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Old February 25th 07, 09:40 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 8
Default Disaster response

Dear OM's

lovely discussions about communications in disasters.
in the beginning of amateur radio it was a great help however!
first the organisation of first aid and the nescesarry communicarion is
the responsibillety of the authorety and politici
They make risk analyses and in it there are calculated victems each body
has its price!
It's fine that we OM's from different nations and cultures may discuse this
We are intended to help without questions different rules makes it not

for exampel
years ago there was a big breakdown of electricty in the northerpart of PA
troubles in communications police ambulance fire workers security etc each
service had their own frequency and channels and band disciplens
How can you than communicate ? it is like buying bread from a recent
discovered tribe living in the stone age
shortly a group of legal and illegal ham's build a emergynet FM radio's
tuned to police channels at 86 mc relaided to 145 and 433 mc illegal
transmitted by broadcastamateurs to 86 mc again
So we accompanyed a traffic accedent and a troubelsome delivery to a
A couple of months later speaking a policeofficer he told us abaout a
scrambler and that it was unpossible that we could do the job again.
My simple answerd if he knows how that new rig works with al l the used
components and frequencies give me a lot of trouble SSB like distorsion of
the audio

example 2
late 70 surf accident at coastal sea
windsurfer surfing at force 8 a 9 slipped of his board could not find it
back because the high waves .
truck driver sees it happening and used his CB set ignored!!!!
lucky to the surfer A cber ringed a radarpost and the operator could see the
Life boat out troubles could not find the surfer becuase the waves
radaroperator could not communicate the lifeboat mariphone at 156.8 mc
Lucky guy in the waves. a police officer ham too noticed that his potobel
ham set was abble to transmit out of band did not know how.Local home net
gives the answer and the radarpost was abled to accompagny the lifeboat at

Now the emergy services have a brandnew system with the diapers problems
too mainly potentionproblems who is responsebel for what politics
Had we to solve this problems
I spoked a local politicus about the emergy flyers now to day needed for
terrorist attacs.the stupid things in it and foolish solutions of suspected
close your windows because there is no problem for your health and listen to
the blowed up local radiostation without power
He noticed that always radioamateurs do a great job we are a reliable
service. so the politici know the problem to solve it it costs money
I' now back again at my remark However ???? !!!!!!
See you down in the log
Ruud PA 0 RAB

"Bill Horne, W1AC" schreef in bericht
Steve Bonine wrote:
Bill Horne, W1AC wrote:

A cross-band repeater might, or might not, be the "Deus ex machina" that
solves all your team's problems - but don't count on it, because
technology is the least important weapon in a ham's arsenal when the
chips are down.

I certainly agree, Bill. But I need to upgrade my equipment, and as long
as I'm buying something, I want to be sure that it does what I need.
Based on experience during Katrina, crossband can be a valuable
capability. But that's all it is -- a capability.

I hope I'm not beating a dead horse, but I'll emphasize the point another
way: two simple radios will often cost only slightly more than one
feature-rich rig.

Having regular exercise, which is free, has better prepared me for an
emergency than any amount of money could have. Knowing the capabilities,
limitations, and advantages of RG-8 has made it possible to connect
thirty-year-old ground planes cut for 46 MHz to two-meter radios and
have them in service in minutes instead of hours.

When we were called upon to provide communications for Red Cross ERVs
(Emergency Response Vehicle; the ones that they use for mobile feeding
and other similar assignments) we were stymied because there's no place
to use a mag mount. The vehicles are almost 100% fiberglass, and even
the hood is non-magnetic. We used the whip that was intended for the Red
Cross radio, which is cut for 47 MHz. It worked just fine on 144 MHz.
The coax run was short enough, and the radios had sufficient power and
auto-shutdown based on SWR, that we were able to easily hit the repeaters
that we needed to use.

Glad to here it: nothing more useless than a good radio without an
antenna, except for an operator who doesn't try every option.

In the event I remember, it was actually the _long_ length of the RG-8
that I was depending on: since the antennas were 70+ feet away, I knew
that the loses in the cable would obviate any SWR issue. In fact, Ed
Tilton's favorite microwave dummy load was a long length of unterminated

Perfection is not needed. Resourcefulness works wonders.


Participating in regular drills, although inconvenient, has been twice
as valuable as any piece of hardware could have been when I was tired,
hungry, irritated, wet, and constipated.

I will probably get some flak for this statement, but the hams who really
disappoint me are the ones who never have time for the training sessions,
the drills, or even the regular net session, but their mantra is, "If you
ever need me, I'll be there." Yeah, you'll be there all right, but
you'll be part of the problem, not part of the solution.

I was present at at public-service event where a ham who weighed over 300
pounds volunteered to accompany a group of firefighters who were about to
respond to a fuel spill. The firefighters, all professionals in excellent
condition, told him that they were not trained to handle heart attacks and
that he would not go with them. He was, to put it mildly, upset, but he
went on a diet and started operating bicycle mobile, so the firefighters
did him a big favor by making sure that he wouldn't have a heart attack in
the first place.

This brings up another important, and often overlooked, aspect of
emergency preparedness: the men and women who do it for a living train
hard, and work hard, and talk hard. Ham's with thin skin have no place in
disaster response, because the other people who are paid to be there are
also paid to speak the truth, bluntly and quickly. "Check your ego at the
door" is the best advice anyone can give or receive.


Glad to have met you: if you're deployed to New England during our next
earthquake, I'll share my duct tape :-).


Bill W1AC

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