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  #1   Report Post  
Old July 25th 05, 11:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Maybe someone can get a clean shot!!!!!

SANTA FE (July 24) - Actress and activist Jane Fonda says she intends to
take a cross-country bus tour to call for an end to U.S. military operations
in Iraq.
"I can't go into any detail except to say that it's going to be pretty
exciting," she said.

Fonda said her anti-war tour in March will use a bus that runs on "vegetable
oil." She will be joined by families of Iraq war veterans and her daughter.

They plan to return to the Santa Fe area where she was promoting her book,
"My Life So Far" on Saturday.

Prompted by a question from the audience, Fonda said war veterans that she's
met on a cross-country book tour have encouraged her to break her silence on
the Iraq war.

"I've decided I'm coming out," she said.

Hundreds of people in the audience cheered loudly when Fonda announced her
intentions to join the anti-Iraq war movement.

"I have not taken a stand on any war since Vietnam," she said. "I carry a
lot of baggage from that."

Fonda incited controversy in July 1972 when she was photographed sitting on
a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun while on a tour of the country to drum
up support to end the war. She has repeatedly said she did not mean any harm
by the photos. Earlier this year, a Vietnam veteran spat in her face at a

But, except for one booing audience member, the reception was friendly in
Santa Fe. More than 500 copies of her book were sold.

Charles Powell, a member of Albuquerque's Veterans for Peace, said he
believes Fonda's actions in Vietnam should be forgiven.

"We accept her apology and feel that she should be treated like a human
being," Powell said.

07-24-05 22:19 EDT

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press

  #2   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 01:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Burr wrote:

Charles Powell, a member of Albuquerque's Veterans for Peace, said he
believes Fonda's actions in Vietnam should be forgiven.

"We accept her apology and feel that she should be treated like a human
being," Powell said.

Good for you Burr, Forgive & forget..
Bury The Hatchet..

Hear she's gonna move to the Phillipines sometime soon..

  #3   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 01:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Ya, Bury The Hatchet..

wrote in message

Burr wrote:

Charles Powell, a member of Albuquerque's Veterans for Peace, said he
believes Fonda's actions in Vietnam should be forgiven.

"We accept her apology and feel that she should be treated like a human
being," Powell said.

Good for you Burr, Forgive & forget..
Bury The Hatchet..

Hear she's gonna move to the Phillipines sometime soon..

  #4   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 01:37 AM
Posts: n/a

Still up to her nasty Anti American crap again.And she once said she
found GOD.Give me a break! Maybe somebody CAN get a clean SHOT.Sometimes
Prayers are answered.Let us Pray.

  #5   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 03:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Marvelous! Will John "flip-flop" Kerry be with her?? How about that
flabby, drunk lard-ass Kennedy? Maybe he'll save Jane from drowning
when her vegetable bus falls into the Rio Grande!

  #6   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 04:30 AM
Posts: n/a

She ought to go to Iraq and sit in her Anti Aircraft Gun seat.There are
a lot of straight shooters over there.

  #7   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 01:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Jane Fonda visited Hanoi during the Vietnam War, at which time she accused
American soldiers of acting as "war criminals"

Claimed that if Americans understood communism they would get down on their
knees and pray for it to come.

What Fonda did, in fact, far exceeds the actual conduct and activities of
some of those who were convicted and imprisoned for their treasonous
activity in World War II.

By the time Fonda left for Hanoi, she was already immersed in the
radicalized New Left culture of the late 1960s, and had already issued
statements accusing American soldiers of acting as virtual "war criminals"
who routinely tortured, raped and murdered innocent Vietnamese. She then
joined forces with Tom Hayden, who had moved his activism in the direction
of creating his own new anti-Vietnam war organization.

Fonda's activities took place in the context of the vicious and inhumane
treatment of American prisoners of war - treatment that violated every main
tenet of the Geneva Convention, and which was on the level of the treatment
given to concentration camp prisoners by the Nazis, and to World War II
POWs by the Japanese. It was, as one former prisoner recounts, "a nightmare
of hellish proportions that transformed civilized human beings into primal
animals struggling to cling to some fleeting sense of what it means to be

[The Leftwing in America never protest against the enemy Communists in any
conflict, NEVER!]

Fonda attended forced and staged meetings with American POWs, who refused to
cooperate or talk with her, and who went out of their way to ignore the
pleas of their captors to acquiesce in the propaganda. Nevertheless, Fonda
immediately went on the air and lied about her meetings, presenting phony
stories about how well the captured troops were being treated at the
infamous "Hanoi Hilton" POW camp. "They are all in good health," she said in
yet another broadcast; "We had a very long.very open and casual talk. We
exchanged ideas freely," and these men told her about their "sense of
disgust of the war." None of what she said, of course, had an ounce of truth
to it. As the Holzers put it: "These lies were simply more canned North
Vietnamese propaganda, broadcast in furtherance of Fonda's intent to damage
the United States and help the North Vietnamese."

What she did was sordid, vile, unpatriotic and unconscionable, and as the
Holzers write, "beneath contempt." She could have been indicted, and a jury
of Fonda's peers would have had the opportunity to judge her actions.

Her activities clearly fit the bill of giving distinct "aid and comfort" to
America's enemies. It demoralized many of the soldiers, made things worse
for the POWs, humanized the enemy to Americans at home, and gave the Hanoi
regime confidence that it should hold on in the face of battlefield
reverses, because propaganda such as that by Fonda would eventually allow
them to gain the upper hand. We read the words of analyses by propaganda
experts of her words, which makes it clear, as one former Brigadier General
wrote, the intent of which was "to demoralize and discourage, stir dissent,
and stimulate desertion."

While on her book tour in Kansas City, a Vietnam veteran spat tobacco juice
in Fonda's face. The man, who had waited in line for 90 minutes to meet
Fonda, later told reporters that the actress/author was a "traitor" who had
been spitting in the faces of war veterans for years, and that he had no
regrets about what he had done to her: "There are a lot of veterans who
would love to do what I did."

Now, decades after Jane Fonda's trip, Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer,
both of them writers as well as lawyers, have published a book that seeks to
make the case that in fact, Jane Fonda engaged in acts that make her guilty
of the actual legal grounds for treason, which as laid out in the
Constitution, defines the act as "levying War against them, or, in adhering
to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." To be found guilty, a person
had to have two witnesses to the overt act they committed, or have made a
full confession in an open court.

In their book, Aid and Comfort:' Jane Fonda in North Vietnam (Jefferson,
North Carolina: McFarland and Company, 2002. 206 pp. $39.95), Henry Holzer
makes it clear in his introduction that when he began his book, he too had
no opinion about whether Jane Fonda had committed treason when she traveled
to Hanoi in July of 1972. He decided to take a closer look at the actual
text of her propaganda broadcasts made in Hanoi, what she said and did
during her visit there, and what effect it had on those GI's who were being
held as POW's. His conclusion was simply that there was "enough evidence to
submit to a jury, that the jury could have convicted her, and that a
conviction probably would have been upheld on appeal." Of course, not only
did that not take place, but Jane Fonda went on to resume an illustrious
career in Hollywood [always was a bastion of Communists - read the book Red
Star Over Hollywood.], has received numerous awards, and has become, as
Holzer writes, "an American icon."

The Holzers' book, then, is written as an attempt to pursue justice. For
this reader, the first part of the book is the most compelling, and indeed,
a harrowing read. What the Holzers reveal is the full story of the torture,
degradation and violations of common humanity inflicted upon American POWs
by the North Vietnamese Communists. Of course, reports of this have been
made by some of those who suffered directly. But with the attention of
Americans and the media at the time, and long after, on the horrors of the
war, somehow or other, the story of what happened to American prisoners of
Hanoi got lost. The Holzers shed more light on this, and bring to the story
the sordid role played by Fonda in responsibility for the misery they

  #8   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 03:17 PM
Posts: n/a

Castro had sent some of his thugs over there to Hanoie,beating up on
American Prisoners of War with fan belts and other things.

  #9   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 05:35 PM
John S.
Posts: n/a

Burr wrote:
SANTA FE (July 24) - Actress and activist Jane Fonda says she intends to
take a cross-country bus tour to call for an end to U.S. military operations
in Iraq.
"I can't go into any detail except to say that it's going to be pretty
exciting," she said.

Fonda said her anti-war tour in March will use a bus that runs on "vegetable
oil." She will be joined by families of Iraq war veterans and her daughter.

They plan to return to the Santa Fe area where she was promoting her book,
"My Life So Far" on Saturday.

Prompted by a question from the audience, Fonda said war veterans that she's
met on a cross-country book tour have encouraged her to break her silence on
the Iraq war.

"I've decided I'm coming out," she said.

Hundreds of people in the audience cheered loudly when Fonda announced her
intentions to join the anti-Iraq war movement.

"I have not taken a stand on any war since Vietnam," she said. "I carry a
lot of baggage from that."

Fonda incited controversy in July 1972 when she was photographed sitting on
a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun while on a tour of the country to drum
up support to end the war. She has repeatedly said she did not mean any harm
by the photos. Earlier this year, a Vietnam veteran spat in her face at a

But, except for one booing audience member, the reception was friendly in
Santa Fe. More than 500 copies of her book were sold.

Charles Powell, a member of Albuquerque's Veterans for Peace, said he
believes Fonda's actions in Vietnam should be forgiven.

"We accept her apology and feel that she should be treated like a human
being," Powell said.

Oh, good, I can hardly wait for the Hanoi Jane entourage to show up in
my city for anti-Iraq war demonstrations. Say, I have a better idea,
why don't they drive their environmentally proper
vegetable-oil-burning-bus to Iraq, settle in with some of the
insurgents and maybe set up a bookstore. Yes, I can see it now. In
some bombed out shell of a building a new beginning: Fallujah Jane's
Mostly Used Books, J. Fonda, prop. All fading traitors should get one
more chance to replay their moment of notoriety. I think I will plan a
vacation in some other state.

BTW, I disagree with the reasons used to justify our being in Iraq, but
would never see Hanoi Jane as a spokesperson for those who oppose our
current involvement.

  #10   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 06:55 PM
John S.
Posts: n/a

Michael Lawson wrote:
"John S." wrote in message

Burr wrote:
SANTA FE (July 24) - Actress and activist Jane Fonda says she

intends to
take a cross-country bus tour to call for an end to U.S. military

in Iraq.
"I can't go into any detail except to say that it's going to be

exciting," she said.

Fonda said her anti-war tour in March will use a bus that runs on

oil." She will be joined by families of Iraq war veterans and her


They plan to return to the Santa Fe area where she was promoting

her book,
"My Life So Far" on Saturday.

Prompted by a question from the audience, Fonda said war veterans

that she's
met on a cross-country book tour have encouraged her to break her

silence on
the Iraq war.

"I've decided I'm coming out," she said.

Hundreds of people in the audience cheered loudly when Fonda

announced her
intentions to join the anti-Iraq war movement.

"I have not taken a stand on any war since Vietnam," she said. "I

carry a
lot of baggage from that."

Fonda incited controversy in July 1972 when she was photographed

sitting on
a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun while on a tour of the

country to drum
up support to end the war. She has repeatedly said she did not

mean any harm
by the photos. Earlier this year, a Vietnam veteran spat in her

face at a

But, except for one booing audience member, the reception was

friendly in
Santa Fe. More than 500 copies of her book were sold.

Charles Powell, a member of Albuquerque's Veterans for Peace, said

believes Fonda's actions in Vietnam should be forgiven.

"We accept her apology and feel that she should be treated like a

being," Powell said.

Oh, good, I can hardly wait for the Hanoi Jane entourage to show up

my city for anti-Iraq war demonstrations. Say, I have a better

why don't they drive their environmentally proper
vegetable-oil-burning-bus to Iraq, settle in with some of the
insurgents and maybe set up a bookstore. Yes, I can see it now. In
some bombed out shell of a building a new beginning: Fallujah

Mostly Used Books, J. Fonda, prop. All fading traitors should get

more chance to replay their moment of notoriety. I think I will

plan a
vacation in some other state.

BTW, I disagree with the reasons used to justify our being in Iraq,

would never see Hanoi Jane as a spokesperson for those who oppose

current involvement.

All that's old is new again. Unfortunately.

Kinda like the late 80's pseudo-hippie movement.

Missed that movement completely...and I was around for thr original
hippie movement.

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