Thread: Overdrive
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Old May 19th 05, 01:39 AM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a

From: (John)
=A0=A0=A0=A0Why is it that in the world of CBing that

most users love to overdrive.

Channel six gets your goat, eh? They aren't all like that, but after
listening to nothing but FM duplex then hearing power mics booming on
AM, one can see where you would draw that incorrect conclusion.

First they take a radio, cut the clipper out,

Hammies brought this technology to cb. This is their baby-mama


a mic with 10x tooo much

audio to the poor radio,

If it's too loud, you're too old..

then over drive a

amplifier to full output (way into compressiom)

before any modulation is applied.

I prefer 3 watt deadkeys.

=A0=A0Now they should know they sound like crap.

I've never been told that. In fact, I know what my radio sounds like. I
hear it all the time when I'm on the sal****er dx playground. Ya' can't
fool me! Where ya' at? I'll swing the beam your way and you can listen
to the magic.