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Old September 16th 15, 03:09 PM posted to,,
Jerry Stuckle Jerry Stuckle is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2012
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Default What is the purpose of this and other NGs?

On 9/16/2015 5:10 AM, gareth wrote:
"rickman" wrote in message
On 9/15/2015 2:55 PM, Mike Tomlinson wrote:

He is a troll, pure and simple, and has been at it since 1997.

I won't argue that point one bit. But it is an effective troll only
because others argue with him rather than simply discuss. Most of those
who argue with him are actually being trolls themselves, not unlike a
group gathering around a fight cheering it on, being part of the reason to
fight in the first place.

And now, by resorting to personal attacks, you yourself become the troll

In the 21 years since 1994 that I have been a subscriber to amateur radio
NGs, there
has been neither any trolls, nor the origination of personal attacks by me.

ROFLMAO! That's the funniest line I've heard this entire year! But
then delusional people actually believe things like this.


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