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RHF May 28th 11 11:00 AM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On May 27, 3:01*pm, John Smith wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government criminal
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain absolute
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang either the
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New & Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New & Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New & Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More & Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Benj May 28th 11 06:00 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On May 28, 12:43*pm, "Sid9" sid9@ wrote:

The wealthy don't pay their fair share.

This is true, but you haven't a clue why it's true! You just buy the
standard saw that if there is a pile of money wsomewhere is OUGTH to
be stolen.

That's the problem.

No. The problem is two fold. 1. taxation is not fairly done. 2. The
fox is running the hen house when it comes to spending taxes.

Wealth is not taxed.

So your idea is that one must pay a yearly fee for the privilege of
keeping what you actually worked to earn. If you don't pay your "rent"
on your propery, it gets taken (stolen) from you. (See first rule)

Interest is taxed at only 10% whereas, if your work for your money it can be
taxed as high as 33%

There are two ideas here. One is that taxes should be fair. Say a
fixed percentage of income, sales price etc.. The other is that tax
rates can be manipulated to do social engineering. One can tax "needy"
people less and "undesirable" people more to induce behavior in
various directions. The problem is once again fairness. Who is setting
the rules? Usually "needy" means the friends of those making rules
and "undesirables" means enemies of those setting rules!

Raising their taxes will have them paying their fair share of the cost of

Why just raise taxes? Why not kill them all and take everything they
own to pay off the national debt? We are all pretty much getting away
from the rule of law anyway. I'm sure all the "poor" will be for this

RD Sandman May 28th 11 06:18 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
"Sid9" sid9@ wrote in :

"RHF" wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John Smith wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government
criminal element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain
absolute police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang either
the imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New & Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New & Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New & Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More & Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

1. We need the bush,jr tax. This tax remains in force until bush,jr's
unfunded wars are paid for.
2. We need to rescind the bush, jr tax cuts that have crippled our

You really need to read what you post. Number 1 and 2 say just the
opposite things. ;)

3. We need to tax dividends, interest, and capital gains at the same
rate as money earned by working.

Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman)

If you woke up this morning....
Don't complain.

RD Sandman May 28th 11 06:19 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 08:31:16 -0700, Peter Franks

Why should the wealthy pay more than their fair share?

They aren't. Notice what it was for years after WWII when our economy
was booming.

Do you think that was all due to taxes on the wealthy?

Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman)

If you woke up this morning....
Don't complain.

RD Sandman May 28th 11 06:22 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
"Sid9" sid9@ wrote in :

"John Smith" wrote in message
On 5/28/2011 3:00 AM, RHF wrote:

JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

As I have stated, and many times before this:

democans = republicrats.

If anyone thinks,that the change of party means any anything they are
morons. Some shadow government is in control, it is with them the

battle will begin.

While trashing, dumping, ridding ourselves of their puppets is good,

need to hang the puppet masters along side of their puppets ...


Another apologist for what the Republicans have done to our country!

You shouldn't bad mouth him, Sid. On taxing the wealthy he is on the
same side as you and Dudu. He is one of yours. ;)

Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman)

If you woke up this morning....
Don't complain.

John Smith[_6_] May 28th 11 06:34 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On 5/28/2011 10:00 AM, Benj wrote:

This is true, but you haven't a clue why it's true! You just buy the
standard saw that if there is a pile of money wsomewhere is OUGTH to
be stolen.
No. The problem is two fold. 1. taxation is not fairly done. 2. The
fox is running the hen house when it comes to spending taxes.
So your idea is that one must pay a yearly fee for the privilege of
keeping what you actually worked to earn. If you don't pay your "rent"
on your propery, it gets taken (stolen) from you. (See first rule)

There are two ideas here. One is that taxes should be fair. Say a
fixed percentage of income, sales price etc.. The other is that tax
rates can be manipulated to do social engineering. One can tax "needy"
people less and "undesirable" people more to induce behavior in
various directions. The problem is once again fairness. Who is setting
the rules? Usually "needy" means the friends of those making rules
and "undesirables" means enemies of those setting rules!
Why just raise taxes? Why not kill them all and take everything they
own to pay off the national debt? We are all pretty much getting away
from the rule of law anyway. I'm sure all the "poor" will be for this

Your text reminded me back to a time when I had first retired, gotten
bored, and the wife and I began donating time at a local Catholic Social
Services Center.

I worked as security, in the kitchen, cleaning the grounds, the
"homeless library", etc., the wife the same, anywhere where we were
needed in the center. I began to see "the homeless" more as "people"
than I ever had in life ... but ...

After about a month, one of the priests came and took me and the wife to
his office, he counseled us about our "attitudes" towards the homeless.
I can see now, it didn't work, we didn't get it. In fact, at the
time, I didn't even realize that I didn't get it, and thanked him for
the "pep talk."

So, one day, the priest asked me if I would go along with a homeless man
and his girlfriend and help them collect recyclables, this struck me as
odd, but still, I consented, I had great respect for the priest ... the
wife went to her normal chores at the center.

During the day we collected cans, plastic, metals, bottles, etc. from
various dumpsters. They even found clothing they kept.

To make a long story short, at the end of that day, I was dead tired.
When we turned in his "findings" he got a bit less than $50.00 dollars.
It had taken us over 8 hrs. and was some of the hardest work I had
ever done. My feet hurt, my back hurt, etc.

I finally "got" what the priest had been trying to tell me, it is harder
to be homeless than to hold down a tough job. They don't choose to be
homeless ...

Now, I am sure that some just "don't work" or are "lazy", but I will
never have the same opinions I had before I had the opportunity to see
the problem directly ... to see "the problem" first hand, up close and

Now I see the difference between the "rich" and "the poor" as being a
bit less significant ... if you doubt anything I have said here, help a
homeless person out for a day ... be prepared to have your opinions changed!

Now, I certainly would NOT want to ever repeat that day, but oddly
enough, I am grateful for the experience! The priest comes by now and
then, and we have dinner together.


RD Sandman May 28th 11 07:24 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
"Sid9" sid9@ wrote in :

"RHF" wrote in message
On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ wrote in message

wrote in message

On May 27, 3:01 pm, John wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain
absolute police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang
either the
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy.
Taxing the hell out of them and putting the money directly into
the economy will. We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all
tax loopholes and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains
exactlyt he same as wages.

- Why should the wealthy pay more than their fair share?

We Are From The Government {We Are Backed
by Arms} and We Are Here To Help :o) ~ RHF

The wealthy don't pay their fair share.

True, they pay more than that. It is the bottom 50% that don't pay their
share.....they are the takers.

That's the problem.


Wealth is not taxed.

And shouldn't be....otherwise you would be taxing the same monies over
and over.

Interest is taxed at only 10% whereas, if your work for your money it
can be taxed as high as 33%

None of the poor are in that bracket, mon ami.

Raising their taxes will have them paying their fair share of the cost
of government

There is no cost of government in wealth. Only in providing the
atmosphere to earn it.

Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman)

If you woke up this morning....
Don't complain.

RD Sandman May 28th 11 07:26 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
John Smith wrote in

On 5/28/2011 10:00 AM, Benj wrote:

This is true, but you haven't a clue why it's true! You just buy the
standard saw that if there is a pile of money wsomewhere is OUGTH to
be stolen.
No. The problem is two fold. 1. taxation is not fairly done. 2. The
fox is running the hen house when it comes to spending taxes.
So your idea is that one must pay a yearly fee for the privilege of
keeping what you actually worked to earn. If you don't pay your
"rent" on your propery, it gets taken (stolen) from you. (See first

There are two ideas here. One is that taxes should be fair. Say a
fixed percentage of income, sales price etc.. The other is that tax
rates can be manipulated to do social engineering. One can tax
"needy" people less and "undesirable" people more to induce behavior
in various directions. The problem is once again fairness. Who is
setting the rules? Usually "needy" means the friends of those making
rules and "undesirables" means enemies of those setting rules!
Why just raise taxes? Why not kill them all and take everything they
own to pay off the national debt? We are all pretty much getting
away from the rule of law anyway. I'm sure all the "poor" will be for
this plan.

Your text reminded me back to a time when I had first retired, gotten
bored, and the wife and I began donating time at a local Catholic
Social Services Center.

I worked as security, in the kitchen, cleaning the grounds, the
"homeless library", etc., the wife the same, anywhere where we were
needed in the center. I began to see "the homeless" more as "people"
than I ever had in life ... but ...

After about a month, one of the priests came and took me and the wife
to his office, he counseled us about our "attitudes" towards the
I can see now, it didn't work, we didn't get it. In fact, at the
time, I didn't even realize that I didn't get it, and thanked him for
the "pep talk."

So, one day, the priest asked me if I would go along with a homeless
man and his girlfriend and help them collect recyclables, this struck
me as odd, but still, I consented, I had great respect for the priest
... the wife went to her normal chores at the center.

During the day we collected cans, plastic, metals, bottles, etc. from
various dumpsters. They even found clothing they kept.

To make a long story short, at the end of that day, I was dead tired.
When we turned in his "findings" he got a bit less than $50.00
It had taken us over 8 hrs. and was some of the hardest work I had
ever done. My feet hurt, my back hurt, etc.

I finally "got" what the priest had been trying to tell me, it is
harder to be homeless than to hold down a tough job. They don't
choose to be homeless ...

Now, I am sure that some just "don't work" or are "lazy", but I will
never have the same opinions I had before I had the opportunity to see
the problem directly ... to see "the problem" first hand, up close and

Now I see the difference between the "rich" and "the poor" as being a
bit less significant ... if you doubt anything I have said here, help
a homeless person out for a day ... be prepared to have your opinions

Now, I certainly would NOT want to ever repeat that day, but oddly
enough, I am grateful for the experience! The priest comes by now and
then, and we have dinner together.

Congratulations....this is one of the first posts I have seen from you
that made sense and wasn't mostly babble.

Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman)

If you woke up this morning....
Don't complain.

Deep Dudu May 28th 11 08:22 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On Sat, 28 May 2011 12:19:55 -0500, RD Sandman

Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 08:31:16 -0700, Peter Franks

Why should the wealthy pay more than their fair share?

They aren't. Notice what it was for years after WWII when our economy
was booming.

Do you think that was all due to taxes on the wealthy?

Yes. Tax the hell out of the wealthy an invest directly in the
infrastructure then you stimulate the economy. Cutting taxes on the
wealth to the ridiculously low rate it is now NEVER results in
stimulating the economy.

RD Sandman May 28th 11 08:35 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 12:19:55 -0500, RD Sandman

Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 08:31:16 -0700, Peter Franks

Why should the wealthy pay more than their fair share?

They aren't. Notice what it was for years after WWII when our

was booming.

Do you think that was all due to taxes on the wealthy?

Yes. Tax the hell out of the wealthy an invest directly in the
infrastructure then you stimulate the economy.

IOw, you feel that if the wealthy had not been taxed at such a high rate,
the post war boom would have never happened? It is all due to that high
tax rate and no euphoria from winning a war, not any plants already built
and ramped up and ready to go, nor a public looking for new cars, for
example, since it hadn't had any since 1942, no more need for victory
gardens, no rationing of nylons? ;)

Cutting taxes on the
wealth to the ridiculously low rate it is now NEVER results in
stimulating the economy.

I am not one claiming that it has.

Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman)

If you woke up this morning....
Don't complain.

Deep Dudu May 28th 11 08:54 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On Sat, 28 May 2011 14:35:29 -0500, RD Sandman

Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 12:19:55 -0500, RD Sandman

Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 08:31:16 -0700, Peter Franks

Why should the wealthy pay more than their fair share?

They aren't. Notice what it was for years after WWII when our

was booming.

Do you think that was all due to taxes on the wealthy?

Yes. Tax the hell out of the wealthy an invest directly in the
infrastructure then you stimulate the economy.

IOw, you feel that if the wealthy had not been taxed at such a high rate,
the post war boom would have never happened? It is all due to that high
tax rate and no euphoria from winning a war, not any plants already built
and ramped up and ready to go, nor a public looking for new cars, for
example, since it hadn't had any since 1942, no more need for victory
gardens, no rationing of nylons? ;)

Cutting taxes on the
wealth to the ridiculously low rate it is now NEVER results in
stimulating the economy.

I am not one claiming that it has.

RD Sandman May 28th 11 09:33 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 14:35:29 -0500, RD Sandman

Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 12:19:55 -0500, RD Sandman

Deep Dudu wrote in :

On Sat, 28 May 2011 08:31:16 -0700, Peter Franks

Why should the wealthy pay more than their fair share?

They aren't. Notice what it was for years after WWII when our

was booming.

Do you think that was all due to taxes on the wealthy?

Yes. Tax the hell out of the wealthy an invest directly in the
infrastructure then you stimulate the economy.

IOw, you feel that if the wealthy had not been taxed at such a high
rate, the post war boom would have never happened? It is all due to
that high tax rate and no euphoria from winning a war, not any plants
already built and ramped up and ready to go, nor a public looking for
new cars, for example, since it hadn't had any since 1942, no more
need for victory gardens, no rationing of nylons? ;)

Which has little to do with what I asked you.

Sleep well tonight....RD (The Sandman)

If you woke up this morning....
Don't complain.

Scout May 28th 11 09:56 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more

"Sid9" sid9@ wrote in message

"RHF" wrote in message
On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ wrote in message

wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang
either the
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy. Taxing
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the economy
will. We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax loopholes
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than their fair share?

We Are From The Government {We Are Backed
by Arms} and We Are Here To Help :o) ~ RHF

The wealthy don't pay their fair share.

Ok, let's see your proof.

---- Insert proof here

RHF May 28th 11 11:51 PM

Leveling The Wealth Creation Field : The Flat-Tax+Plus2© Tax Equality System
On May 28, 7:02*am, "Sid9" sid9@ wrote:
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 27, 3:01 pm, John Smith wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government criminal
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain absolute
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang either the
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New & Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New & Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New & Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More & Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

1. We need the bush,jr tax. This tax remains in force until bush,jr's
unfunded wars are paid for.
2. We need to rescind the bush, jr tax cuts that have crippled our

- 3. We need to tax dividends, interest, and
- capital gains at the same rate as money
- earned by working.

Yes-&-No -or- Maybe So...

The Idea to give Favorable Tax Treatment
to Dividends Interest and Capital Gains :
Is To Encourage Investment and Economic
{Business} Development and Job Creation :

*BUT* For Society As A Whole {Everyone Equally}
How Do We As A Society Ensure Diverse Wealth
Creation For All Citizens {Members-of-Society}

Leveling The Wealth Creation Field : Take The
Average Annual Salary of a Working Man/Women
-example- $50K

Now Give 'Favorable' Tax Treatment to the First
$50K of Dividends, Interest and Capital Gains,
Corporate {Partnership} Income Earned by
Individuals Yearly -and- Tax the Rest as Ordinary
Income Just Like The Working Man/Woman Pays
Encourage Savings By All
Encourage Thrift By All
Encourage Investment By All
Encourage Wealth Creation By All
Ensure Wealth Creation For All : Enrich All

Gray Ghost May 29th 11 02:22 AM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
Deep Dudu wrote in :

Cutting taxes on the
wealth to the ridiculously low rate it is now NEVER results in
stimulating the economy.

Yeah, but killing off progressives and socialists is bound to be a boom.

Herman Cain for President!
If you don't support him you are a Racist!!
He beat Cancer. He'll beat Obama (who is just like cancer)

Remember Desert One, Carter 0? Ain't it sad to wish that Obama had as much
ambition but being glad he doesn't knowing he doesn't have THAT much

RHF May 30th 11 02:57 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On May 28, 8:31*am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ *wrote in message

*wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John *wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government criminal
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain absolute
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang either the
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& *Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& *Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy. *Taxing
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the economy
will. * We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax loopholes
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !

RHF May 30th 11 02:59 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On May 29, 10:37*am, Peter Franks wrote:
- That doesn't explain anything.
-*How about addressing the question:
- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !

Scout May 30th 11 05:16 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more

"RHF" wrote in message
On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ wrote in message

wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain absolute
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang either
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy. Taxing
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the economy
will. We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax loopholes
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !
Who Benefits By Our Society ?
-and- What Is Their Reward ?
Beyond The Ability to Live a Reasonable
Life Food, Cloth and House Their Family.
1st -Taxing the $5K 'Disposable Income' @ 20%
of the average Working Man {Family} :
Leaves them with just $4K.
2nd - Taxing the $25K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $20K.
3rd -Taxing the $250K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Very High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $200K; and that is
Four-Times [4X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}.
4rd - Taxing the $2.5M 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Rich and Wealth {Family} :
Leaves them with just $2.0M; and that is
Forty-Times [40X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}; and this
Ensures High Income Earners Pay* Their Fair
{Equal} Share of the Cost of American Society.
* Simply Paying Back To {Into} The Society :
That Which You Have Received Greatly From It


Seems to me you're simply bitching because there is an advantage to busting
ass and getting ahead. Because while they end up with X times more than case
number one, they also paid X times more. Seems your gripe is that they still
have more disposable income left over and somehow you don't see that as

So tell us, why should they be forced to pay more? Because you think it's
fair that we sock it to the rich?

RHF May 30th 11 07:52 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On May 30, 9:16*am, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ *wrote in message

*wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John *wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain absolute
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang either
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& *Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& *Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy. *Taxing
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the economy
will. * We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax loopholes
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !
Who Benefits By Our Society ?
-and- What Is Their Reward ?
Beyond The Ability to Live a Reasonable
Life Food, Cloth and House Their Family.
1st -Taxing the $5K 'Disposable Income' @ 20%
of the average Working Man {Family} :
Leaves them with just $4K.
2nd - Taxing the $25K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $20K.
3rd -Taxing the $250K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Very High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $200K; and that is
Four-Times [4X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}.
4rd - Taxing the $2.5M 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Rich and Wealth {Family} :
Leaves them with just $2.0M; and that is
Forty-Times [40X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}; and this
Ensures High Income Earners Pay* Their Fair
{Equal} Share of the Cost of American Society.
* Simply Paying Back To {Into} The Society :
That Which You Have Received Greatly From It


- Seems to me you're simply bitching because
- there is an advantage to busting ass and
- getting ahead. Because while they end up
- with X times more than case number one,
- they also paid X times more.

No #1's Sale Tax is XX% and #3's Income Tax is XX%
XX% = XX% They just Continue to Pay Their Fair Share
Beyond the Cost of Buying a Basic Living Through
Daily Consumption.

Scout May 30th 11 09:49 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more

"RHF" wrote in message
On May 30, 9:16 am, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ wrote in message

wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy.
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the economy
will. We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax loopholes
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !
Who Benefits By Our Society ?
-and- What Is Their Reward ?
Beyond The Ability to Live a Reasonable
Life Food, Cloth and House Their Family.
1st -Taxing the $5K 'Disposable Income' @ 20%
of the average Working Man {Family} :
Leaves them with just $4K.
2nd - Taxing the $25K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $20K.
3rd -Taxing the $250K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Very High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $200K; and that is
Four-Times [4X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}.
4rd - Taxing the $2.5M 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Rich and Wealth {Family} :
Leaves them with just $2.0M; and that is
Forty-Times [40X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}; and this
Ensures High Income Earners Pay* Their Fair
{Equal} Share of the Cost of American Society.
* Simply Paying Back To {Into} The Society :
That Which You Have Received Greatly From It


- Seems to me you're simply bitching because
- there is an advantage to busting ass and
- getting ahead. Because while they end up
- with X times more than case number one,
- they also paid X times more.

No #1's Sale Tax is XX% and #3's Income Tax is XX%
XX% = XX% They just Continue to Pay Their Fair Share
Beyond the Cost of Buying a Basic Living Through
Daily Consumption.

We're discussion the income tax proposal right now, do try to keep up.

- Seems your gripe is that they still have
- more disposable income left over and somehow
- you don't see that as fair.

? What More Fair ?
Taking $5K from the Disposable Income
of the average Working Man {Family}
and Leaving Them With NOTHING !

Your own numbers above indicate they still have $4k in disposable income.

Are you now revising your numbers without telling people?

Tell me you aren't this dishonest?

Peter Franks May 30th 11 10:19 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On 5/30/2011 6:59 AM, RHF wrote:
On May 29, 10:37 am, Peter wrote:
- That doesn't explain anything.
- How about addressing the question:
- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !
Who Benefits By Our Society ?
-and- What Is Their Reward ?
Beyond The Ability to Live a Reasonable
Life Food, Cloth and House Their Family.
1st -Taxing the $5K 'Disposable Income' @ 20%
of the average Working Man {Family} :
Leaves them with just $4K.
2nd - Taxing the $25K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $20K.
3rd -Taxing the $250K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Very High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $200K; and that is
Four-Times [4X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}.
4rd - Taxing the $2.5M 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Rich and Wealth {Family} :
Leaves them with just $2.0M; and that is
Forty-Times [40X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}; and this
Ensures High Income Earners Pay* Their Fair
{Equal} Share of the Cost of American Society.
* Simply Paying Back To {Into} The Society :
That Which You Have Received Greatly From It
Where a Flat Sales Tax is XX% [20%]
-that's- Flat-Tax+Plus2©
Plus a High Threshold Income Tax is XX% [20%]
Ensures That The Rich-Wealthy Pay Their Fair
Share To Support and Maintain Our Society.
-that's- Flat-Tax+Plus2©
Plus a Corporate Earnings Tax is XX% [20%]
Ensures That Corporations Pay Their Fair
Share To Support and Maintain Our Society.
-that's- Flat-Tax+Plus2©
NOTE : The US Federal Government is simply
the AGENT of Our American Society {Economy}
-remember- The US Federal Government is NOT
Our American Society [.]
Leveling The Wealth Creation Field :
The Flat-Tax+Plus2© Tax Equality System
Ensuring Tax Equality For All :
Tax Equality OF The People !
-that's- Flat-Tax+Plus2©
Tax Equality BY The People !
-that's- Flat-Tax+Plus2©
Tax Equality FOR The People !
-that's- Flat-Tax+Plus2©
Flat-Tax+Plus2© : Figuring Just Who...
Should Pay For All of This -hint- Everyone !
The Flat-Tax+Plus2© Tax Equality System :
Balanced 'Equal' Taxes Across-the-Board :
Sales = Income = Corporate [All Taxed Equally]
The Flat-Tax+Plus2© Tax Equality System :
Balanced 'Equal' Taxes Across-the-Board :
* Figuring Just Who Should Pay For All of This
-hint- Everyone !
* Truly Fair& Equitable Tax Plan for All
* 90% Pay as they Live Naturally [No Tax Paperwork]
* Flat Corporate Profits Tax that Ensures Corporations
Pay Their Fair {Equal} Share of the Cost of American
* Flat Income Tax for the Top 10% Rich/Wealthy that
Ensures High Income Earners Pay Their Fair {Equal}
Share of the Cost of American Society
* That's a Flat-Tax+Plus2© a Truly Fair and
Equitable Tax Plan for a Healthy and Strong
America With Fairness and Tax Equality For All.
"Building a Better America for the 21st Century"
*OMG/OMA* Let Us Pray . . .
This Has Been A 'Teachable Moment' ~ RHF©***
*** © This is another Copy-Righted 'Brain Fart' of RHF
-wrt- 'Brain Fart' -yeah- This Idea(s) Stinks : Pew! [P!U!]

Your writing is very strange and borders on the incomprehensible.
Perhaps that is your intent...

Regarding what I presume is one of your responses:

"? Define "Their Fair Share" !"

Fair share would be defined as: proportionally equal.

RHF May 31st 11 05:11 AM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
On May 30, 1:49*pm, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 30, 9:16 am, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ *wrote in message

*wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John *wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are honestly
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow government
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& *Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& *Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy.
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the economy
will. * We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax loopholes
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !
Who Benefits By Our Society ?
-and- What Is Their Reward ?
Beyond The Ability to Live a Reasonable
Life Food, Cloth and House Their Family.
1st -Taxing the $5K 'Disposable Income' @ 20%
of the average Working Man {Family} :
Leaves them with just $4K.
2nd - Taxing the $25K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $20K.
3rd -Taxing the $250K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Very High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $200K; and that is
Four-Times [4X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}.
4rd - Taxing the $2.5M 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Rich and Wealth {Family} :
Leaves them with just $2.0M; and that is
Forty-Times [40X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}; and this
Ensures High Income Earners Pay* Their Fair
{Equal} Share of the Cost of American Society.
* Simply Paying Back To {Into} The Society :
That Which You Have Received Greatly From It


- Seems to me you're simply bitching because
- there is an advantage to busting ass and
- getting ahead. Because while they end up
- with X times more than case number one,
- they also paid X times more.

No #1's Sale Tax is XX% and #3's Income Tax is XX%
XX% = XX% They just Continue to Pay Their Fair Share
Beyond the Cost of Buying a Basic Living Through
Daily Consumption.

We're discussion the income tax proposal right now, do try to keep up.

- Seems your gripe is that they still have
- more disposable income left over and somehow
- you don't see that as fair.

? What More Fair ?
Taking $5K from the Disposable Income
of the average Working Man {Family}
and Leaving Them With NOTHING !

Your own numbers above indicate they still have $4k in disposable income.

Are you now revising your numbers without telling people?

Tell me you aren't this dishonest?

Read & Re-Read -try-to-understand-
? Define "Their Fair Share" !

Scout May 31st 11 10:27 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more

"RHF" wrote in message
On May 30, 1:49 pm, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 30, 9:16 am, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ wrote in message

wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy.
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the
will. We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !
Who Benefits By Our Society ?
-and- What Is Their Reward ?
Beyond The Ability to Live a Reasonable
Life Food, Cloth and House Their Family.
1st -Taxing the $5K 'Disposable Income' @ 20%
of the average Working Man {Family} :
Leaves them with just $4K.
2nd - Taxing the $25K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $20K.
3rd -Taxing the $250K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Very High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $200K; and that is
Four-Times [4X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}.
4rd - Taxing the $2.5M 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Rich and Wealth {Family} :
Leaves them with just $2.0M; and that is
Forty-Times [40X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}; and this
Ensures High Income Earners Pay* Their Fair
{Equal} Share of the Cost of American Society.
* Simply Paying Back To {Into} The Society :
That Which You Have Received Greatly From It


- Seems to me you're simply bitching because
- there is an advantage to busting ass and
- getting ahead. Because while they end up
- with X times more than case number one,
- they also paid X times more.

No #1's Sale Tax is XX% and #3's Income Tax is XX%
XX% = XX% They just Continue to Pay Their Fair Share
Beyond the Cost of Buying a Basic Living Through
Daily Consumption.

We're discussion the income tax proposal right now, do try to keep up.

- Seems your gripe is that they still have
- more disposable income left over and somehow
- you don't see that as fair.

? What More Fair ?
Taking $5K from the Disposable Income
of the average Working Man {Family}
and Leaving Them With NOTHING !

Your own numbers above indicate they still have $4k in disposable income.

Are you now revising your numbers without telling people?

Tell me you aren't this dishonest?

Read & Re-Read -try-to-understand-
? Define "Their Fair Share" !

I see, you're a parrot.

Here's a cracker, now go away.


[email protected] May 31st 11 11:12 PM

Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more
ooooooo,,, Backyard Burgers on North State Street is on fire.Mary
Wieden, riding around in WLBT 3's Skycopter 3 (the tee vee station that
doesn't exist) showed us a live video of Backyard Burgers.Looks like the
aircondioning thangy on the roof top is what is on fire.

80 million dollars to be spent for adding an extra lane to I-55 South,
between McDowell Road and the town of Terry in South Jackson.80 million
dollars of Missy Sippy dollars, that is.

RHF May 31st 11 11:45 PM

The Flat-Tax+Plus2© : Across The Board US Tax Equality for the 21st Century
On May 31, 2:27*pm, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 30, 1:49 pm, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 30, 9:16 am, "Scout"
"RHF" wrote in message


On May 28, 8:31 am, Peter Franks wrote:
On 5/28/2011 7:54 AM, Deep Dudu wrote:

On Sat, 28 May 2011 10:13:56 -0400, "Scout"

"Sid9"sid9@ *wrote in message

*wrote in message
On May 27, 3:01 pm, John *wrote:
On 5/27/2011 2:53 PM, Peter Franks wrote:

What is wrong with this country?

There are only two possible answers I can think of:

1) The worst imbecilic-idiot-morons in government are
attempting correct fixes and a return to a decent America.

-- or --

2) The government is tightly controlled by a shadow
element and this is exactly their plan, to weaken and gain
police state control over all American citizens.

But then, the solution to both is the same, imprison or hang
imbecilic-idiot-morons or imprison the crooks!


JS -please- This is not simply the
"Democrat reveal plan. Tax more spend more"

-it's- Democrats Reveal New& *Improved Plan :
More New Taxes and More Improved Spending !
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Taxes {We Are The Wiser Taxers}
* Democrats Promise You More New& *Improved
Spending {We Are The Wiser Spenders}

-remember- You Can Trust Us 'Democrats' To
Tax You More& *Spend More of Your Tax Money

and that is the way 'i' see it ~ RHF
-vote-yes-on-no- -check-none-of-the-above-

Yes we need some taxes, America being a low tax nation

What a great idea, then we could be more like Italy and Turkey.

Cutting taxes on the wealthy has NEVER stimulated the economy.
the hell out of them and putting the money directly into the
will. * We should go to a top rate of 98% and cut all tax
and tax interest, dividend, and capital gains exactlyt he same as

- Why should the wealthy pay more than
- their fair share?

? Define "Their Fair Share" !
Who Benefits By Our Society ?
-and- What Is Their Reward ?
Beyond The Ability to Live a Reasonable
Life Food, Cloth and House Their Family.
1st -Taxing the $5K 'Disposable Income' @ 20%
of the average Working Man {Family} :
Leaves them with just $4K.
2nd - Taxing the $25K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $20K.
3rd -Taxing the $250K 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Very High Income Earner {Family} :
Leaves them with just $200K; and that is
Four-Times [4X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}.
4rd - Taxing the $2.5M 'Disposable Income'
@ 20% of the Rich and Wealth {Family} :
Leaves them with just $2.0M; and that is
Forty-Times [40X] the Gross Income of the
average Working Man {Family}; and this
Ensures High Income Earners Pay* Their Fair
{Equal} Share of the Cost of American Society.
* Simply Paying Back To {Into} The Society :
That Which You Have Received Greatly From It


- Seems to me you're simply bitching because
- there is an advantage to busting ass and
- getting ahead. Because while they end up
- with X times more than case number one,
- they also paid X times more.

No #1's Sale Tax is XX% and #3's Income Tax is XX%
XX% = XX% They just Continue to Pay Their Fair Share
Beyond the Cost of Buying a Basic Living Through
Daily Consumption.

We're discussion the income tax proposal right now, do try to keep up.

- Seems your gripe is that they still have
- more disposable income left over and somehow
- you don't see that as fair.

? What More Fair ?
Taking $5K from the Disposable Income
of the average Working Man {Family}
and Leaving Them With NOTHING !

Your own numbers above indicate they still have $4k in disposable income.

Are you now revising your numbers without telling people?

Tell me you aren't this dishonest?

- - Read & Re-Read -try-to-understand-
- - ? Define "Their Fair Share" !

- I see, you're a parrot.
- Here's a cracker, now go away.
- plonk

Can I Get Some Cheese With Those Crackers :o)
-smiling- -smiling- -smiling- -smiling- :o))
-p/s- Scout -be-prepared- To Be Taxed Fairly !

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