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Old January 13th 09, 12:26 PM posted to
Larry Gauthier \(K8UT\) Larry Gauthier \(K8UT\) is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 17
Default Vertical antenna for DX


I have heard that vertical antennas are more susceptible to noise!

I live in a residential area with a moderate amount of man-made QRN. My
antenna "farm" (which is more of a small garden ;-) includes horizontal
dipoles for 80 and 160 meters, and verticals on 40, 80 and 160. Using a
remote antenna switch, I can quickly select antenna orientation and easily
compare signal strength and QRN levels.

For signal strength, the horizontals are superior under 500 miles, but after
that the verticals kick in and are almost-always better at DX distances. In
fact, even IF the signal strength of DX stations were equal on both, the
fact that the verticals attenuate the local stations by over 20db is enough
of a selling point.

For QRN, I think the answer is like real estate: location, location,
location. My verticals are at the rear of the property and farthest away
from power lines and AC service to the house. The dipoles extend into the
front yard and are more susceptible to AC line noise. Although I also
expected the verticals to be "noisier", due to locations the dipoles are a
little - but barely - noisier than the verticals.

Hope this explanation helps,
"Peter" wrote in message
. au...
I'm proposing to build a new multi-band HF antenna. Previously I used
simple relatively low (8mtr) dipole (28mtr total length) feed with ladder
line and matched with a Z-Match tuner. Worked ok, but was useless for DX.
My proposed antenna is to be vertical (7mtr radiator) to be used on bands
from 10mtr to 30mtr.
I have heard that vertical antennas are more susceptible to noise!

I'm keen to hear this groups view on the noise issue and generally how
verticals are regarded as a DX antenna. Also keen to hear of personal
experiences with vertical antennas on HF.

