unblocked ICOM IC-R3
"Icom IC-R3" wrote in
I bought one of these from Bandercom in 2002 and played with it for a
couple of days, then put it in a drawer where it's been sitting for
years unused. I sell items on eBay once in a while but this is a
prohibited item. Anyone know where I could find a buyer? It seems like
a waste for it to go unused.
You can sell them on ebay, I did a couple months ago [went for over $350 plus
Just do not trumpet the fact that it is "cellular capable" "unblocked" "full
coverage" "no gaps" ect, especially in the title.
In the description I said it was purchased in Canada and thus was not
frequency hobbled, I left it for people to draw their own conclusions. Listed
the frequency coverage as 0.495-2450 MHz with no qualifying buzz word like
"uniterupted" or some such.
Some who did not get the hint emailed asking about coverage and I told them
yes indeed, it had full coverage - I even published one of these questions on
the auction page on the last day.
I see at least one up right now, the only give away is "Government/Export
version: 0.495-2450.095 MHz", and ebay generally does not look for stuff like
that unless someone rats them out.
Still, your auction could get **** canned I guess, all I am saying is that it
likely won't if you can refrain from buzz words and outright give aways.
Also, I would not advise advertising your auction here, except maybe in the
last 2 hours.
Its happened more than once here that within hours of these unblocked
scanners being advertised here for ebay auctions, they get pulled off.
If the worse should happen and the auction gets yanked, you get a refund on
auction charges and a warning to not do it again or else, so theres not a
whole lot of risk as far as risking your account or something.
Craigslist is an option also [thats where I got mine, got it for $200 and
sold it for over $350].