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Whatever[_2_] April 21st 07 11:46 PM

Heard through the grapevine...
D Peter Maus wrote:

Whatever wrote:

Telamon wrote:

In article DvpWh.25060$GV5.20562@edtnps89, m II wrote:

dxAcehole wrote:

True, we are quite happy that you aren't one. There are enough
drunkards, racists and dropouts here as it is.

That would be the bulk of CanaDuh's population, would it not?

Thankfully, only a small percentage of Canadians are like you. It's
funny, though. Even those losers can spell better than you.

I would say that thankfully only a small percentage of Canadians are
like you. All you ever post here is crap flame posts and you have
posted many disgusting things yourself. Canadians in general are a
decent bunch and you, thank God, are not representative of them.

dxAce always gets a pass from you. There isn't anything he could say
or do that would cause you to give him your infamous plonk.

Probably because he's right more often than he's not.

You really disappoint me Peter. You're one of the more respectable
contributors on this group. Are you saying that dxAce deserves a pass
because he occasionally provides some useful information here? What
about his drunken rants and continuous slander of Canadians. Is that
alright with you? The good doesn't necessarily outweigh the bad.

dxAce April 21st 07 11:55 PM

Heard through the grapevine...

Whatever wrote:

D Peter Maus wrote:

Whatever wrote:

Telamon wrote:

In article DvpWh.25060$GV5.20562@edtnps89, m II wrote:

dxAcehole wrote:

True, we are quite happy that you aren't one. There are enough
drunkards, racists and dropouts here as it is.

That would be the bulk of CanaDuh's population, would it not?

Thankfully, only a small percentage of Canadians are like you. It's
funny, though. Even those losers can spell better than you.

I would say that thankfully only a small percentage of Canadians are
like you. All you ever post here is crap flame posts and you have
posted many disgusting things yourself. Canadians in general are a
decent bunch and you, thank God, are not representative of them.

dxAce always gets a pass from you. There isn't anything he could say
or do that would cause you to give him your infamous plonk.

Probably because he's right more often than he's not.

You really disappoint me Peter. You're one of the more respectable
contributors on this group. Are you saying that dxAce deserves a pass
because he occasionally provides some useful information here? What
about his drunken rants and continuous slander of Canadians. Is that
alright with you? The good doesn't necessarily outweigh the bad.

Whine, whine, whine. We got the dumbass Canucks, we got the 'tards, and now we
got the incessant whiners.

Ain't SW fun?

By the way, I have absolutely no one *plonked* here, and I get by just fine.

USA April 22nd 07 12:07 AM

Heard through the grapevine...
Wish I had time to read more of this crap BUT, got to go to chURch, see you
all later.

I'll pray for you "Maybe"!


Telamon April 22nd 07 03:43 AM

Heard through the grapevine...
In article xgwWh.1179$dM1.296@trndny07,
Whatever wrote:

Telamon wrote:

In article DvpWh.25060$GV5.20562@edtnps89, m II wrote:

dxAcehole wrote:

True, we are quite happy that you aren't one. There are enough bigots,
drunkards, racists and dropouts here as it is.

That would be the bulk of CanaDuh's population, would it not?

Thankfully, only a small percentage of Canadians are like you. It's
funny, though. Even those losers can spell better than you.

I would say that thankfully only a small percentage of Canadians are
like you. All you ever post here is crap flame posts and you have posted
many disgusting things yourself. Canadians in general are a decent bunch
and you, thank God, are not representative of them.

dxAce always gets a pass from you. There isn't anything he could say or
do that would cause you to give him your infamous plonk.

DxAce is not a Canadian.

Ventura, California

RHF April 22nd 07 03:51 AM

Heard through the grapevine...
On Apr 21, 3:32 pm, D Peter Maus wrote:
Whatever wrote:
Telamon wrote:

In article DvpWh.25060$GV5.20562@edtnps89, m II wrote:

dxAcehole wrote:

True, we are quite happy that you aren't one. There are enough bigots,
drunkards, racists and dropouts here as it is.

That would be the bulk of CanaDuh's population, would it not?

Thankfully, only a small percentage of Canadians are like you. It's
funny, though. Even those losers can spell better than you.

I would say that thankfully only a small percentage of Canadians are
like you. All you ever post here is crap flame posts and you have
posted many disgusting things yourself. Canadians in general are a
decent bunch and you, thank God, are not representative of them.

dxAce always gets a pass from you. There isn't anything he could say or
do that would cause you to give him your infamous plonk.

Probably because he's right more often than he's not.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

PDM - And You Would Be Right Too . . . ~ RHF

RHF April 22nd 07 03:58 AM

Heard through the grapevine...
On Apr 21, 3:46 pm, Whatever wrote:
D Peter Maus wrote:
Whatever wrote:

Telamon wrote:

In article DvpWh.25060$GV5.20562@edtnps89, m II wrote:

dxAcehole wrote:

True, we are quite happy that you aren't one. There are enough
drunkards, racists and dropouts here as it is.

That would be the bulk of CanaDuh's population, would it not?

Thankfully, only a small percentage of Canadians are like you. It's
funny, though. Even those losers can spell better than you.

I would say that thankfully only a small percentage of Canadians are
like you. All you ever post here is crap flame posts and you have
posted many disgusting things yourself. Canadians in general are a
decent bunch and you, thank God, are not representative of them.

dxAce always gets a pass from you. There isn't anything he could say
or do that would cause you to give him your infamous plonk.

Probably because he's right more often than he's not.

You really disappoint me Peter. You're one of the more respectable
contributors on this group. Are you saying that dxAce deserves a pass
because he occasionally provides some useful information here? What
about his drunken rants and continuous slander of Canadians. Is that
alright with you? The good doesn't necessarily outweigh the bad.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

'Whatever' - "What Ever !" ~ RHF

M II Enjoys American Bashing and his post's are mostly
Anti-Amercan promoting Hate for the USofA.

pardon me as an american for standing up for the usofa ~ RHF

m II April 22nd 07 04:09 AM

Heard through the grapevine...
RHF wrote:

M II Enjoys American Bashing and his post's are mostly
Anti-Amercan promoting Hate for the USofA.

pardon me as an american for standing up for the usofa ~ RHF

Americans have very little or nothing to do with the actions of their
own government. It has gotten out hand to the point where a change back
to Democracy is almost impossible. Your Constitution is castrated. I
have a deep seated fear that Hillary may be even worse than the Bushes.

The idea of America is beautiful and the Bill of Rights is one of the
greatest pieces ever composed by mankind. It is the embodiment of
nobility. Why some people defend those in Washington who would wipe
toilets with it is beyond me.

Being blind to the evil around you makes us ALL targets.


dxAce April 22nd 07 11:51 AM

Heard through the grapevine...

m II wrote:

RHF wrote:

M II Enjoys American Bashing and his post's are mostly
Anti-Amercan promoting Hate for the USofA.

pardon me as an american for standing up for the usofa ~ RHF

Americans have very little or nothing to do with the actions of their
own government. It has gotten out hand to the point where a change back
to Democracy is almost impossible. Your Constitution is castrated. I
have a deep seated fear that Hillary may be even worse than the Bushes.

The idea of America is beautiful and the Bill of Rights is one of the
greatest pieces ever composed by mankind. It is the embodiment of
nobility. Why some people defend those in Washington who would wipe
toilets with it is beyond me.

Being blind to the evil around you makes us ALL targets.

I am not blind to the evil of CanaDuh!

m II April 22nd 07 05:16 PM

Heard through the grapevine...
RHF wrote:

M II - Being Blinded By Your Own Hate
Targets One's Self For Self Annihilation. ~ RHF

I bet you think the Red Cross is a communist front.


m II April 22nd 07 05:20 PM

Heard through the grapevine... wrote:
"Tommy Tootles" wrote in message
t... wrote:

He's my little cousin, raised the boy from a coyote.


[referring above to Lare, self proclaimed "ace"]

Burr, next time you try to raise someone, could you please try and do a
better job with the racism, bigotry, bullying, name-calling and

Thank you.

I wasn't trying to "raise" him!!

He is my "Cousin", we are very tight and I think your a DA also!!!

Where in the hell did you come from and better yet, where are you going and
You talk like your black, think like it also, don't let us find out where
you stays Nigga.

Get back under your rock, ASS HOLE


Yet another alcoholic on the newsgroup. Please tell me you are NOT of
the Miami people like the fraud Ace claims to be.

Burr voted for Bush Three times during the last election. Why isn't he
in jail?


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