Thread: 102" whip
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Old January 28th 06, 12:59 AM posted to
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Default 102" whip

I have always been up front and consistent with the specifics of this
discussion. If you think I'm back pedaling it is most likely caused by
your less than stellar reading comprehension.

Once again, you said "we should never trust the claim of others". But
after that backfired in your face you qualified it with, "but it is
easier to believe....." Correct me if I'm wrong here, but "never"
doesn't include "easier", does it?

Again your reading comprehension is flawed. The other poster said
never. I said "you don't have to believe me"

What you really should do is make the comparison yourself. We would
never believe you, but at least you'd know the truth.

That would be the ideal scenario. However, it requires that I purchase
one of these antennas that you are selling, and I don't care to risk
my money on an antenna that purportedly defies the laws of physics
with only marginal benefits, especially when my 102" whip does the job
quite nicely and for a fraction of the cost. But you go right ahead
and preach your version of "the truth" and I'll keep preaching common
sense, ok?

Well, I once believed just as you do until I did take the time and
spent the money to check things out myself. Tell me, who went farther
to seek the truth?

Yet you can't account for the results. Looks like you didn't go far

I've suggested reasons for the results, but admitted that I don't have
a definitive conclusion as to WHY the results were as is,nor do I have
to in order to post the results.