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Old February 20th 07, 03:17 AM posted to
Owen Duffy Owen Duffy is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,169
Default delay line? velocity factor???

Roy Lewallen wrote in news:12tkkh6n7us4v19

A feature of the '50s-era radars I worked on in the '60s was MTI, or
moving target indication. It was done simply by subtracting the return
from the previous pulse from the current one and displaying only things
which had changed. This was done to reduce clutter from fixed objects,
and it was effective against some jamming techniques. Doing something
like that is trivial today, but it wasn't back then. The pulse
repetition time of the long-range radars was over 2 ms (round trip time
for 400 miles or so), so a delay of that time with a bandwidth of a few
MHz was required.

My recollection was that LC delay lines were also used, and MTI radar was
very useful for close in to the airport where structures (the built
environment) created the greatest clutter problem distinguishing low
flying aircraft, so shorter delay times (hundreds of us) were adequate.

Other techniques I have come across for various delay applications,
including circulating memories included various forms of semi-distributed
LC elements, coils of piano wire with magnetostrictive transducers, and
early dynamic shift registers that were a kind of charge shuffling
