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From: on Tues, Sep 26 2006 7:22 pm
wrote: wrote: Doesn't matter if every newcomer sees their antics for the next eight decades in the archives, they are right, Right, RIGHT and you are wrong. If someone is wrong, they're wrong regardless of how much they protest and attack the person who points out their mistake. Go tell it to Robesin, he desperately needs to hear that. Fascinating. Miccolis is becoming a clone of Robesin. Jimmy engages in some kind of weird wordplay wherein he both manipulates word meanings and loaded "questions" so that he can come back with "you are simply wrong" to anyone protesting/challenging/saying-an-opposite. To further that, he feigns some kind of outrage and demands that the challenger "prove" it by going back to archives and extracting the challenger's charge. Never mind that several hundred have already seen the old words in past messages, Jimmy MUST have those quotes in here! :-) Jimmy never served in any military, never volunteered for anything in the military or in one of his governments. Yet, he is a self-righteous "expert" who wants to demean military that are serving (or veterans of service) with HIS "definition" of "pay," that of "being subsidized by the taxpayer." Jimmy doesn't give a **** if he insults 99.99% of everyone else, he MUST insult one who IS a veteran and who is on his enemies list. Therefore, he exhibits the same syndrome as that sick Robesin. How many newcomers actually read rrap? How many *people* actually read rrap? Anymore? None. Today it's just a cesspool for want of an apology. I see no other choice but the draconian one of simply stopping everything in the newsgroup for an indefinite period. Nobody will be able to post. Not morsemen, not no-code-test advocates, not the sociopaths, misfits, the anony-mousies in here. I've suggested it to Paul Schleck twice...but all he wants to do is engaging me in some "Personal, non-professional life" background check. Proof? W0EX/SK said he wanted to destroy the ARS since he couldn't have ham radio his way. When did he say that? Show us the posting where he wrote such a thing. Do your own homework. Har! Good old "show us the posting" MISDIRECTION. Everyone will be busy arguing and arguing over the OLD post and Jimmy can simply ignore the current post. :-) Like Robeswine's present antics, no one said a word... Anyone who bothers to wade through the mountains of postings and oceans of words on rrap will see all sorts of things from all sorts of people on all sides of various issues. Yup. Someone recently said that service members are subsidized, which isn't even a RRAP issue. Now, just WHY would some dumb sonnovasnitch try to insult about a million members of the United States military? I don't understand that. It must be some twisted so-and-so who never volunteered for any military service and thinks they are so much better than any service person... As Heil says, "Bully for you." The more you post, the deeper into a corner you get. It's the Robeswine syndrome in Jimmy's posts again...going deeper and deeper and deeper until, like falling into a Black Hole, they can never get out. --- I stopped by the Armed Forces Career office on the 3rd floor of the Media City Mall in Burbank, CA, today. It's next to the 3rd floor entrance to Sears at the south end of the Mall. Nice place. Very attractive, really. Not busy today. Had a nice chat with an Army E-5 there. He got some information (on you-know-who) and we traded a few items of personal info. He got a kick out of my miniature DD-214 photocopy. [no background check of me was necessary, Paul Schleck] You might note that Robesin's QRZ bio has been altered. He doesn't mention his "USMC career" at all now! Wonder why? :-) ["signature" omitted here due to hissy fits of the 'moderator team' or whatever] |
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From: on Tues, Sep 26 2006 5:30 pm wrote: on Sat, Sep 23 2006 7:06 pm Dave Heil wrote: wrote: Paul W. Schleck on Fri, Sep 22 2006 4:09 pm writes: Paul W. Schleck on Thurs, Sep 21 2006 12:21 pm writes: Why did you - repeat you - bring up the late Lloyd Bentsen at all? Did Lloyd Bentsen have an amateur radio license? :-) Heck, Leonard, it should put you at ease. You don't have one either. Good grief! Did you have to query QRZ on that one, too? Robesin did. They are birds of a feather, Brian. They might share a brain... At least Heil didn't consume time and resources in a useless exercise as Robesin has. I will dispute that. Very little of Heil's messaging in here appears useful...except to him. It is almost entirely about demeaning lots of others. He only makes nice-nice to other pro-coders. Wowsers, Len. If we change the bit about "pro-coders" to "no-coders", it fits you to a T. The only difference between them is better literacy in Heil's postings. But, the same hatred of losing anything and bluffmanship is evident in both. I see a lot more difference between them than that, but without getting into a great big ****ing match with either of them, I'll sum it up in that one of them should be kept away from society, the other is merely annoying and needs to stick to meaningful exchanges on the air, such as "you're 59." Har! Yes, good old "you are 5-9-9!" :-) Good old Len. Nobody but a rank greenhorn would issue a statement in morse like "you are 5-9-9". A phone op wouldn't do it at all. ...even if a repeat is requested on half of what the other station transmitted. :-) You didn't get the first half right so I have doubts as to your second statement. After all, you aren't involved and aren't sitting around monitoring CW QSOs with your trusty Icom receiver. ["signature" omitted due to all the amateur hissy fits about being a Life Member of a Professional Association] That's your story and you may or may not stick to it. I think you've gotten a little nervous about using the sig in light of your actions. Dave K8MN |
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![]() Dave Heil wrote: wrote: From: on Tues, Sep 26 2006 5:30 pm ["signature" omitted due to all the amateur hissy fits about being a Life Member of a Professional Association] That's your story and you may or may not stick to it. I think you've gotten a little nervous about using the sig in light of your actions. So, how are things in the Waffen SS? Jimmie should be happy You Are On The Job protecting Him... Have you and Paul had a difficult time on my "personal, non- professional life" background check? Have you contacted the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers yet? I gave you their address. It's in all the better trade magazines. I'm not worried. Are you worried that I'm not worried? Or do you want me to be worried about your being worried about my not being worried? :-) So, when are the moderator police going to show up at my house? I can put on a bigger pot of coffee. Is that a "service" to the country? Or would you call that a "country crock?" I think of most of your little endearing messages as a country crock. Really spreads greasy stuff in here. As ever, to you, the famous ByteBrothers phrase invoked. |
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wrote: From: on Tues, Sep 26 2006 7:22 pm wrote: wrote: To further that, he feigns some kind of outrage and demands that the challenger "prove" it by going back to archives and extracting the challenger's charge. Brian Burke, N0IMD, claimed that a now-dead person wrote something. If the now-dead person wrote what Brian claimed, what's the problem with asking to see the original? The only logical explanation I can see for Brian's refusal is that he now isn't so sure that his claim is accurate. who wants to demean ... with HIS "definition" of "pay," that of "being subsidized by the taxpayer." Why do you think the word "subsidized" is demeaning, Len? I quoted a definition for "subsidy" from the Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary: "a grant to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public" What is demeaning about that? "subsidize" is defined in the same book as "to furnish with a subsidy" Now of course it's clear that someone who is directly employed by the government is not "a private person or company", so the word doesn't really apply to anyone who gets a direct government paycheck. OTOH, governments subsidize all kinds of things. Why do you think the word "subsidized" is demeaning, Len? Len was recently attempting to cast aspersions on my U.S. Department of State employment so it is interesting to look at the line he spouted: On Sunday, Sept. 10, 2006 he wrote: "Tsk, all those years in the State Department (paid for by the US taxpayer) and he picked up NOTHING on diplomacy." and "Tsk, and all those Department of State years and you never learning any diplomacy skills paid for by the US taxpayer..." He didn't write that I was paid by the U.S. Government. He wrote that my years were paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. How many newcomers actually read rrap? How many *people* actually read rrap? Anymore? None. Today it's just a cesspool for want of an apology. I see no other choice but the draconian one of simply stopping everything in the newsgroup for an indefinite period. How would that be done, Len? Who has the authority to shut down rrap? Obviously you do not, because you would have done it by now. Len thinks he is in charge of the newsgroup now. He is a self-appointed advocate for something-or-other, dontcha know? No, wait, that's not right. You don't always do what you say you are going to do. Len, if you want rrap to go silent, why don't you lead the way? Perhaps you want rrap to continue, because without it, you'll not be able to rant the way you have for the past decade or so. Nobody will be able to post. Not morsemen, not no-code-test advocates, not the sociopaths, misfits, the anony-mousies in here. Not even you, Len. I've suggested it to Paul Schleck twice...but all he wants to do is engaging me in some "Personal, non-professional life" background check. You mean he's pointed out how *your* behavior doesn't meet IEEE standards.... I see a contradiction, Len. On the one hand you want rrap shut down. On the other hand, you don't want a moderated newsgroup, and you attack the person who wants to set one up. Sounds like you have issues with control, Len. Self-control, that is. You realize that your postings are buried in the noise here, but on a moderated newsgroup they'd not be allowed. You'd have to control your behavior on a moderated newsgroup, and that's a problem for you. Problem? He can't control his behavior. He is the way he is. Proof? W0EX/SK said he wanted to destroy the ARS since he couldn't have ham radio his way. When did he say that? Show us the posting where he wrote such a thing. Do your own homework. Har! Good old "show us the posting" MISDIRECTION. How is it misdirection? Brian Burke, N0IMD, claimed that a now-dead person wrote something. If the now-dead person wrote what Brian claimed, what's the problem with asking to see the original? It simply isn't misdirection. After all, Brian stated something without proof. You asked to see the proof and Len accused you of misdirection. The misdirection is Len's. -- btw, Len, you don't have to keep trying to convince me. I'm convinced! I've been convinced for years. Dave K8MN |
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Dave Heil wrote: wrote: From: on Tues, Sep 26 2006 5:30 pm ["signature" omitted due to all the amateur hissy fits about being a Life Member of a Professional Association] That's your story and you may or may not stick to it. I think you've gotten a little nervous about using the sig in light of your actions. So, how are things in the Waffen SS? I haven't the slightest idea, Len. Is it your belief that it is still in existence? Jimmie should be happy You Are On The Job protecting Him... Remember your recent words where you state that this is a public bulletin board that anyone may comment on anything? Why Are You Using Caps To Begin Words? dOES yOUR kEYBOARD hAVE A sTICKY cAPS kEY? Have you and Paul had a difficult time on my "personal, non- professional life" background check? Why no, Len. Much of your "personal, non-professional life" can be found right on usenet. It is plain for anyone to see. Have you contacted the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers yet? No, not yet. I gave you their address. Why yes, you did. I'd already found it though. It is on the web site. It's in all the better trade magazines. I couldn't find it in "Farm Industry News" or "Guitar Player". I'm not worried. Are you worried that I'm not worried? Thou dost protest too much. So, when are the moderator police going to show up at my house? Moderator police? What are you going on about, Leonard? I can put on a bigger pot of coffee. Is that a "service" to the country? What do you think, Len? Is it? Or would you call that a "country crock?" I think of most of your little endearing messages as a country crock. Really spreads greasy stuff in here. What do you think of your own little endearing messages, Len? What are they? As ever, to you, the famous ByteBrothers phrase invoked. Do you think that violates the IEEE Code of Ethics? Dave K8MN |
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From: on Wed, Sep 27 2006 5:58 am wrote: on Tues, Sep 26 2006 7:22 pm wrote: wrote: Doesn't matter if every newcomer sees their antics for the next eight decades in the archives, they are right, Right, RIGHT and you are wrong. If someone is wrong, they're wrong regardless of how much they protest and attack the person who points out their mistake. Go tell it to Robesin, he desperately needs to hear that. Fascinating. Miccolis is becoming a clone of Robesin. only has a lag of about 7 years on the long slide of robson No, Mark. Jimmie was on AOL on one of their ham radio "discussion" boards (exclusive of Usenet), sounding like the 120-year-old 1x1 superextra clone of the ARRL, parroting their phrases like he was a paid PR pro from Newington on commission. Someone apparently tipped him off on Usenet back then and he showed up in here. Same PR phrasing, same braggadoccio about amateur radio as on AOL's board, same talking-down with smug arrogance to anyone not embracing Jimmie's vision of the All-Codah Heaven (but no mention of "virgins"). Did someone tip you off to amateur radio, Len? You haven't shown up on the bands yet. The Robeswine Who? Is that another of your endearing little names, Len? is a relative latecomer to RRAP, but he initially came on trying to out-do Chesty Puller, USMC, but coming out more like Gomer Pyle. The Robeswine must have spent days collecting all the emotionally-loaded catch-phrases of the USMC and generally speaking like left-over sound bites from TV's JAG (now a "defunct" series). Jimmie cries out "You have no proof!" when others don't care to re-argue and re-argue and re-argue old posts by MISDIRECTION of quoting them. It is like he desperately must "win" old arguments he never won. Your statement above is completely incorrect. Brian Burke asserted that he was quoting a dead man as saying something that Jim didn't recall the fellow as writing. Brian was asked to provide proof that his quote was accurate. He has not done so and now we have you crying, "misdirection". The Robeswine Who? ...used to do that but lost it a few years ago, preferring to directly insult his challengers...in everything from their sexual preferences... Is that like "smoking preference"? The fellow with numerous issues wrote about his sexual desires in another newsgroup. We already know what they are. How can OFFERING ONE'S LIFE be "subsidized?!?" Ask Saddam Hussein. He was in the business of subsidizing the lives of bombers some years back. Just the same, NO police, firemen, etc., ever have to face artillery, strafing from aircraft, salvos and torpedoes on open ocean and deliberate open warfare on land. Jimmie just doesn't understand that. He's never tried to. He READS about it and then says he "knows all about it" (and is the "expert" on it). You read about amateur radio and claim to know all about it. You set yourself up as an expert. Go figure. Your blurb on artillery reminds me: That sphincter post of yours--where and when did you undergo the artillery barrage? Was your friend Gene there to confirm it? Did his sphincter tighten too? Dave K8MN |
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