a prude.

if you prefer another label put it forward with your reasons and I'll
consider using it

Do you think I'm part of some tiny minority which
approves of your lifestyle?


grow up and get over it Dave

I'm fully grown and nothing compels me to get over anything.

you don't act fully grown, but you are right you don't have to get over
anything but it is good advice

I have a friend who is a licensed plumber. I'll be sure to tell him to
watch his P's and Q's when posting here, lest you attempt to have his
license revoked.

if he lies about pumbing you can be sure I will

One cannot be sure of anything with the likes of you.

you and ESP Stevie should remember that

I don't think either of us is likely to forget it.

I do

but more Stevie than yourself

you don't know what I can or will do

About the only things I can reasonably expect is that it won't be 1)
reasonable, 2) rational or 3) truthful

more BS Dave

Indeed just for illustration if i happened to paranoid threat to
myself and other Stevie has claimed to be "his professional opinion"
(and if anything gets him besides mouthing to an investagtor those
words wil be it) pushing proding trying to rerate someone like risk
his own life and you would be risking your iF I were what Stevie says
I am

I don't believe you to be rational,

If Stevie were corect in his Professional assement you should be.

If I am nuts or irtaional of what have I am much more dangerous to you
than If I am

the rest of the paragraph cut off at the tangent

you nor I can know very much about a person based on the degree on
contact you have with me

I know enough about you that I'd not want to hang out with you, work
with you or have a series of QSOs about what interests you.

ture enough and I can say the same of you of course
Are you too lazy to do anything for yourself?


Then hop to it.

to what?

Write letters to the
editor of your paper.

why? tell him that I've been mean to you.

to what end?

you do have such a rich fantasy life Dave

Do you think I made up the part about reading a newspaper? having a
nearby TV station? What part do you believe to be fantasy?

that you state I should find either the proper venue to deal with you

if you have Stevie has if Stevie has he will likely lose his licens or
be oteherwise punished

That doesn't track, Colonel.

sure does

I'm not Steve

are you certain it is hard to tell some days

. I made a diagnosis.
See if you can have my license revoked or have me "oteherwise" punished.

First I'll try to deal with Stevie

he has a license to revoke you don't

further becuase of his licnese he more dangerous to me in my judegment,

futher still dealing with Stevie liecense which he uses to obtain
criedbilty will alos lessen yours to say much the same thing

Addtionaly I have a plan that I hope will deal Stevie a suitable
punishment, I don't have such a plan w.r.t. you

therefore logicaly I should continue to focous on Stevie and I will

but you are fool if you I am going to take on everyone at once

I cringe to think what that might mean.

you should

Stvie has ****ed me off enough and he is far greater danger from a
medical practice issue than ANYONE in the NG

Right. Lots of people get their medical information from some guy
posting in an amateur radio newsgroup.

some one that was talkingabout crufing me based on what he read in NG
did get it from Stevie

...only Phil Kane has to be
more careful and since he is an antonry not a paralegal...

I'm sure that it will come as a great surprise to Phil to find that he
is an antonry.

...(Stevie is the
nursing version of a paralegal) he has greater latittude in giving
professional LEGAL oppinions than Stevie has in Giving PROFESSIONAL
nursing opinions

Why have you chosen to write "professional LEGAL" and "PROFESSIONAL

It pleased me to do so

I need NO other reason

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

Oh, weren't you a Colonel in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps anymore?

right said years ago

I wasn;t a colonel, only YOU and stevie have been trying to continue
that lie other the years

You've accused me of lying in addressing you as "Colonel". You were the
person who told us that you were a Colonel. That must have been *you*
doing the lying.

you contiue to lie after being told the truth

further you have never had much reason to tell the lie

I have admit to the lie

Were you in the United States Army Chemical Corps?

asked and answered yes

that a bald-faced lie? Was your IQ of 248, higher than that of any other
living person, also a lie?

nope it was the result of test done many years ago

...and the test revealed that you have a higher IQ than the woman
recognized as having the highest tested IQ?

can't addrss you issue without more data

Was your salary of 200-some thousand dollars
a lie?

never said my salery was 200K I said I turned a job that would paid
240K, and I did do that

My mistake.

no it was YOUR lie

prhaps your claim about turning down "240k" has a built-in
fudge factor

I turned a job overing 240,000.00$ per year becuase I did not need the
money badly enough to tkae the risk

you assumed the rest

You didn't say what the "k" was. Perhaps it was 240k dimes.

that you choose to assume I did so becuase I was claiming to make that
or more is not my fault

You just lied Dave

No, I asked you a question.

no you lied in saying I lied about my income I have never stated my
income in RRAP

indeed if you are ever being truthfull yourself ain your claims you
don't understand my writting you can't realy claim you know anything I

With your writing and your refusal to use spell checking, no one can
know much of anything you are trying to say.

then you agree

meaning you are making statements based on materail you admt you don't
understand, meaning you are lying when you claim I make any statement
beyond a direct in context quote


As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

You haven't demonstrated that you are able to do so.




are you using some specail definiation of "deal" i should know about

There is no "specail definiation" but I think you should learn the
commonly used definitions.

I am dealing with you now

I am always looking for something more effect but with you so far no

Yoou two carries these chips on your shoulders thinking everyone
around must confrom toyour expectations

"Yoou two carries"? Phew! I've never asked for any special
accommodations or revisions in regulations, standards or commonly
accepted conduct in my life.

neither have I

I have asked for the same rights as everyone else. most esp the right
to live my life in peace and safety without nosey pikers like yourself
poking into what is none of your affiar

You're a real non-confromist, Mark.

ok I can live with that label, carries a few overtones of usages I
don't like but it isn't bad

the question is so what that I am (a nonconformist)?

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Not perverity, Mark. Perversity. You know--yours.

none here no prevesity at all

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

again what sexual perverity

Again, not perverity, Mark. Perversity. Start with the ones I asked
about above.

what prevestity?

nothing I consider preverse in your list at all one come under the
heading of "not my kink" not nothing preverse in the list

You by my starndard are the prevert

I'm sure that you believe that. The world doesn't seem to operate on
your "starnard".

nor do I think it has to

you OTOH think the world and everyone in MUST confrom to yours

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

There's the story of your life, Mark.

nope perhaps yours from all apearances

I don't have a history of lying, Mark. You do.

you certainly do

well documented

indeed your history of lying is far better archived on RRAP than mine

You're a pervert and everyone who
isn't a pervert needs help. You can't write and won't use a

and your and stevie whine and whine about it

I complain about it.

you whine about it

Steve has complained about it.

he whines about

Others have
complained about it.

they whine about ti

You tell all, "your probelm".

not exactly since it is only your problem if you want to read my stuff,
nobdoy is making you.

Is someone making you?

I keep asking and you keep ducking the question

Killfle me that is your previeledge

Thanks for illustrating my point.

no it illustrates MINE

....r and it is the problem of everyone else.

not everyones Dave only those that CHOOSE to try and read my stuff

Isn't the point that you are attempting to communicate with others?

other yes, not realy you or Stevie though, or Dee Flint

My target is the lurker population out there

you and the rest are idea and text to play and use to help me make my
point to my target

Would you have us believe that you don't care if others can't make sense
of your writing ......

yes I have said so many times

....or that they find it laborious to decipher it?

no but you asked the worng question

I find it desirable that those that choose to read it find laborious to

Indeed my motive amusingly goes right to haert of a ProCode arguement
"if you don't work it for you don't value it"

therefore since being rough to read is easier path for me anyway by
going with that flow I feel i reach a segement that is receptive the No
Coder PoV and isn't geting it from the easier to read spokes people

that my foes also find it hard to read I find yet an added Bonus

you are showing signs of meglomania in claiming your veiwpoint is the
only viewpoint

Right, Mark. Nothing is right or wrong, good or bad. There are only
shades of gray.

exactly glad you agree or more precisely nothing is ALWAYS good or bad,
even murder myhem, have their proper uses the problem with murder is
not that it is never a good thing, it is that it is used in far too
many cases where it is a bad thing

You can't learn
morse code .....

true enough

.....and it is someone else's fault.

never claimed that is another lie from you Dave

Didn't you claim that attempting to learn morse was "torture"?

yes I did, and it is for me

but tis is not the same as saying my lack of skill is somebodies elses

so your statement was and remains a lie

Were you
only torturing yourself?


I have never claimed that my lack of ability is ANYBODIES fault

It the fault of others that Codes testing contues to be requiredbut
that is another matter

and you duck the point

You tell numerous lies


Wrong? You admitted it above in the very same posting!

no i don't I lie but i quuible on the details

begin to call numerous others "lier".

I have caled 4 people liars (the Comode and the various slits are not
proven to be people on their own so they don't count) and I have
called on lies

Would you like to adjust the number?

That you are (I infer from your action) a person
that would do anything for money ( or something like that) and you
assume everyone is like you (given the obvious differences betwen us
assuming I would do anything the same way as you is REALY stupid Dave)
is not my fault

Nothing is ever your fault, Mark. Your comments do not read as those of
a person with an IQ of 248.

projecting again Dave

How is it my fault that you have made a bad guess?

you making incorrctly making assumetion beyond what I have said does
not make me liar but when you make make statement of fact based on
your incorect deduction it makes you the liar

"you making incrrctly making assumetion"? Your frequent lies make you a
liar, Mark. That's it in a nutshell.

you failure to state the truth about what I have said makes YOU the

that is it in nutshell

You KNOW i am a non comfromist yet you insit that you appply your
confist thinking to my way of life and deduce anything with any
corelation to my views

You've shrouded yourself
in victimhood and you want a free ride in life.

another lie on your part

HF access in amateur radio?

how does this question relate to your claim?

You want a free ride in amateur radio.

no I don't

You want the regs changed to
accommodate you.

wrong again

I want the regs changed to reflect what I see as the best interests of
the ARS

Judging by the fact NoCode is about to prevail It is about a lot more
than my wants, and a fair number of people agree with me on what the
regs should including it appears the people that make em

how that is just about accomodating I frankly don't know

Hf access is needed for life?

I didn't write "for life", Mark. I wrote "in life". Remember, you're
supposed to be the fellow the 248 IQ. The two terms are quite different.

for life in life there is no difference her thier are in other context
but I don't need HF in my or for my life

I desire it yes I don't need it all

how is taking part in the porcess of making the rules as provided for
by law asking for a free ride in life?

You demand that the standards for obtaining HF amateur radio access be
lowered for *you*.

no I don't

I am taking part in the provided for system of seting what the rules
should be for all

as I Bill Sohl Brain, Carl, Len Todd, even you and Stevie ( jim and all
the rest)

Others should have to try to decipher your

you DON"T have to try to deipher my writing. I have never said you do.
You choose to do so, if you don't like the rsults of your efforts make
another CHOICE nonone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you is
there? certainly not by my order, if you think someone is holding a
gun to head and making you read my stuf call 911, i am certain (a
rarity for me) that in this event and you call someone will help you.

Why are you babbling about calling 911 and someone holding a gun to
someone's head?

you are babbling as if someone is making you read my posts

Even Dee Flint while being an elist bitch about a lot of things does
not contend she or anyone is being forced to read my stuff

if it is too hard for don't

it is your free choice unless there is gunman there or something like

Is the object of your posting here to communicate your
thoughts to others?

other yes

you maybe, maybe not

If it is, you aren't doing a very good job of it.

maybe I am achiveing my goals maybe not that is for ME to judge

One would think that you'd do all in your power to make your posts as
well written and concise as possible.

YOU think so, I disagree

You don't do so.

agreed as is my right


Okay, I'm telling you that Steve didn't provide you the name, address
and telephone number of his employer or of the employer's supervising
organization. I refuse to be held to a different standard. Go to work.

why should I work at getting you fired when I don't want you be fired?

In Stevies case we may end up there and indeed the result may turn out
to be Stevie losing his job but that is not in fact my true aim, it
may be what happens but we shall see

The result may be that you ending up with your ass in a crack. We shall
see. Enough of that. Your current problem is to find out who and where
my employer is.

not my problem not my interest and not my goal
Then you'll need to find out who to contact in order to
point out that I've belittled and made fun of you. Be sure to tell them
that I see you as a liar and a pervert. Let them know that I refuse to
be politically correct in dealing with you. Good luck with your jihad.

If were to try and get yuou fired Id talk about you not me

there is plenty there in your past on here

but of course I want you wroking LOTS of OVERTIME not fired

Dave K8MN

Dave Heil November 11th 05 05:15 AM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN
an old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:17:15 GMT, Dave Heil


How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?
no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs
Based upon your two lines above, I rest my case.
what case?

Are you narcoleptic?


Do you recall my comments about your imprecision
with words? You proved it above. See your terms "occoured" and "spliting".

wrong again I simply proved I suffer from Dyslexia and what the doc
termed Dyslexiod aphasia

Interesting but it doesn't change what I wrote. You are imprecise with
the written word.

I used the terms pricisely

You didn't even use the word "precisely" precisely.


the LAW say the issues you claim are not important

What issues did I claim are not important?

you did not

I did

That isn't what you wrote. You are imprecise in the use of the written

but the issues refer to are my sexuality and my alleged criminality

both are legaly irrelevant in this matter

That has yet to be determined.

I think
you are going to be surprised.

no suprise indeed in making my report they will told of these "issues"
since knowing the turth will be requiredin order to explain Stevie

That'll be great.

You don't believe that U.S. states generally follow the laws they have

not always the US is better about it than most nation but I believe
that the US is still imperfect, and liekly always will be to some

I also know that one of the areas in which the US most often shows its
imperfections is in the treatement of those of its people that are
"defferent" in some way

Oh, you're "defferent" okay.

Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

C'mon, Mark! You've lied about any number of things here. You've lied
about your military service and I don't mean just a single lie. You've
lied to cover lies. It isn't like the stuff isn't archived. There are
records of your lies and records of your lies uncovered.

wrong Dave like Stevie you think disagreeing with you is lying

No, I don't believe that disagreeing is lying.

yes you do

No, Mark, that is simply incorrect. In fact, I just told you so previously.

Lying is lying and
you've done it time and again.

yes I have so have you and so has Stevie

Keep in mind that you've just admitted to being a liar. Further down
the post, you'll deny it.

You aren't credible.

Why? I am as credible as Stevie or you.

No, Mark, you aren't. You have a number of issues. Lying is just one
of them.

you lie you have lied within the past 24 hrs about my claims as to

So you say. I admitted to being mistaken.

Stevie has lied he has said I have aids, that I engage in unpropected
sex, that I have admited to child mosting

Did you admite to child mosting?

we are on the same footing

No, Mark, we assuredly are not.

There are archived
posts which prove that you've lied.

as their are for Stevie lots of them

You justify your lies by pointing to someone else?

I have lied about my rank and that is all I have told some lies that
have lead Stevie off on wild goose chases about my identity that is it

Yes, you certainly have lied.


Keep in mind that you've agreed that you have lied. Further in the
post, you deny it.

cut repating yourself get your stuff dumped

I don't need repating, Mark. I have a full head of hair. By the way,
you don't really think my words are dumped when you cut them in a reply,
do you? I checked and my original post is still there. All of my words
are intact.

how do these facts allow Stevie to claim someone has AIDS isn't lie
about medical matters?

Is Steve acting in a medical capacity here?

that is one of the 2 issues for the BoN to decide

Is it?

I would say Yes, as soon as he claims he is making a PROFESSION opinion
he is acting in medical capcity

I've seen newsgroup posts where folks profess belief that a New World
Order will result in global government, that the President and Vice-
President planned the attacks on the World Trade Center and that someone
has invented a miracle penis enlarger. I put no credence in any of them.

as soon as HE gives medical advice to people that KNOW he is an LPN is

as soon as he claims to have used the materail here to act
professionaly he is

the BoN will make its ruling and act accordingly

Maybe it will and maybe it'll write you off as a crackpot.

If I am right Stevie will suffer some kind of scantion, he may lose his

Maybe he will and maybe he won't.

if Stevie is right nothing will happen to him and no harm done

I wouldn't bank on that.

how does that allow Stevie to LIE about the procedure of BoN so he can
try to frighten someon into not reporting him?

I've not noted Steve attempting to frighten "someon" into not reporting

then you have not been reading

I have observed his warnings to you on what is likely to take
place after you've done so.

and he is lying about it

I wouldn't bank on that either.

deal with reality Dave if you can

Mark, I don't think you are in a position to tell others about reality.

right you don't think but I knew that

That can't be right. You told me that you can't be absolutely sure of


You've lied about your work.

Were you ever in the Chemical Corps of the United States Army?


cutting unsuported bs

You've lied about your income.
no i have not

I have never stated my income you dolt

Haven't you?

no I have not

Okay, you've lied about your potential income.

therefore having never made such a statement I have never lie within
such a statement

So the way we can tell if you aren't lying is because you haven't said

not exactly but yuou can assume I making statments I have not made

We'll have to wait for the exact translation of that one.

You've lied about your trained pool of


Sure you have, Mark. You told us that you have a trained pool of
typists. You later said that you couldn't have one of 'em type
something up because of the expense of paying her.

never said that

I siad I choose not to pay for the time not that I could not pay for it

Read what I wrote. Please point to the portion where I wrote that you
"could not pay for it".

that is the problem you and Stevie take a statement, apply a host of
assumetion and then claim I said what you think was implied in the
first statement and run off from there

No, that isn't the problem. You responded to what I wrote and said I'd
written something I hadn't written.

You're a fabricator.

when it serves to make me safer yes long ago admited

Remember that you wrote that. Further along in the post, you'll deny it.

There you have most of it. You also lie when it is convenient or when
it suits you.

not exactly

You're waffling now, Mark.

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that

How does one legally assume?

by doing so

How does one go about doing so?

by doing so

That's a circular response. I'd expect better of an individual with an
IQ of 248.

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

why report myself again? esp as No rime was comitted Stevei greatly
over simplifies anything when he tlaks about the law

If no "rime" was "comitted", why'd you report yourself? What are you
"tlaking" about?

I discussed the matter as part of reporting stevies death threats

I see. You told the FBI that you'd reported yourself to the FBI?

why does everyting have to be repeated for you

....because the answers keep moving in a veritable carousel of untruth.

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

Fine, Colonel. You can dress in full uniform and have a little game of
beat me/spank me/pee on me.

and None of the is legaly something the BoN may consider "legally assume". Those things would seem to go toward
establishing the credibility of an accuser. Do you think you'd be seen
as credible?

they seem might to , to you, but the law ,and the BoN say otherwise

You'd have to show that the law and the Tennessee Board of Nursing say
otherwise. I'm afraid I can't accept your word.

other than some kind of Illegal sex ( and I think all that is left in
feild is sex with kidds, animals and corpses and rape in the legal
sense of the word) the rest does not matter, legaly

....and the other kinds don't matter to you morally?

you are a prude, but the LAW does not allow you to enforce that on
everyone else

A prude, Mark?

yes a prude.

if you prefer another label put it forward with your reasons and I'll
consider using it

Do you think I'm part of some tiny minority which
approves of your lifestyle?


Then if your sexual practices fall outside what society finds
"acceptable", I'm no prude.

grow up and get over it Dave

I'm fully grown and nothing compels me to get over anything.

you don't act fully grown, but you are right you don't have to get over
anything but it is good advice

If you were the very last guy left in this newsgroup, I'd not be taking
advice from you.

you don't know what I can or will do

About the only things I can reasonably expect is that it won't be 1)
reasonable, 2) rational or 3) truthful

more BS Dave

Not at all, Mark. It is gospel. Base upon reading your material here
and elsewhere, those are the things I expect.

Indeed just for illustration if i happened to paranoid threat to
myself and other Stevie has claimed to be "his professional opinion"
(and if anything gets him besides mouthing to an investagtor those
words wil be it) pushing proding trying to rerate someone like risk
his own life and you would be risking your iF I were what Stevie says
I am

I don't believe you to be rational,

If Stevie were corect in his Professional assement you should be.

Are you now telling me that I should be afraid of you?

If I am nuts or irtaional of what have I am much more dangerous to you
than If I am

Are you now telling me that I should be afraid of you?

the rest of the paragraph cut off at the tangent

You cut yourself off before writing the tangent?

you nor I can know very much about a person based on the degree on
contact you have with me

I know enough about you that I'd not want to hang out with you, work
with you or have a series of QSOs about what interests you.

ture enough and I can say the same of you of course

Are you too lazy to do anything for yourself?


Then hop to it.

to what?

Write letters to the
editor of your paper.

why? tell him that I've been mean to you.

to what end?

....both ends.


you do have such a rich fantasy life Dave

Do you think I made up the part about reading a newspaper? having a
nearby TV station? What part do you believe to be fantasy?

that you state I should find either the proper venue to deal with you

Why'd you cut your words before you completed the thought? Either the
proper venue to deal with me or what?

if you have Stevie has if Stevie has he will likely lose his licens or
be oteherwise punished

That doesn't track, Colonel.

sure does

I'm not Steve

are you certain it is hard to tell some days

I'm sure that's the case for you. If it will help you, I sign my posts
"Dave K8MN".

. I made a diagnosis.

See if you can have my license revoked or have me "oteherwise" punished.

First I'll try to deal with Stevie

he has a license to revoke you don't

....that you know of. Hey! I have an amateur radio license. Why not
see if you can get it revoked.

further becuase of his licnese he more dangerous to me in my judegment,

You have a record of finding people to be dangerous to you.

futher still dealing with Stevie liecense which he uses to obtain
criedbilty will alos lessen yours to say much the same thing

That's some faulty logic you've got there, Mark.

Addtionaly I have a plan that I hope will deal Stevie a suitable
punishment, I don't have such a plan w.r.t. you

It is probably wise of you not to have formulated such a plan.

therefore logicaly I should continue to focous on Stevie and I will

There's not much evidence of focus on your part.

but you are fool if you I am going to take on everyone at once

I cringe to think what that might mean.

you should

Why? Is the reality worse than I can imagine?

Stvie has ****ed me off enough and he is far greater danger from a
medical practice issue than ANYONE in the NG

Right. Lots of people get their medical information from some guy
posting in an amateur radio newsgroup.

some one that was talkingabout crufing me based on what he read in NG
did get it from Stevie

Crufing you? I'll bet that hurts.

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

Oh, weren't you a Colonel in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps anymore?

right said years ago
I wasn;t a colonel, only YOU and stevie have been trying to continue
that lie other the years

You've accused me of lying in addressing you as "Colonel". You were the
person who told us that you were a Colonel. That must have been *you*
doing the lying.

you contiue to lie after being told the truth

With you, no one can be sure of when you tell the truth and when you
lie. It appears that you lie until you are caught at it. Afterward,
you may come clean or you may tell another lie to cover the original lie.

further you have never had much reason to tell the lie

Get it straight, Colonel. I didn't tell the lie. You did.

I have admit to the lie

Yep, to that one.

Were you in the United States Army Chemical Corps?

asked and answered yes

How can I believe you?

that a bald-faced lie? Was your IQ of 248, higher than that of any other
living person, also a lie?

nope it was the result of test done many years ago

...and the test revealed that you have a higher IQ than the woman
recognized as having the highest tested IQ?

can't addrss you issue without more data

You can't address the issue? Did anyone ever tell you that you had the
highest tested IQ on the planet? Perhaps you need a little more time to
polish the follow up lie.

Here's some data for you ( from )

IQ Description % of Population
130+ Very Superior 2.2
120-129 Superior 6.7
110-119 High Average 16.1
90-109 Average 50
80-89 Low Average 16.1
70-79 Borderline 6.7
Below 70 Extremely Low 2.2


"Marilyn vos Savant (born August 11, 1946) is an American magazine
columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright who rose to fame through her
listing in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ". Since
1986 she has written Ask Marilyn, a Sunday column in Parade magazine in
which she answers questions from readers on a variety of subjects..."

"...Her Stanford-Binet score is discussed in a 1989 New York magazine
article by Julie Baumgold (Baumgold 1989). Marilyn took the
Stanford-Binet when she was ten years old; this was the Second Edition
of the test, published in 1937. The Stanford-Binet at that time yielded
ratio IQs: scores obtained by dividing mental age (as assessed by the
test) by chronological age, and multiplying by 100. Marilyn says she
first took the test in September 1956, at the age of 10 years and 0
months, and achieved the ceiling mental age of 22 years and 10 months,
yielding an IQ of 228. This was the score listed by Guinness, this is
the score she gives in interviews, and this is the score shown in the
"About the Author" section of her books. Rounding it up produces the
value of 230 which sometimes appears."

"The figure of 167+ comes from a school record cited by Baumgold
indicating that Marilyn took the Stanford-Binet in March 1957, at the
age of 10 years and 8 months, and achieved a mental age of "17-10+"
(meaning at least 17 years and 10 months). It is unclear how the
recorded chronological age was derived; dates in March are 6 or 7 months
from her August birthday, not 8. It is also unclear how this record
relates to the account given in the previous paragraph. The
Stanford-Binet at that time had two forms (Form L and Form M), so one
possibility is that Marilyn took the test twice."

"The figure of 218 was derived by psychometrician Ronald K. Hoeflin,
using a chronological age of 10 years and 6 months, and a mental age of
22 years and 11 months. This figure seems to have no obvious rationale.
The ceiling of the Second Edition of the Stanford-Binet was 22 years and
10 months, not 11 months (Terman 1937), and a chronological age of 10
years and 6 months corresponds neither to the age in Marilyn's account
nor to the age in the school record cited by Baumgold (although it could
fit a March test date)."

"The second intelligence test mentioned by Guinness is the Mega Test,
designed by Hoeflin and taken by Marilyn as an adult in the mid-1980s.
The Mega Test yields deviation IQs: scores obtained by multiplying the
testee's z-score (the rarity of their raw score on the test) by a
constant standard deviation (in this case 16) and then adding 100.
Marilyn's raw score was 46 out of 48, corresponding in the latest
norming of the test to a z-score of 5.4 and therefore an IQ of 186, a
percentile of 99.999997, and a rarity of 1 in 30,000,000 (Hoeflin 1989)."

Now, is there anything you'd care to clarify about your claimed IQ?

Was your salary of 200-some thousand dollars
a lie?
never said my salery was 200K I said I turned a job that would paid
240K, and I did do that

My mistake.

no it was YOUR lie

NO, Mark, it was my mistake. I confused your supposed job offer with
the claim of actual employment.

prhaps your claim about turning down "240k" has a built-in
fudge factor

I turned a job overing 240,000.00$ per year becuase I did not need the
money badly enough to tkae the risk

Sure you did, Mark.

you assumed the rest

Sometimes you just have to tkae the risk.

indeed if you are ever being truthfull yourself ain your claims you
don't understand my writting you can't realy claim you know anything I

With your writing and your refusal to use spell checking, no one can
know much of anything you are trying to say.

then you agree

If you think I've agreed, then your reading is as bad as your writing.

meaning you are making statements based on materail you admt you don't
understand, meaning you are lying when you claim I make any statement
beyond a direct in context quote


As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

You haven't demonstrated that you are able to do so.




It has been answered, Mark.

Yoou two carries these chips on your shoulders thinking everyone
around must confrom toyour expectations

"Yoou two carries"? Phew! I've never asked for any special
accommodations or revisions in regulations, standards or commonly
accepted conduct in my life.

neither have I

Yes, you have, Mark.

I have asked for the same rights as everyone else. most esp the right
to live my life in peace and safety without nosey pikers like yourself
poking into what is none of your affiar

Are you posting to a public newsgroup? Have you posted to public
newsgroups catering to those with peculiar sexual desires? Would a man
who demands a "right to live my life in peace and safety without nosey
pikers like yourself poking into what is none of your affiar (sic), be
doing so?

You're a real non-confromist, Mark.

ok I can live with that label, carries a few overtones of usages I
don't like but it isn't bad

When spelled your way, it carries more than a few.

the question is so what that I am (a nonconformist)?

Oh, now you want to be a non-conformist!

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

Not perverity, Mark. Perversity. You know--yours.

none here no prevesity at all

Not "prevesity", Mark. Perversity.

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

again what sexual perverity

Again, not perverity, Mark. Perversity. Start with the ones I asked
about above.

what prevestity?

No, not "prevestity", Mark. I wrote about your perversity.

nothing I consider preverse in your list at all one come under the
heading of "not my kink" not nothing preverse in the list

Perverse, Mark, not "preverse" and I'm not talking of your standards, I
mean societal standards.

You by my starndard are the prevert

I'm sure that you believe that. The world doesn't seem to operate on
your "starnard".

nor do I think it has to

Lucky for the world.

you OTOH think the world and everyone in MUST confrom to yours

Society says that there are things which you can and can't do. There
are things you can and can't say.

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

There's the story of your life, Mark.

nope perhaps yours from all apearances

I don't have a history of lying, Mark. You do.

you certainly do

well documented

That is yet another falsehood on your part.

indeed your history of lying is far better archived on RRAP than mine

Mark, you're making one fabrication after another.

You tell all, "your probelm".

not exactly since it is only your problem if you want to read my stuff,
nobdoy is making you.

Is Mister Nobdoy in charge of newsgroup enforcement?

Is someone making you?

Perhaps Mister Nobdoy compels you to read my posts.

I keep asking and you keep ducking the question

To paraphrase you: I owe you no response.

Killfle me that is your previeledge

Thanks for illustrating my point.

no it illustrates MINE

Your point is that you can't write clearly?

....r and it is the problem of everyone else.

not everyones Dave only those that CHOOSE to try and read my stuff

Isn't the point that you are attempting to communicate with others?

other yes, not realy you or Stevie though, or Dee Flint

My target is the lurker population out there

....and the lurkers will be able to read and comprehend your gibberish,
but no one else can. How can I compete with logic such as that?

you and the rest are idea and text to play and use to help me make my
point to my target

The rest of us are idea and text and you believe you are making a point
to a target? There's more of that 248 IQ at work.

Would you have us believe that you don't care if others can't make sense
of your writing ......

yes I have said so many times

So now you don't care about your target audience?

....or that they find it laborious to decipher it?

no but you asked the worng question

I find it desirable that those that choose to read it find laborious to

So the target audience isn't supposed to read your posts but they'll
understand you anyway? Hmmmm.

Indeed my motive amusingly goes right to haert of a ProCode arguement
"if you don't work it for you don't value it"

That's some amusement. You come off like an idiot because you don't
work at writing and that's supposed to hit the PCTA right in the
breadbasket, huh?

therefore since being rough to read is easier path for me anyway by
going with that flow I feel i reach a segement that is receptive the No
Coder PoV and isn't geting it from the easier to read spokes people

Tell you what Mark, that has to be one of the dumbest statements I've
ever read from anyone.

that my foes also find it hard to read I find yet an added Bonus

Pretty slick, Mark, and you've told us you don't care if your target
reads your stuff. So, the only person who is supposed to read your

you are showing signs of meglomania in claiming your veiwpoint is the
only viewpoint

Right, Mark. Nothing is right or wrong, good or bad. There are only
shades of gray.

exactly glad you agree or more precisely nothing is ALWAYS good or bad,
even murder myhem, have their proper uses the problem with murder is
not that it is never a good thing, it is that it is used in far too
many cases where it is a bad thing

Oh, I'm not agreeing with you, Mark, just the opposite. I firmly
believe that murder is not a gray area. The one point I'll concede is
on the topic of your hem. Both above the knee and below the knee are
"in" this fall.

You tell numerous lies


Wrong? You admitted it above in the very same posting!

no i don't I lie but i quuible on the details

You may now refer to the portions above where you admitted directly to

Dave K8MN

K4YZ November 11th 05 11:54 AM

More Markie Mularkie
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Do you recall my comments about your imprecision
with words? You proved it above. See your terms "occoured" and "spliting".

wrong again I simply proved I suffer from Dyslexia and what the doc
termed Dyslexiod aphasia

I used the terms pricisely

No, you did not.

You were IMPRECISE in your use of the words.

Your TYPING errors come from laziness and haste, NOT dyslexia.

There is NO SUCH THING as "dyslexiod aphasia". "WebMD", Tabor's
and the Stedman's Guide all concur.

More than likely your MD told you one thing and you were too
embarrassed to admit you didn't understand so just made up something
that sounds like what he told you.

I think
you are going to be surprised.

no suprise indeed in making my report they will told of these "issues"
since knowing the turth will be requiredin order to explain Stevie

And you continue to function as though you understand the BoN
rules. You quite clearly do not, but good luck anyway. I continue to
add your "pearls" to the CD. It will make interesting reading in
Nashville if I am tasked to respond to a "complaint".

No, I don't believe that disagreeing is lying.

yes you do

Lying is lying and
you've done it time and again.

yes I have so have you and so has Stevie

No, Dave and I have not.

You aren't credible.

Why? I am as credible as Stevie or you.

No, you're not.

you lie you have lied within the past 24 hrs about my claims as to

Stevie has lied he has said I have aids, that I engage in unpropected
sex, that I have admited to child mosting

But MARKIE, YOU are the one that said it's "OK" to just use ANY
"definition" of ANY word as you see fit without ensuring that all
parties of the discussion agree on WHICH definition is being used.

That's part of the CD too.

Remember all your arguments on the use of the term
"drafted"...?!?! You INSISTED that YOUR definition was not the one
used by the DoD, yet it IS a military application we were addressing...

It's part of the record, Markie. Good luck squeezing out from
under that one.

we are on the same footing

Nooooooooooooooooooo...we're not.

Dave and I are professionals, recognized by our peers in our
seperate disciplines as such.

Any "defense" I have to mount will include testimony of people who
are also known and recognized within my profession. None of them are
allegedly dyslexic gay pagan Colonels in the "Chemical Corps" who can't
manage to use a spellchecker in their correspondences and "admit" that
they consider lying to be a "right" or moral responsibility to teach
their children.

There are archived
posts which prove that you've lied.

as their are for Stevie lots of them

See, Markie...There you go with that "disagreeing is lying"
thing...You seem to think it ony applies to others...And therein lies
part of your downfall.

I have lied about my rank and that is all I have told some lies that
have lead Stevie off on wild goose chases about my identity that is it

Yes, you certainly have lied.

cut repating yourself get your stuff dumped

But not before you publically acknowledged, again, your propensity
for lying.


If I am right Stevie will suffer some kind of scantion, he may lose his

if Stevie is right nothing will happen to him and no harm done

"Stevie" is right, but there WILL be "harm done" the person
filing a malicious complaint...

how does that allow Stevie to LIE about the procedure of BoN so he can
try to frighten someon into not reporting him?

I've not noted Steve attempting to frighten "someon" into not reporting

then you have not been reading

I have observed his warnings to you on what is likely to take
place after you've done so.

and he is lying about it

There's no lying here by me.

I am telling you straight up...I am not taking a slapping by you
at the Board of Nursing and then just letting you get away with it.

The nature of your maliciousness is established here.


You've lied about your trained pool of


Sure you have, Mark. You told us that you have a trained pool of
typists. You later said that you couldn't have one of 'em type
something up because of the expense of paying her.

never said that

Damn, Mark...caught lying again...

I siad I choose not to pay for the time not that I could not pay for it

Nope. That's NOT what you said.

that is the problem you and Stevie take a statement, apply a host of
assumetion and then claim I said what you think was implied in the
first statement and run off from there

No, we take a statement from you that says "I can't afford to pay
right now" and take it at face value that you can't afford to pay.
There's no shame in not having some discretionary cash on hand,
Markie...It happens all the time...

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

If that isn't another of your lies, it is a start. Why not call 'em and
report yourself again?

why report myself again? esp as No rime was comitted Stevei greatly
over simplifies anything when he tlaks about the law

If no "rime" was "comitted", why'd you report yourself? What are you
"tlaking" about?

I discussed the matter as part of reporting stevies death threats

why does everyting have to be repeated for you

So we can document you in yet ANOTHER of your twists of the tale,

I don't believe you to be rational,

If Stevie were corect in his Professional assement you should be.

As usual, Markie, tripped yourself up.

If I am nuts or irtaional of what have I am much more dangerous to you
than If I am

Was that a sentence? What did you say?

the rest of the paragraph cut off at the tangent

Only reality and rationality are not "tangental" to you, Markie.

See if you can have my license revoked or have me "oteherwise" punished.

First I'll try to deal with Stevie

he has a license to revoke you don't

further becuase of his licnese he more dangerous to me in my judegment,

You can't even spell "judgement" let alone express a valid

Addtionaly I have a plan that I hope will deal Stevie a suitable
punishment, I don't have such a plan w.r.t. you


That's what Markie wants!

therefore logicaly I should continue to focous on Stevie and I will

Evidence of STALKING, Markie!


Right. Lots of people get their medical information from some guy
posting in an amateur radio newsgroup.

some one that was talkingabout crufing me based on what he read in NG
did get it from Stevie

"crufing" you...?!?!

WTF is "crufing"...?!?!

You've accused me of lying in addressing you as "Colonel". You were the
person who told us that you were a Colonel. That must have been *you*
doing the lying.

you contiue to lie after being told the truth

further you have never had much reason to tell the lie

He never HAS told a lie that I am aware of...

YOU, on the other hand, have.

I have admit to the lie

Were you in the United States Army Chemical Corps?

asked and answered yes

Asked and lied about.

that a bald-faced lie? Was your IQ of 248, higher than that of any other
living person, also a lie?

nope it was the result of test done many years ago

...and the test revealed that you have a higher IQ than the woman
recognized as having the highest tested IQ?

can't addrss you issue without more data

What you MEAN is that you made up a number, however there's REAL
evidence that YOUR number is so ludicrous as to simply prove that
you've been caught AGAIN!

indeed if you are ever being truthfull yourself ain your claims you
don't understand my writting you can't realy claim you know anything I

With your writing and your refusal to use spell checking, no one can
know much of anything you are trying to say.

then you agree

meaning you are making statements based on materail you admt you don't
understand, meaning you are lying when you claim I make any statement
beyond a direct in context quote


Which IS to say that you are ATTEMPTING to be deceitful in
order to create an enviroment of distrust and miscommunication...

Which is to say you are willfully lying.

Yoou two carries these chips on your shoulders thinking everyone
around must confrom toyour expectations

"Yoou two carries"? Phew! I've never asked for any special
accommodations or revisions in regulations, standards or commonly
accepted conduct in my life.

neither have I

An ABSOLUTE LIE! And one perpetrated in this NG over and
over...God knows what you're like in "real" life...! ! ! !

I have asked for the same rights as everyone else. most esp the right
to live my life in peace and safety without nosey pikers like yourself
poking into what is none of your affiar

Then why MAKE it anyone's affair by airing your dirty underwear in

Aren't you the same Mark Morgan who is into bisexual S&M stuff with a
little urination and defecation thrown in for good measure?

again what sexual perverity

Again, not perverity, Mark. Perversity. Start with the ones I asked
about above.

what prevestity?

"prevestity" is not a word.

nothing I consider preverse in your list at all one come under the
heading of "not my kink" not nothing preverse in the list

"preverse"...Before the verse?

I don't have a history of lying, Mark. You do.

you certainly do

well documented

indeed your history of lying is far better archived on RRAP than mine



! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

You're a pervert and everyone who
isn't a pervert needs help. You can't write and won't use a

and your and stevie whine and whine about it

I complain about it.

you whine about it

Everybody's a whiner except Markie.

Steve has complained about it.

he whines about

Everybody's a whiner except Markie.

Others have
complained about it.

they whine about ti

See! What did I tell you! Everybody's a whiner except Markie!

You tell all, "your probelm".

not exactly since it is only your problem if you want to read my stuff,
nobdoy is making you.

Is someone making you?

You are, when you spam the NG with it.

I keep asking and you keep ducking the question

Killfle me that is your previeledge

Thanks for illustrating my point.

no it illustrates MINE

No, it doesn't.

....r and it is the problem of everyone else.

not everyones Dave only those that CHOOSE to try and read my stuff

Isn't the point that you are attempting to communicate with others?

other yes, not realy you or Stevie though, or Dee Flint

In other words, anyone who disagrees with you.

My target is the lurker population out there

I am sure that they are just DYING to know what Mark Morgan

(...visions of people leaning over, cupping their ear as in the
"E.F. Hutton" commercials...)

Indeed my motive amusingly goes right to haert of a ProCode arguement
"if you don't work it for you don't value it"


I have caled 4 people liars (the Comode and the various slits are not
proven to be people on their own so they don't count) and I have
called on lies

Would you like to adjust the number?


You should.

I came up with twelve off the top of my head, and that was without
doing any "Googling".....

You want the regs changed to
accommodate you.

wrong again

I want the regs changed to reflect what I see as the best interests of
the ARS

No...You want the rules changed to accomodate you.

Judging by the fact NoCode is about to prevail It is about a lot more
than my wants, and a fair number of people agree with me on what the
regs should including it appears the people that make em

A fair numbr of people agree with you taht they don't want to have
to actually do something to get something...That's been the trend since
the 60's...thanks Abbie Hoffman, Timothy Leary, etc etc etc...

I didn't write "for life", Mark. I wrote "in life". Remember, you're
supposed to be the fellow the 248 IQ. The two terms are quite different.

for life in life there is no difference her thier are in other context

There is absolutely EVERY difference in the context!

but I don't need HF in my or for my life

Obvioulsy that's not true. You've been spanking that monkey in
here for years.

Even Dee Flint while being an elist bitch about a lot of things does
not contend she or anyone is being forced to read my stuff

WHOA! You go on and on about "disagreeing is not lying", etc, and
you call a WOMAN who has NEVER used such language about you a

You need to get knocked off your feet for that one, Markie! And I
mean a solid, blood letting smack in the middle of your greasy face!

Considering she ALSO lives in Michigan, and there may very well be
a MR Flint, I'd think that an APOLOGY for the poor choice of adjectives
might be in order!

Okay, I'm telling you that Steve didn't provide you the name, address
and telephone number of his employer or of the employer's supervising
organization. I refuse to be held to a different standard. Go to work.

why should I work at getting you fired when I don't want you be fired?

Trust me, Markie...I am the one you don't want fired!

In Stevies case we may end up there and indeed the result may turn out
to be Stevie losing his job but that is not in fact my true aim, it
may be what happens but we shall see

The result may be that you ending up with your ### in a crack. We shall
see. Enough of that. Your current problem is to find out who and where
my employer is.

not my problem not my interest and not my goal

Yes, having YOUR ### in a crack is a problem.

Then you'll need to find out who to contact in order to
point out that I've belittled and made fun of you. Be sure to tell them
that I see you as a liar and a pervert. Let them know that I refuse to
be politically correct in dealing with you. Good luck with your jihad.

If were to try and get yuou fired Id talk about you not me

there is plenty there in your past on here

but of course I want you wroking LOTS of OVERTIME not fired


Steve, K4YZ

[email protected] November 11th 05 03:09 PM

More Brain and Markie Stretching

K4YZ wrote:
On 6 Nov 2005 08:11:37 -0800,

Yep, he even used "professional" to describe that he wasn't just some
yahoo, but a medical professional.

and i hope that is what is going to nail with the nursing board

Nothing you or me say is going to sway the nurses board.

Unintentional, I am sure, but finally a modicum of sanity
displayed by one of the Feeble Five.

Steve, somehow I don't think my Somalia logbooks will be much of a
concern to your board, or whether or not I read a 1958 copy of "This is
the Air Force," or if you were really an "A" NCOIC of Okinawa MARS.

I'm going to guess that it's your behavior that they'll be looking at.
You may be able to prove that Mark misspells words and doesn't finish
his thoughts when writing to the group. You may be able to prove that
Mark's faith isn't mainstream, or that he is gay or bi or whatever.
You might even be able to prove that he thinks that you're an asshole
like I do. But if you stepped out of bounds and used your Nurse
credentials to use another states health or child services
professionals, or police or Sheriff personnel to harass Mark, then
that's what they'll probably be considering. So at the end of the day,
if you did "dial" Illinois, you'll have some real explaining to do.

Somehow I don't think my Somalia logbooks will be much of a concern to
your board, but you might think differently. Good luck.

an old friend November 11th 05 04:50 PM

Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN

Dave Heil wrote:
an old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:17:15 GMT, Dave Heil


with words? You proved it above. See your terms "occoured" and "spliting".

wrong again I simply proved I suffer from Dyslexia and what the doc
termed Dyslexiod aphasia

Interesting but it doesn't change what I wrote. You are imprecise with
the written word.

then so what if that is what you mean

bashing for my disablity is not noble behavoir Dave, nor something that
will make me inclined to do as you wish
cuting davei spliting hair again

but the issues refer to are my sexuality and my alleged criminality

both are legaly irrelevant in this matter

That has yet to be determined.

not as I see it the history of the law on this subject is clear

You don't believe that U.S. states generally follow the laws they have

not always the US is better about it than most nation but I believe
that the US is still imperfect, and liekly always will be to some

I also know that one of the areas in which the US most often shows its
imperfections is in the treatement of those of its people that are
"defferent" in some way

Oh, you're "defferent" okay.

yes I am, get over it, you will be happier that way
No, I don't believe that disagreeing is lying.

yes you do

No, Mark, that is simply incorrect. In fact, I just told you so previously.

Lying is lying and
you've done it time and again.

yes I have so have you and so has Stevie

Keep in mind that you've just admitted to being a liar. Further down
the post, you'll deny it.

and you have been labeled a liar asnwered the coment and not denied
being liar

You aren't credible.

Why? I am as credible as Stevie or you.

No, Mark, you aren't.

why not?

You have a number of issues.

such as?

Lying is just one
of them.

you lie you have lied within the past 24 hrs about my claims as to

So you say. I admitted to being mistaken.

and you have falsely tried to blame me for your mistake

Stevie has lied he has said I have aids, that I engage in unpropected
sex, that I have admited to child mosting

Did you admite to child mosting?


we are on the same footing

No, Mark, we assuredly are not.

why not?

Stevie lies about people, falsely accuses them of crimes, lies about
things he has NO way of knowing

There are archived
posts which prove that you've lied.

as their are for Stevie lots of them

You justify your lies by pointing to someone else?

no i don't

my lies need no defense, since they have harmed no one. "No harm no
foul" is how Lawyers are taught to think when looking at Torts and to
consider this issue in all legal matters

Stevie lies to attack and harm others, I do not

cut repating yourself get your stuff dumped

I don't need repating, Mark. I have a full head of hair. By the way,
you don't really think my words are dumped when you cut them in a reply,
do you? cut

if you want to be stupid I will not bother with more of your post
if you don't to repaet yourself then don't
I don't care wether you you have any hair lots of it or hairy plams
but you are being stupid to suggest I think cuting your word means I
removeing your post

it is as dumb as Stevies claim that when I cut and not bother with some
of his word I am censoring him

and for that stupid remark the rest of the post is flushed unread

an old friend November 11th 05 04:51 PM

More Markie Mularkie

K4YZ wrote:
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Do you recall my comments about your imprecision
with words? You proved it above. See your terms "occoured" and "spliting".

wrong again I simply proved I suffer from Dyslexia and what the doc
termed Dyslexiod aphasia

I used the terms pricisely

No, you did not.

You were IMPRECISE in your use of the words.

Your TYPING errors come from laziness and haste, NOT dyslexia.

precticing med without a license
so flushing the rest

Dee Flint November 11th 05 11:24 PM

More Markie Mularkie

"K4YZ" wrote in message
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


I didn't write "for life", Mark. I wrote "in life". Remember, you're
supposed to be the fellow the 248 IQ. The two terms are quite

for life in life there is no difference her thier are in other context

There is absolutely EVERY difference in the context!

but I don't need HF in my or for my life

Obvioulsy that's not true. You've been spanking that monkey in
here for years.

Even Dee Flint while being an elist bitch about a lot of things does
not contend she or anyone is being forced to read my stuff

WHOA! You go on and on about "disagreeing is not lying", etc, and
you call a WOMAN who has NEVER used such language about you a

A little late there to protest, Steve. He started that several weeks ago.
I simply choose to shun such people.

You need to get knocked off your feet for that one, Markie! And I
mean a solid, blood letting smack in the middle of your greasy face!

He isn't worth the bother.

Considering she ALSO lives in Michigan, and there may very well be
a MR Flint, I'd think that an APOLOGY for the poor choice of adjectives
might be in order!

While there does happen to be a Mr. Flint, I would never permit him to risk
problems for himself over someone like this.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

K4YZ November 11th 05 11:50 PM

More Markie Mularkie

Dee Flint wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


I didn't write "for life", Mark. I wrote "in life". Remember, you're
supposed to be the fellow the 248 IQ. The two terms are quite

for life in life there is no difference her thier are in other context

There is absolutely EVERY difference in the context!

but I don't need HF in my or for my life

Obvioulsy that's not true. You've been spanking that monkey in
here for years.

Even Dee Flint while being an elist bitch about a lot of things does
not contend she or anyone is being forced to read my stuff

WHOA! You go on and on about "disagreeing is not lying", etc, and
you call a WOMAN who has NEVER used such language about you a

A little late there to protest, Steve. He started that several weeks ago.
I simply choose to shun such people.

An apology of my own then, Dee, but as I am sure it's apparent by
the ebb and flow of traffic, I've been busy lately and just plain
missed it...However his conduct was wrong then, it's wrong today.

You need to get knocked off your feet for that one, Markie! And I
mean a solid, blood letting smack in the middle of your greasy face!

He isn't worth the bother.

Hear hear.

Considering she ALSO lives in Michigan, and there may very well be
a MR Flint, I'd think that an APOLOGY for the poor choice of adjectives
might be in order!

While there does happen to be a Mr. Flint, I would never permit him to risk
problems for himself over someone like this.

Bravo, Dee...However I doubt that there is a court in the United
States that would fault a man for blooding the nose of a creep who
defiled his spouse. Similar case occured in Chattanooga a couple years
back..."Case Dismissed" for lack of evidence.


Steve, K4YZ

Dee Flint November 11th 05 11:58 PM

More Markie Mularkie

"K4YZ" wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


I didn't write "for life", Mark. I wrote "in life". Remember,
supposed to be the fellow the 248 IQ. The two terms are quite

for life in life there is no difference her thier are in other context

There is absolutely EVERY difference in the context!

but I don't need HF in my or for my life

Obvioulsy that's not true. You've been spanking that monkey in
here for years.

Even Dee Flint while being an elist bitch about a lot of things does
not contend she or anyone is being forced to read my stuff

WHOA! You go on and on about "disagreeing is not lying", etc, and
you call a WOMAN who has NEVER used such language about you a

A little late there to protest, Steve. He started that several weeks
I simply choose to shun such people.

An apology of my own then, Dee, but as I am sure it's apparent by
the ebb and flow of traffic, I've been busy lately and just plain
missed it...However his conduct was wrong then, it's wrong today.

Yeah I noticed your appearances have been irregular. And I agree that is
conduct is wrong. However, I absolutely refuse to feed his ego and so take
very little notice of his remarks.

Here's an irony for you. He considers Extras to be elitists but is planning
to become one himself as soon as possible after the code testing is dropped!

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

an old friend November 12th 05 11:28 AM

More Markie Mularkie

Dee Flint wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message

Here's an irony for you. He considers Extras to be elitists but is planning
to become one himself as soon as possible after the code testing is dropped!

now alsas you cross the line into Lair or perhaps it is ego manaic

I never said extras are elitists

I said you are

I have said other hams that happen to extras are

but you personalize a coment about yourself to mean what it does not

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

an old friend November 12th 05 11:30 AM

More Markie Mularkie

K4YZ wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


A little late there to protest, Steve. He started that several weeks ago.
I simply choose to shun such people.

An apology of my own then, Dee, but as I am sure it's apparent by
the ebb and flow of traffic, I've been busy lately and just plain
missed it...However his conduct was wrong then, it's wrong today.

meaning you jumped into without bothering to know what you were typing
about and shoot off our keyboard

Bravo, Dee...However I doubt that there is a court in the United
States that would fault a man for blooding the nose of a creep who
defiled his spouse. Similar case occured in Chattanooga a couple years
back..."Case Dismissed" for lack of evidence.

showing of course what we in the north have known for years, thatthe
courts of the south often do not uphold the law

and that they can be pretty brazen about it


Steve, K4YZ

K4YZ November 12th 05 02:17 PM

More Markie Mularkie

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


A little late there to protest, Steve. He started that several weeks ago.
I simply choose to shun such people.

An apology of my own then, Dee, but as I am sure it's apparent by
the ebb and flow of traffic, I've been busy lately and just plain
missed it...However his conduct was wrong then, it's wrong today.

meaning you jumped into without bothering to know what you were typing
about and shoot off our keyboard


Meaning your conduct was inappropriate then, it's inappropriate
now, and always WILL be inappropriate.

Bravo, Dee...However I doubt that there is a court in the United
States that would fault a man for blooding the nose of a creep who
defiled his spouse. Similar case occured in Chattanooga a couple years
back..."Case Dismissed" for lack of evidence.

showing of course what we in the north have known for years, thatthe
courts of the south often do not uphold the law

Sure they do.

and that they can be pretty brazen about it

Brazen about upholding their own law...?!?!

You're SUCH an IDIOT, Markie!

Steve, K4YZ

an_old_friend November 12th 05 04:59 PM

More Markie Mularkie

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message
nobodys old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


A little late there to protest, Steve. He started that several weeks ago.
I simply choose to shun such people.

An apology of my own then, Dee, but as I am sure it's apparent by
the ebb and flow of traffic, I've been busy lately and just plain
missed it...However his conduct was wrong then, it's wrong today.

meaning you jumped into without bothering to know what you were typing
about and shoot off our keyboard


yes meaning you jumped insoemthing without checking your facts

Meaning your conduct was inappropriate then, it's inappropriate
now, and always WILL be inappropriate.

Bravo, Dee...However I doubt that there is a court in the United
States that would fault a man for blooding the nose of a creep who
defiled his spouse. Similar case occured in Chattanooga a couple years
back..."Case Dismissed" for lack of evidence.

showing of course what we in the north have known for years, thatthe
courts of the south often do not uphold the law

Sure they do.

and that they can be pretty brazen about it

Brazen about upholding their own law...?!?!

about not upoholding it

You're SUCH an IDIOT, Markie!

Steve, K4YZ

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