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[email protected] August 28th 06 03:25 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?

Woody wrote:
I saw a C-130 fly almost directly over my house last year. Couldn't see who
was in it though...

The aluminum skin of a C130 is sort of hard to see through. The only
craft that I ever saw with a glass underbelly was a tour boat in

But you can rest assured that neither robesin nor the CAP was flying
that C130.

Dave Oldridge August 28th 06 06:54 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
"Woody" wrote in news:i4rIg.901$N84.191@trnddc08:

So did your guy die or not?

Which one? You win some, you lose some. In more than twenty years there
were lots. You see until 1995 CW was still being used for serious ship-to-
shore comms. SSB is OK for phone calls but if you want written copy, you
need something that works. And, though we tried it with some fairly good
equipment, RTTY just didn't cut it. What did the job was INMARSAT.
Satellite comms can take place on VHF, UHF and SHF bands that don't
restrict bandwidth. And they can do that because the antenna is finally
high enough to make a real difference.

And that's why I'm watching TV from a 12ghz satellite signal right now.
Putting the antenna that high makes all modes pretty much equal as far as
signal-to-noise goes.

Of course, if a big solar flare takes out a whole bunch of sats, we're
gonna have a comm squeeze.

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

Dave Oldridge August 28th 06 06:55 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
"Woody" wrote in news:thrIg.2006$XD1.1601@trnddc01:

Good call. Admit nothing, deny everything.

Hey, if you had to use CW to make chicken salad for a starving Latvian,
would that person starve to death?

If you had to use either of your brain cells to think of some way to FEED a
starving Latvian would that person starve to death?

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

Dave Oldridge August 28th 06 06:56 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
"Woody" wrote in news:cfrIg.2016$pX3.1819@trnddc07:

wrote in message
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006 20:22:53 GMT, Dave Oldridge

where did you encounter total stupidity? I missed it I saw someone

Uhhhh...... Start with the OP and read to this point or beyond....

Gee, which of your brain cells thought that one up?

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

Dave Oldridge August 28th 06 06:58 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
"Woody" wrote in news:2_qIg.2009$pX3.1822@trnddc07:

Eh? Now you say its ok to be slow? Make up your mind will ya? People

dying while you decide!

This gem must've come from the other brain cell. Is that the one that
took the brunt when you were dropped?

"Al Klein" wrote in message
On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 18:22:21 GMT, Dave Oldridge

Al Klein wrote in

Really? You can write a spoken language you don't understand well
enough to be read by someone who understands it? Maybe. Maybe not.
In CW, you can.

I can do it (and have done so) using phonetics. But that's SLOWER


You're preaching to the choir, Dave. I've had to handle foreign
language traffic phonetically by voice and by CW - and I much prefer
CW for that kind of work, even though I prefer voice for most
rag-chewing. As you say, needing it spelled out is quite slow.

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

Dave Oldridge August 28th 06 07:00 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
"Woody" wrote in news:FYqIg.36416$NF3.28742@trnddc05:

And as previously stated, slow equals death. If you can't do 20wpm you
should stay off the bands.

20 is SLOW. But the only way to learn 35 or 40 is to learn 10, 15, 20 etc.
And the best way to do that is get on the bands and DO it instead of making
rude noises at the people who CAN.

Phonetics on SSB are usually a lot slower than 20wpm, though.

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

Dave Oldridge August 28th 06 07:04 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
"an old freind" wrote in

Al Klein wrote:
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006 19:54:37 GMT, "Woody" wrote:

"Dave Oldridge" wrote in message
For CW to be effective, both operators
must be competent. IF they are, they can often transcend barriers
of language that only digital modes can get over. In my own case,
the fact that I could read CW and read written Spanish a bit once
enabled me to render aid to a burning fishing boat. (There were
other more routine examples of where the language barrier was
crossed by CW--many messages I copied were not in English at all,
but were readable by their end recipients).

OK.... so by your own words, CW still didn't save a life... CW mixed
with bad Spanish passed a message. So now we'll have to add a
Spanish test. Thanks a lot.

I think you missed the point. Even if you didn't know "ola" from
"adios", you can copy Spanish in CW and hand it to the recipient, who
can read it. Try that with a mic.

I do that firaly well as long as it is a a langauge fro gruop I know I
can take down serbian in crylllic even though I don't what they are
saying it is simply a skill For that matter I hear and resend Morse
as long as I don't try to decipher it

As for the language thing.... I can copy voice language and hand it
off to another native just as easy and they'll figure it out too.
No CW necessary.

Really? You can write a spoken language you don't understand well
enough to be read by someone who understands it? Maybe. Maybe not.
In CW, you can.

YOU can and you then claim that you have that skill it is valid

your values in the ARS refuse to accept that notion different strokes
for different folks

If instead of CW testng we had a choice a various tests to take that
would stand muster the current value Morse well outside of it value
withut even realy testing its abilty to do a QSO were the test based
sending and receiveing where the receiveing could send bak pse senf
all after ... and before what then take a test to show that he was
able to comincate the test would have more vailiity but it doesn't the
CW tests do noy even show that the testee can use CW over the air

We have three tests her in Canada now. The Basic gets you on the air.
If you get an 80% or higher score you get HF privileges with that.
You're limited in power and must use commercially built, approved gear.

If you want to roll your own gear or put up a repeater or something, then
write the Advanced. You'll get full HF privileges.

If you want to be known as morse proficient, then take the code test.
That will get you on HF even if you just PASSED your Basic. But if you
already have the Advanced, then it will get you a nic shiny morse
endorsement and a sense of accomplishment.

And no, the sky didn't fall any further than it already did when we
dropped the code requirement for Basic and made it VHF only.

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

Dave Oldridge August 28th 06 07:09 AM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
"Woody" wrote in

Well... no, I got the point just fine. I can't imagine being
surrounded by Spanish-speaking people needing a code interp, or being
on a CW freq anyway, while some emergency happens to be taking place.

Well, it certainly happened to me. Of course I can't say whether it
actually SAVED any lives. Because maybe they would have been saved
anyway, though it sure helped that I could figure out what was wrong.

But you see, a lot of ships used CW at that time.

And yeah, I'm elite like that... I have a gift for gab... just like a
monkey can be trained to tap out a code of communication, I can parrot
what I hear. It [or 50wpm CW] isn't intelligence in any way, it's just
a stupid circus trick. Once again..... this wasn't or isn't the issue

50wpm is relatively easy. Now back in 1975 when I was out on Sable
Island, I broke in on some guys on 80m with my nice new computer,
programmed to send morse from the terminal keyboard (but still requiring
a human ear to hear). They were going 65 and wanted to know if I could
"copy the morse code." One kid there used to QSO me and he'd start out
at 60 and ramp up. He was 13.

anyway... No one said there were no pros to the mode, just that the
whole "save a life" thing is laughable. This argument jumps from an
issue of speed, then to the generation gap, then to simple
name-calling banter. It's quite humorous and totally stupid. Kudos to
the OP troll! LOL rb

Well, to be honest, I leave my keyer set at 25wpm. That's a good steady
speed for general working. I'm only likely to speed it up if I'm in a
contest or something.

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

Woody August 28th 06 11:35 PM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you..... the "Whole Point" in the Apples and
Oranges War:

"Dave Oldridge"

But you see, a lot of ships used CW at that time.

So, what say we just forget this whole thing a swap some radios?

an old friend August 28th 06 11:38 PM

If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?

Woody wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you..... the "Whole Point" in the Apples and
Oranges War:

"Dave Oldridge"

But you see, a lot of ships used CW at that time.

So, what say we just forget this whole thing a swap some radios?

I'kk be glad to as soonas the R&O comes out

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