"Keith" wrote in message
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 16:53:15 -0400, Scott Unit 69
If it wasn't someone using the name "Keith", someone also posting from
newsguy was suggesting the use of 10 meters by techs in protest.
It is not illegal for a technician to transmit voice on 28.300 to 28.500
Has the tech passed the morse code test? There is no way to know since the
doesn't keep track of which techs pass the cw test and I don't need to
that information to anyone.
It is a great big loop hole and a great way to protest stupid radio
Even though the FCC does not maintain the info in their database, you will
certainly have to be able to provide proof via the appropriate documentation
that you do have the privileges should you ever receive an NAL from the FCC.
That means that the burden of proof will lie on the Technicians to prove
they have the privileges not on the FCC to prove that they don't. The FCC
will most likely maintain that anyone who cannot provide that proof does not
have the privileges. You may think you have a loophole but you don't. So
you had better keep that CSCE or old Novice license or old Tech Plus license
in a safe place.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE