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Old January 14th 05, 11:30 AM
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In article ,
(Len Over 21) writes:

In article , "Kim"

Uh huh. I did ask. And, you came back with this argument initially
that--paraphrasing--were you not entitled to your opinion. You are

Incorrect. Brian Burke


was specifically talking about those in
here who belong to the "PCTA extra" persuasion and who
continually try to put those who are against the morse code test.

"continually try to put those who are against the morse code test"? Put them

Those "PCTA extras"

Who are they, Len? Specifically? Use callsigns because names aren't necessarily

persist in claiming turf on who should
direct EVERYTHING about U.S. amateur radio - including all
federal regulations thereof - just because of tenure as an
amateur or because they feel they "own" the hobby and are
somehow "entititled" to be of the noble calling of amateurism.

Where, specifically, has this been claimed? By whom?

Perhaps you and N0IMD have very thin skins...;-)

PCTA extras imply they are "superior" about everything and
are busy trying to shove out the NCTAs from this newsgroup.

Really? You're the only person here I've seen tell another to "shut the hell

You imply your own superiority in all things here ;-) ;-)

You are entitled to believe that the ground a military person
walks on is sacred and that no one else is "entitled" to the same benefits
from the United States as a person who has served in the military.

You're also entitled to believe that the moon is made of cheese. Or that the
earth is flat.

Or that your lifelong avoidance of Morse Code has some relevance to amateur
radio policy.

You are off on your own fantasy there.

Naw, Len, she hit the nail really square.

Brian Burke served in the
USAF, overseas. I served in the US Army, also overseas, and
specifically in radio communications. It is safe to say that we are
both proud of serving our country.

As you should be. Others feel the same way about *their* military service, too.

But is the military the only way a citizen can serve our country? Or are there
other ways? Does it have to be "overseas"?

What has grown into this overlong thread is a bunch of NON-
servers who imply that they are "superior" in all respects to those
of us who served but who are not favoring any morse code test for
U.S. amateur radio licenses. Further, those same NON-servers
imply/claim that Their knowledge of the military and government
is "superior" to Brian and myself.

"Superior in all respects"? Who has claimed that? Where have they claimed it?

Seems to me you just take any opposition to your opinions as an insult.

It gets worse when an ex-serviceman (a PCTA extra)


brags of
his "seven hostile actions" yet cannot identify their where or

N0IMD won't give any details about his /T5 operation, yet you
accept it as fact. "Leo" won't even identify himself, but you have
no qualms that his claims are valid.

Yet you question a fellow serviceman's military experience. Odd.

AND has NO claimed experience in any specific radio
communications, AND falsely accuses others of "dishonoring"
their military unit members.

Maybe he's just pulling your leg, Len. ;-)

You know, the way you "pull his leg" by calling him "nursie", "murine" and many
other names, and referring to him in the wrong gender.

That individual has NO displayed
knowledge of military radio communications, networks, or
regulations thereof (see the specious claim that "MARS
IS amateur radio" instead of the Department of Defense).

Is he entitled to that opinion, Len? Or are only opinions you agree with
allowed to exist?

On top of that this individual continually uses Yiddish pejoratives
as personal insults despite having no knowledge of Yiddish nor
of central European languages.

Perhaps he's just using sarcasm to make a point, Len ;-) ;-)

Did you know that Colin Powell is fluent in Yiddish? It's a fact.

Len, you go on and on about Morse Code and Morse Code tests even though
you have no demonstrated practical knowledge of either. ;-) ;-) ;-)

You are
entitled to believe that we don't all, in some form or other, contribute to
the integrity, continuance, and strength of the United States--some of us by
just damned getting up out of bed every morning and going to some dorky job
where a damned good portion of our income goes to supporting the military,
and the government, and the "other" people (you know...those who are not

Little sarcasm there, in case you missed it, Len. But Kim got it right - again.

Well, you claim, solely by birthright, that you are "entitled" to MORE
than those of us who spent years in the military, serving our country
the best way we could? All because you did NOT serve yourself?

More? Where do you get that, Len? Kim just is saying that everyone contributes.
Don't you agree?

Or don't "non-servers" count for anything at all? Perhaps you would like to
call them "unpersons".

That's a remarkable claim of "citizenship" which you wear. It is not
an article that I wish to put on at any time.

I see. You think some citizens are more equal than others. Oink, oink ;-) ;-)

W4NTI served our country in Southeast Asia. In the military, during a war. Yet
you threatened him with your "ounces of pressure" post.

K8MN served our country in Southeast Asia. In the military, during a war. He
also had a long career serving our country in the State Department. Yet you
repeatedly insult him because of his last name, denied his knowledge of State
Department communications, and have told him to "shut the hell up" in your
classic "feldwebel" post.

KH6O served our country in the Coast Guard. ( I don't know if he's still
active-duty). Yet you don't consider maritime communications on the largest
ocean of the planet to be "big time radio". He's also a teacher at the
university level. Yet you repeatedly insult him and his service, most clearly
in the your classic "sphincter" post.

There's a lot more...

About the only thing that can be said about the extreme polarization
in here is that the PCTA extras must certainly believe they are so
damned "superior" in radio BECAUSE they took and passed a
civilian amateur radio morse code test.

They're superior to you in Morse Code skill, Len. And in amateur radio
experience. The rest of the difference is a matter of opinion. I'm superior to
you in many ways. You are superior to me in some other ways (tapdancing around
the facts, for example).

Deal with it, pink boy ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

However, you've shown that no matter what military service, education,
employment or other accomplishment someone has, you'll make fun of them and
their accomplishments if they dare to disagree with you. You'll even say they
are lying about the accomplishments, without any evidence.

Of course you're not a stickler for evidence anyway, as shown by your demanding
an age limit of 14 years for amateur radio licenses, without any evidence that
the licensing of young people causes problems. And without any demonstrated
practical experience with young people ("teeners", you call them?)

So there's no point in anyone mentioning their education, military/government
service, employment, etc., around you, because you'll just insult it and say
it's inferior.

Yes, that's the ticket.
Moresemen are always "superior." They say so all the time.

"Moresemen"? You mean "Morris men"?

others must bow down to them. They are royalty.

Or maybe they're using sarcasm and leg-pulling on you, Len. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Can't you deal with a little strong opposition? ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

But, they are still AMATEURS in radio. Try to remember that.

And you're not one of them. Your Extra is still in its box.

Even when those PCTA extras expound on socio-political issues
that don't even come close to U.S. amateur radio or its policy,
they remain superior and aloof to all NCTA.

Tug, tug! ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Here's a clue, Len: You're not the newsgroup moderator.

So, yeah. I asked. And, I should have known better...

Quite true.

But, you have aligned yourself with the PCTA extra mob in here.
As a friendly suggestion, wear some armor next time and the
severity of newsgroup wounds won't cause so much apparent
psychological trauma.

Somehow I think Kim's a bit tougher than you are, Len. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
;-) ;-)

Oh, btw - your buddy Mike Deignan is *against* code testing. At least that's
what he told FCC back in 1999.