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  #1   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 06:02 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2009
Posts: 147
Default The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

Anyone waving a placard or voicing dissent against the Obama
administration dare not protest too loudly. President Bill Clinton has
reignited the incendiary rhetoric of April 19, 1995. He effectively
sealed his second White House bid in 1996 by blaming conservative talk
radio for inciting the heartland bomber Timothy McVeigh. Now, fifteen
years later, the Democratic playbook promises to claim far more
victims. Only this time, hardworking Americans stand in the

In a recent CNN interview, the former commander-in-chief sounded a
battle cry to the political left, press and pundits alike: Vilify the
Tea Party, deeming its membership capable of the violent rampage of
the Oklahoma City bomber. This stigma imperils the most influential
grassroots movement in modern history. Nothing threatens to muzzle
free speech more than being stereotyped a "Tim McVeigh wanna-be."

For me, this political correctness run amok triggers déjà vu. The
smear campaign represents an instant replay of the backlash that I
endured as a TV news reporter on the trail of the infamous John Doe 2.
I was branded a "racist" for pursuing leads that illustrated how Iraqi
intelligence agents, soldiers who served in Saddam Hussein's army
during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, infiltrated the United States in
order to recruit and assist Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols in
executing the worst act of terror in 20th-century America.

What I discovered shatters the Tim McVeigh mold as an "angry white
male" who vented his hostility through published letters to newspaper
editors -- and soon thereafter, crossed the threshold from peaceful
discontent to wholesale mass murder. Instead, copiously researched
evidence, as outlined in my book The Third Terrorist: The Middle East
Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing, exposes McVeigh as the
ultimate traitor, acting in collusion with al-Qaeda terrorists and
hostile foreign governments such as Iran and Iraq.

The decorated Bradley gunner openly expressed to an Army buddy during
Operation Desert Storm that he "wanted to become a mercenary for the
Middle East because they paid the most." Upon returning from the
Persian Gulf War, he failed the cut for the elite Special Forces. The
combat hero suffered a blow to the ego from which he would never

The lanky, awkward teenager from upstate New York had joined the
military to shake the childhood stigmas of ordinariness and anonymity.
Beneath his clean-cut persona, he harbored a warped sense of empathy
for Osama bin Laden, the first World Trade Center mastermind Ramzi
Yousef, and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. During his incarceration,
McVeigh penned personal essays unveiling his deep-seated sympathies
for Middle Eastern terrorists that fueled his anti-government
zealotry. He unabashedly expressed regret for the killing two Iraqi
enemy combatants, for which he earned the Bronze Star.

Jailhouse interviews recently broadcasted by MSNBC confirm McVeigh's
obsessive need for notoriety. Shortly before his 2001 execution, he
granted unlimited access to two authors of his biography in order to
dictate how history would portray his role as the Oklahoma City "super
bomber." McVeigh lauded himself as an emotionless executioner, an
ingenious mastermind, and the author of his own fate.

Demented pride impelled the American terrorist to fire off letters to
the press following my appearances on cable news programs. His ire
inflamed as I announced to a nationwide audience that Osama bin Laden,
Iraq, and Iran sponsored the Oklahoma City operation. My investigation
demeaned the Army sergeant's status and relegated his role to that of
a mule, or rather, a button-pusher. In the lexicon of the intelligence
community, Timothy McVeigh was nothing more than a "lily-white"
delivery boy -- someone who had no ostensible ties to a Middle Eastern
terrorist organizations, and thereby could operate below the law
enforcement radar screen. He was a handpicked dupe, set up to take the
fall in order to save his Islamic collaborators from prosecution. Bill
Clinton's FBI ensured just that.

The Bureau failed miserably in its prodigious quest to find McVeigh's
legendary accomplice, John Doe 2. It soon became evident that federal
agents conducted a myopic manhunt bent on collaring a "homegrown"
third terrorist of Caucasian, not foreign, descent. In early 1996, the
Bureau conducted an unprecedented investigation in a herculean effort
to connect a religious compound of white separatists and a band of
Aryan Republican Army bank robbers to the Oklahoma City bombers.
After all, they were cut from the same cloth as Timothy McVeigh and
Terry Nichols. These right-wing extremists indubitably fit the profile
of the angry white men who would avenge their hatred of the
establishment by destroying a federal complex.

After conducting twenty-five thousand witness interviews, the FBI
could not find one witness who tied the neo-Nazi suspects to downtown
Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh, the Ryder truck, getaway vehicles, or
the bombsite. All had irrefutable alibis. In short, the FBI failed to
produce one eyewitness account, fingerprint, motel registration log,
or phone record linking these alleged conspirators to the commission
of the crime. The judge who presided over Terry Nichols' 2004 state
murder trial ruled the Bureau's pursuit of additional domestic
terrorists amounted to nothing more than "hyperbole and a dry

The FBI compliantly accepted the court's rebuke rather than take
receipt of my voluminous dossier indicting Iraqi soldiers in the
crime. In 1997, when I attempted to surrender the witness statements
and corroborative evidence, the FBI flatly refused to take it. But I
persisted, and in 1999, FBI Agent Dan Vogel accepted the witness
affidavits and investigative file. From there, the documents simply

To this day, the FBI has failed to investigate the multiple sightings
of Iraqi Republican Guardsman Hussain Al-Hussaini in the presence of
Timothy McVeigh prior to the bombing, exiting the bomb-laden Ryder
truck the morning of April 19, and escaping the ill-fated Murrah
Building in a getaway vehicle pursued by the FBI in an all-points-
bulletin issued for Middle Eastern terrorists. More significantly, two
federal court rulings establish that this Iraqi soldier has no
provable alibi for the morning of the bombing.

The FBI never questioned Hussain Al-Hussaini and has refused repeated
requests from Congress and the press to clear him officially of
complicity in the Murrah Building bombing. Why? It is my firm belief
that Bill Clinton and Janet Reno should be called upon to answer that
question. Meanwhile, the Democrats will continue to spin the fictional
portrait of McVeigh to the party's advantage.

Undoubtedly, Tim McVeigh espoused hate. He advocated civil
disobedience. He called for armed resistance to punish a republic he
no longer trusted to protect the liberty of its citizenry. But by no
means does his crime symbolize anything other than the maniacal act of
an unstable individual living on the fringe of society. For Bill
Clinton to draw a comparison between a bloodthirsty terrorist and Tea
Party conservatives, many of whom are senior citizens on walkers, is
nothing short of a national outrage.

However, those threatened by the mounting ranks of dissatisfied voters
will continue to stoke the flames of demagoguery. McVeigh was a
soldier of fortune -- a far cry from the peaceful citizens of the Tea
Party. Yet until the evidence embodied in The Third Terrorist is
prosecuted and validated in a courtroom setting, Americans who hold
their elected leaders to account will continue to bear the onus of
"Tim McVeigh wanna-bes." The historical record, as written by the
Clinton Department of Justice, leaves the door open to malign
protestors as latent terrorists just awaiting the impetus to act. This
insidious distortion of truth demands redress.

The time has arrived to exorcise the ghosts of Oklahoma City and bring
to account the Arab terrorists who butchered innocent Americans and
the officials who suppressed the evidence of their guilt.

How the Left Undermined America's Security Before 9/11
  #2   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 07:03 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2010
Posts: 7
Default The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

Oh Blame Some Olde Dung regurgitated the usual:

Anyone waving a placard or voicing dissent against the
Obama administration dare not protest too loudly

This, from a poster who is quoting an article written by
Jayna Davis for the so-called "conservative" American
Thinker web-site..

--And one should doubt the veracity of Ms. Davis' claims..
  #3   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 07:37 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2009
Posts: 147
Default The Web of Propaganda Lies of Liberal Fascists.

What is SourceWatch?

SourceWatch is a project of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)
an Anti-capitalist, anti-corporate organization

What is Center for Media and Democracy?

In Center for Media and Democracy's (CMD) view, capitalism generally,
and corporations in particular, are the principal root causes of
societal ills in the U.S. and abroad. The Capital Research Center,
which rates the ideological leanings of nonprofit organizations,
places CMD near the extreme far left of the spectrum. The website
ActivistCash, which provides "information about the funding source[s]
of radical anti-consumer organizations and activists," characterizes
CMD as "a counterculture public relations effort disguised as an
independent media organization."

Members of the CMD Board of Directors include: Joseph Mendelson, a
former Director of Friends of the Earth and co-founder of the
environmental organization Center for Food Safety; Anna Lappe, co-
founder of the social justice organization Small Planet Institute and
a former W.K. Kellogg Foundation fellow; David Meritt, former
Executive Director of the Citizens Utility Board (a Wisconsin consumer
advocacy group that opposes utility rate increases); Inger Stole, an
assistant professor at the Institute of Communications Research; and
Jan Miyasaki, an Asian American Studies professor at the University of

The most notable CMD Board member is Ellen Braune, whose leftist
affiliations are extensive and longstanding. She currently serves as
Vice President of Communications at the Ms. Foundation for Women, and
was formerly a Senior Vice President at Fenton Communications and a
Communications Director for the Committee in Solidarity with the
People of El Salvador (CISPES). Part of the Soviet-controlled World
Peace Council, CISPES was established in America in 1980 by high-
ranking members of the Salvadoran Communist Party and Cuban
intelligence to support El Salvador's murderous guerrilla bands and to
influence American public opinion through protests and one-sided

CMD was founded by the leftist writer and environmental activist John
Stauber, who continues to serve as the Center's Executive Director.
Stauber began his activism in high school when he organized anti-
Vietnam War protests and early Earth Day events. The co-author (with
SourceWatch founder Sheldon Rampton) of six books, Stauber created the
now-defunct website He is also an unpaid advisor
to several organizations, including the Action Coalition for Media
Education, the Center for Food Safety, the Liberty Tree Foundation,
the Media Education Foundation, and the Organic Consumers

The aforementioned Sheldon Rampton currently serves as CMD's Research
Director. A graduate of Princeton University, Rampton was formerly an
outreach coordinator for the Wisconsin Coordinating Council on
Nicaragua, a group established in 1984 to oppose President Reagan's
efforts to stop the spread of Communism in Central America, and
currently dedicated to promoting a leftist vision of "social justice
in Nicaragua through alternative models of development and activism."

An April 2001 commentary in the liberal publication Village Voice said
of Rampton and Stauber: "These guys come from the far side of

According to ActivistCash, "Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
operate ... from the presumption that any communication issued from a
corporate headquarters must be viewed with a jaundiced eye. ... [T]hey
recently referred to corporate PR as a propaganda industry, misleading
citizens and manipulating minds in the service of special interests.
Ironically, Rampton and Stauber have elected to dip into the deep
pockets of multi-million-dollar foundations with special interest
agendas of their own. Their books Mad Cow U.S.A. and Toxic Sludge Is
Good For You were produced and promoted using grant monies from the
Foundation for Deep Ecology ($25,000) and the Educational Foundation
of America ($20,000), among others. Along with the more recent Trust
Us, We're Experts, these books are scare-mongering tales about a
corporate culture out of control, and each implies that the public
needs rescuing. … If someone in a shirt and tie dares make a profit
(especially if food or chemicals are involved), Rampton and Stauber
are bound to have a problem with it. Unless, of course, that food is
vegetarian, organic, certified fair-trade, shade-grown, biodynamic, or
biotech-free — in which case, the sky's the limit!"

In his 2005 article, "Strategy for Progressives: Where Do We Go from
Here?," Stauber lauded the violent 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle
and the anti-Iraq War protests of 2003, though all these events were
replete with political propaganda, which CMD professes to disdain. The
fact that the propaganda was of a leftist nature made it acceptable to
Stauber, who in the same article praised as a "brilliant
and effective internet-based activist group."

CMD sponsors the following projects:

PR Watch Quarterly: "investigates and exposes how the public relations
industry and other professional propagandists manipulate public
information, perceptions and opinion on behalf of governments and
special interests"

Spin of the Day: "offers web-based daily reporting on public
relations, propaganda and media spin"

SourceWatch: an Internet-based "encyclopedia of people, issues and
groups shaping the public agenda"

Congresspedia: "the 'citizen's encyclopedia' of the members of the US
House and Senate" (This is a collaborative project of CMD and the
Sunlight Foundation.)
In addition to these projects, CMD has established an in-house
Resource Center that "answers inquiries from journalists and other
members of the public seeking to understand the forces and influences
behind current issues."

The Center also provides skills training sessions designed "to share
best practices and success stories with citizen journalists and
activist groups, through workshops and CMD's publications." These
publications include the three previously cited Rampton-Stabuer books,
as well as their other three: The Best War Ever: Lies, Damned Lies and
the Mess in Iraq; Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in
Bush's War on Iraq; and Banana Republicans: How the Right Wing is
Turning America Into a One-Party State.

CMD officials make frequent media appearances to spread their message.
In recent years, they have given interviews to such outlets as Air
America Radio, The American Prospect, Al Jazeera, AlterNet,
CommonDreams, Democracy Now!, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting,
Mother Jones, The Nation, The New York Times, and

The Center has collaborated with other leftist organizations on a
number of projects and campaigns. For example:
CMD and Adbusters co-endorsed the 2001 "National Ad Slam Contest" (a
project of the Ralph Nader-founded Commercial Alert), which awarded
money to schools that barred advertisers from their premises.

CMD joined the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and the Humane Farming
Association in filing two lawsuits against the federal government in
1999. Alleging that existing federal protections did not adequately
protect the American public from Mad Cow Disease, the plaintiffs
demanded changes to meat-processing and labeling regulations.

CMD is a member of the Foodspeak coalition organized by the Center for
Science in the Public Interest, which seeks to give far greater legal
latitude to critics who publicly condemn the food industry's allegedly
unsafe practices. Other members of Foodspeak include Alliance for
Justice, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Environmental Working
Group, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Greenpeace, the Natural
Resources Defense Council, People for the American Way, Public
Citizen, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

At the height of the U.S. mad-cow scare, CMD's John Stauber shared a
press-conference dais with the Environmental Working Group's Ken Cook,
warning journalists that a "crisis" threatened America's meat supply.
The event was organized by Environmental Media Services, the now-
defunct media arm of Fenton Communications.

CMD is a member organization of the anti-technology Turning Point
Project, whose Board member Joe Mendelson also sits on CMD's Board.
CMD has received financial backing from the Ettinger Foundation,
Funding Exchange, the Grodzins Fund, the HKH Foundation, the Leo J. &
Celia Carlin Fund, the Litowitz Foundation, the Marisla Foundation,
the Mostyn Foundation, the Panta Rhea Foundation, the Park Foundation,
the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Schumann Center for Media and
Democracy, the Threshold Foundation, the Wallace Global Fund, Richard
& Rhoda Goldman Fund, the Foundation for Deep Ecology, the Harold K.
Hochschild Foundation, the Carolyn Foundation, the Deer Creek
Foundation, the Turner Foundation, the Educational Foundation of
America, the Stern Family Fund, the Winslow Foundation, the DJB
Foundation, the Bauman Family Foundation, the CarEth Foundation, and
the Cold Mountain Foundation.

  #4   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 08:18 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 8
Default The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

On Apr 24, 1:02Â*pm, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
Anyone waving a placard or voicing dissent against the Obama
administration dare not protest too loudly. President Bill Clinton has
reignited the incendiary rhetoric of April 19, 1995.

Hahahahahaha! You people are a helluva hoot. Clinton incendiary???
When you have Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Morris, Hannity, O'Reilley,
Beck -- the whole bloody menagerie is YOURS!!! Stop it! Yer killin'
me! Hahahahahaha! Moron.
  #5   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 09:54 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2010
Posts: 5
Default The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

Wexford wrote:
On Apr 24, 1:02 pm, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
Anyone waving a placard or voicing dissent against the Obama
administration dare not protest too loudly. President Bill Clinton has
reignited the incendiary rhetoric of April 19, 1995.

Hahahahahaha! You people are a helluva hoot. Clinton incendiary???
When you have Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Morris, Hannity, O'Reilley,
Beck -- the whole bloody menagerie is YOURS!!! Stop it! Yer killin'
me! Hahahahahaha! Moron.


Do you think that a President that ordered the mass murder of children
in Waco, Texas isn't incendiary? It was incendiary for Timothy McVeigh,
was it not? You think a Coulter or a Hannity would illicit the same
response that Clinton caused by his actions on that fateful day.

Bill Clinton has yet to be tried for that crime, and history will show
that America failed itself in those dark days.

  #6   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 10:39 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2010
Posts: 1
Default The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History


Suggested Nations:




Protesters signal openness to talks

Thai protesters offered Friday to end their demonstrations if Prime
Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva holds an election in three months, easing
tensions in a six-week standoff that has killed 26 people and
paralyzed Bangkok.

"We regret the loss of life and hope such incidents won't happen
again," protest leader Veera Musikapong told supporters Friday. "We're
willing to open a new round of negotiations under new conditions." At
least five grenades exploded Thursday on a major business artery.
Talks last month collapsed after Abhisit rejected demands to dissolve
parliament immediately, offering instead to call an election by year's

-- Bloomberg News


8 Pakistani troops killed in ambush: Militants ambushed a Pakistani
army convoy traveling in North Waziristan, a tribal region that is
home to insurgent groups engaged in the war in neighboring
Afghanistan, killing eight soldiers. The attack could add to U.S.-led
pressure on Islamabad to launch an offensive in the region.

-- From news services

  #7   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 11:16 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2009
Posts: 952
Default The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

On 4/24/2010 4:54 PM, Cicero Venatio wrote:

Bill Clinton has yet to be tried for that crime [Waco], and history will show
that America failed itself in those dark days.

Maybe they will try Clinton for that as soon as they try
Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz for lying us into two fake wars. History
will show that Bush et al failed America in those dark days.

I understand your feelings for the scores killed at Waco. Now if only
you could work up some sympathy for the *thousands* of American troops
and *tens of thousands* of civilians maimed and killed by W's folly.

  #8   Report Post  
Old April 24th 10, 11:51 PM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2010
Posts: 5
Default The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

Maybe they will try Clinton for that as soon as they try
Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz for lying us into two fake wars. History
will show that Bush et al failed America in those dark days.

I understand your feelings for the scores killed at Waco. Now if only
you could work up some sympathy for the *thousands* of American troops
and *tens of thousands* of civilians maimed and killed by W's folly.

Bush fought for oil, Clinton executed the Davidians simply because they
absolutely refused to kneel before him.
  #9   Report Post  
Old April 25th 10, 12:25 AM posted to,alt.politics.elections,,alt.politics.usa,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2010
Posts: 7
Default About the Propaganda and Lies of Right-Wing Fascist Quislings (was:The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History)

Oh Blame Some Olde Dung deleted and retreated from:

Man of Mind restored the text/context that refuted:

Oh Blame Some Olde Dung regurgitated the usual:

Anyone waving a placard or voicing dissent against the
Obama administration dare not protest too loudly

This, from a poster who is quoting an article written by
Jayna Davis for the so-called "conservative" American
Thinker web-site..

"American Thinker (AT) is a conservative daily internet
publication. According to it website, American Thinker
presents a "thoughtful exploration of issues of importance
to Americans."

/aside/Sure it does..

"There is ample evidence to support the notion that AT
serves as part of the right wing's echo chamber.

/aside follows/ right-wing echo chamber, noise machine

"In the United States, the Republican Party uses a network
of conservative foundations, coordinated by the Philanthropy
Roundtable, and described in an extensive report (March 2004)
by Jerry M. Landay for, supporting
conservative think tanks, industry-friendly experts and
subsidized conservative media that systematically spread their
messages throughout the political and media establishment."

Example of such follows, from..

"A good example of this can be found in a December 5th, 2007 piece
on the National Intelligence Estimate report on the state of Iran's
Nuclear weapon's program.

Writer Ed Lasky first refers to an Editorial in the New York
Sun inferring that the intelligence community is against
President Bush.

Footnote #2

"Lasky concludes that "the National Intelligence Estimate was cooked
up by bureaucrats eager to embarrass George Bush and transform US
policy towards Iran." To substantiate his argument he goes on to
quote an editorial from the Wall Street Journal-

Footnote #3

-which avers the authors of the NIE study a "former State
Department officials with previous reputations that should
lead one to doubt their conclusions. All three are ex-bureaucrats
who, as is generally true of State Department types, favor endless
rounds of negotiation and "diplomacy" and oppose confrontation.
These three officials, according to the Wall Street Journal, have
'reputations as hyper-partisan anti-Bush officials'." This statement
"Hyper-partisan anti-Bush officials", restated as fact in the AT
article, is quoted and requoted by rightwing blogs and news sources
throughout the media.

Footnote #4

Footnote #5

Footnote #6

Ultimately this type of statement winds up being echoed by mainstream
pundits such as Rush Limbaugh.[7]

--And one should doubt the veracity of Ms. Davis' claims..

What is SourceWatch?

"The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) publishes SourceWatch,
this collaborative, specialized encyclopedia of the people,
organizations, and issues shaping the public agenda. SourceWatch
profiles the activities of front groups, PR spinners, industry-
friendly experts, industry-funded organizations, and think tanks
trying to manipulate public opinion on behalf of corporations or
government. We also highlight key public policies they are trying
to affect and provide ways to get involved."

--See subject header for details, cheesehead..
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