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Old June 2nd 08, 02:54 AM posted to
[email protected] N2EY@AOL.COM is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 877

On Jun 1, 1:24�pm, Dave Heil wrote:
The best product for stripping enamel wire is one which not many
hobbyists will have around the home: �a solder pot.

Yup. I've used them.

Of course someone might protest that the discussion is about doing the
job *chemically*....

Foster Transformer in Cincinnati used this method for stripping
and tinning the ends of transformer leads simultaneously. �All they did
was do straighten out the leads and dip the wire ends into the pot for about five seconds.

Pretty much standard in the electronics industry, really. Faster and
less costly than Strip-X for production work.

At Southgate Radio, for multiple units, an improvised solder pot is
made by heating a cleaned-out tuna can full of solder splashes over a
propane torch or stove burner(with appropriate safety precautions).
For small jobs, a blob of solder on the 100 watt American Beauty iron
does the job.

Elecraft transceiver kits (except the K3) require that you wind
toroids and strip the wire ends. They recommend the solder-blob
method, and since the wire is relatively small you don't need a big
iron. My military-surplus Weller WCTPK kit does the job very well.

73 de Jim, N2EY