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Old April 22nd 07, 06:34 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 91
Default ( OT) Global Warming, a primer . .

On Apr 22, 10:22 am, "Larry" wrote:
On 22 Apr 2007 04:18:41 -0700, wrote:

In climate models an increase in atmospheric temperature caused by the
greenhouse effect due to anthropogenic gases will in turn lead to an
increase in the water vapor content of the troposphere,

with approximately constant relative humidity. The increased water
vapor in turn leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect

and thus a further increase in temperature; the increase in
temperature leads to still further increase in atmospheric water

and the feedback cycle continues until equilibrium is reached.

Thus water vapor acts as a positive feedback to the forcing provided
by human-released greenhouse gases such as CO2.[9] Changes in water
vapor may also have indirect effects via cloud formation.

That so-called "primer" neglects to mention that water vapor is a major
greenhouse gas and that water vapor constitutes 95% of the greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. That makes water vapor (which comes mostly
from the oceans) THE most important greenhouse gas because of its
overwhelming presence.

The "primer" also neglects to mention that the oceans absorb / release a
great deal of atmospheric CO2 as their temperatures change, complicating
any simple-minded attempt to relate atmospheric CO2 to human production
of CO2.

As the debate continues in the public realm, the average person is going
to realize that the alarmists aren't making much scientific sense at
all. That will be a good thing and may save all of us from needless and
damaging public policy.