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  #1   Report Post  
Old October 6th 11, 02:27 PM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2011
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Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

"While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall
Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns
which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves

"The process through which a potentially powerful movement may be co-
opted and controlled is slight and subtle. If Occupy Wall Street hopes
to strive for the 99%, it must not submit to the 1%, in any capacity.

"The Occupy movement must prevent what happened to the Tea Party
movement to happen to it. Whatever ideological stance you may have,
the Tea Party movement started as a grass roots movement, largely a
result of anti-Federal Reserve protests. They were quickly co-opted
with philanthropic money and political party endorsements.

"For the Occupy Movement to build up and become a true force for
change, it must avoid and reject the organizational and financial
‘contributions’ of institutions: be they political parties, non-
profits, or philanthropic foundations. The efforts are subtle, but
effective: they seek to organize, professionalize, and
institutionalize a movement, push forward the issues they desire,
which render the movement useless for true liberation, as these are
among the very institutions the movement should be geared against.

"This is not simply about “Wall Street,” this is about POWER. Those
who have power, and those who don’t. When those who have power offer a
hand in your struggle, their other hand holds a dagger. Remain
grassroots, remain decentralized, remain outside and away from party
politics, remain away from financial dependence. Freedom is not merely
in the aim, it’s in the action.

"The true struggle is not left versus right, democrat versus
republican, liberal versus conservative, or libertarian versus
socialist. The true struggle is that of people against the
institution: the State, the banks, the central banking system, the
corporation, the international financial institutions, the military,
the political parties, the mainstream media, philanthropic
foundations, think tanks, university, education, psychiatry, the legal
system, the church, et. al.


"The transfer of power from one institution to another does not solve
the crisis of our ‘institutional society,’ whereby a few have come to
dominate so much, to concentrate so much power at the expense of
everyone else having so little. True liberation will result only from
opposition to ‘the institution’ as an entity. Placating power from one
institution to another renders resistance ineffective. The power
structures must be discredited, and power must be distributed to the
people, through voluntary associations, communal groupings, and people-
powered (and people-funded!) initiatives.


"In order to survive as a movement, money will become a necessity. Do
not turn to the non-profits and philanthropic foundations for support.
The philanthropies, which fund and created the non-profits and NGOs,
were themselves created to engage in ‘social engineering’: to
‘manufacture consent’ among the governed, and create consensus among
the governors. The philanthropies (particularly those of Carnegie,
Ford, and Rockefeller) fund social movements and protest organizations
so as to steer them into directions which are safe for the elites. The
philanthropies are themselves run by the elite, founded by bankers and
industrialists striving to preserve their place at the top of the
social structure in the midst of potentially revolutionary upheaval.
As the president of the Ford Foundation once said, “Everything the
foundation does is to make the world safe for capitalism.”

[ ]

"Money from philanthropies will organize the movement into a more
professionalized entity, will direct its efforts around the promotion
of legalistic reform, making slight changes to the system’s symptoms,
promoting particular legislation, rallying around very specific issues
removed from their global historical context. The effect is to turn
anti-system revolutionaries into legalistic reformers. With such
funding, movement organizers are drawn into the world of NGOs,
international conferences, international institutions, aid agencies,
and mainstream political participation. The leaders of the movement
become professionalized and successful, both in prestige and finances.
Thus, their own personal position becomes dependent upon promoting
reform, not revolution; on maintaining the system (with minor changes
to the aesthetic), not moving against it. The movement itself, then,
would be institutionalized.

"For the finances to grow without the threat of institutional
dominance, the money must come from the people. A truly populist cause
could be funded by the people. Keep the people in charge.

"If we truly want freedom and liberation, we must begin to act free
and liberated. If we want the ‘true liberation,’ we must understand
the true system of power that confines, oppresses, segregates,
exploits, impoverishes, and controls us. It is not a matter of the
state or the banks or the corporations. It is a matter of the
institution, itself. The structures of power must be struggled against
so that we may come to liberate humanity from all that confines it,
and experience what our true ‘human nature’ is.

"If one studies mice in a maze, no matter for how long or what the
maze is built of, looks like, feels like, you cannot deduce the nature
of the mouse separate from that of the maze. Break down the maze and
you may observe the true nature of the mouse. We have been living,
always, within a maze. The walls are constructed as institutions which
direct, steer, manipulate, define and segregate us from one another.

"First we must tear down the barriers that bind us from ourselves, and
then we may truly understand what it is to be human and free.

Ron Paul: Federal Reserve is why Americans are protesting on Wall St.

OCCUPY and END THE FED! - Support the Ron Paul Revolution
  #2   Report Post  
Old October 6th 11, 03:00 PM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2011
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Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

  #3   Report Post  
Old October 6th 11, 03:07 PM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2011
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Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

On Oct 6, 9:27*am, "Chas.Chan" wrote:

Such BULL**** from the leftist loons. Move to Greece idiot. Where it
turns out that the "1%" don't have enough money to save the other
99%. Such irony!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  #4   Report Post  
Old October 6th 11, 03:12 PM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
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Posts: 70
Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues
like taxing the middle class and moderately “rich,” ending capitalism
and even re-electing Obama to ‘fight’ the very elites who pushed him
into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for
the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal
Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans
to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt
on the American people through their undue powers.

With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to “occupy”
branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three
locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.
The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere
should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness
about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.

Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort,
including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be
educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well
as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on
the left and right that only further expand the scope of big
government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.

Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues
at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don’t wait for orders
from headquarters– go to the sound of the guns in this information war
to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being
manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and
even steer the protests at Wall Street.
  #5   Report Post  
Old October 7th 11, 12:17 AM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
RHF RHF is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
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Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

On Oct 6, 6:27*am, "Chas.Chan" wrote:

- "While I fully endorse the efforts and
- actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests,
- now emerging internationally, there are
- concerns which need to be addressed and
- kept in mind as the movement moves forward.

The "Occupy Wall Street" Political Cadre
{Elitists} are NOT the 99% [.]
-but- "The 14%" Educated Elitist Who Know
What Is Right for the remaining 85%
-aka- "The Masses" {The Common People} :
Their are the newest reincarnation of
Self-Appointed 'Overlords' of the poor
uneducated {little} people and will 'Guide'
{Force} The Masses on the Shining-Path of
Enlightenment to a New World Order.

  #6   Report Post  
Old October 7th 11, 09:46 PM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2011
Posts: 2
Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

On Thu, 6 Oct 2011 06:27:40 -0700 (PDT), "Chas.Chan"

"While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall
Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns
which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves

The Muslim Brotherhood took over the Islamic Spring in Egypt and Libya
and the unintended consequences are 20,000 shoulder rockets missing.

Socialists who 'feel' others owe them something for nothing is being
co-opted by DimocRATs thinking chaos plays into their hands.

Oboobuh to the rescue via Marxism on the heads of those mean, greedy
Bank of America Robber Barons and anyone who makes more money than
this guy...

Look what Nancy Pelosi supports in her prayer for God to bless 'them'

"The process through which a potentially powerful movement may be co-
opted and controlled is slight and subtle. If Occupy Wall Street hopes
to strive for the 99%, it must not submit to the 1%, in any capacity.

"The Occupy movement must prevent what happened to the Tea Party
movement to happen to it. Whatever ideological stance you may have,
the Tea Party movement started as a grass roots movement, largely a
result of anti-Federal Reserve protests. They were quickly co-opted
with philanthropic money and political party endorsements.

"For the Occupy Movement to build up and become a true force for
change, it must avoid and reject the organizational and financial
‘contributions’ of institutions: be they political parties, non-
profits, or philanthropic foundations. The efforts are subtle, but
effective: they seek to organize, professionalize, and
institutionalize a movement, push forward the issues they desire,
which render the movement useless for true liberation, as these are
among the very institutions the movement should be geared against.

"This is not simply about “Wall Street,” this is about POWER. Those
who have power, and those who don’t. When those who have power offer a
hand in your struggle, their other hand holds a dagger. Remain
grassroots, remain decentralized, remain outside and away from party
politics, remain away from financial dependence. Freedom is not merely
in the aim, it’s in the action.

"The true struggle is not left versus right, democrat versus
republican, liberal versus conservative, or libertarian versus
socialist. The true struggle is that of people against the
institution: the State, the banks, the central banking system, the
corporation, the international financial institutions, the military,
the political parties, the mainstream media, philanthropic
foundations, think tanks, university, education, psychiatry, the legal
system, the church, et. al.


"The transfer of power from one institution to another does not solve
the crisis of our ‘institutional society,’ whereby a few have come to
dominate so much, to concentrate so much power at the expense of
everyone else having so little. True liberation will result only from
opposition to ‘the institution’ as an entity. Placating power from one
institution to another renders resistance ineffective. The power
structures must be discredited, and power must be distributed to the
people, through voluntary associations, communal groupings, and people-
powered (and people-funded!) initiatives.


"In order to survive as a movement, money will become a necessity. Do
not turn to the non-profits and philanthropic foundations for support.
The philanthropies, which fund and created the non-profits and NGOs,
were themselves created to engage in ‘social engineering’: to
‘manufacture consent’ among the governed, and create consensus among
the governors. The philanthropies (particularly those of Carnegie,
Ford, and Rockefeller) fund social movements and protest organizations
so as to steer them into directions which are safe for the elites. The
philanthropies are themselves run by the elite, founded by bankers and
industrialists striving to preserve their place at the top of the
social structure in the midst of potentially revolutionary upheaval.
As the president of the Ford Foundation once said, “Everything the
foundation does is to make the world safe for capitalism.”

[ ]

"Money from philanthropies will organize the movement into a more
professionalized entity, will direct its efforts around the promotion
of legalistic reform, making slight changes to the system’s symptoms,
promoting particular legislation, rallying around very specific issues
removed from their global historical context. The effect is to turn
anti-system revolutionaries into legalistic reformers. With such
funding, movement organizers are drawn into the world of NGOs,
international conferences, international institutions, aid agencies,
and mainstream political participation. The leaders of the movement
become professionalized and successful, both in prestige and finances.
Thus, their own personal position becomes dependent upon promoting
reform, not revolution; on maintaining the system (with minor changes
to the aesthetic), not moving against it. The movement itself, then,
would be institutionalized.

"For the finances to grow without the threat of institutional
dominance, the money must come from the people. A truly populist cause
could be funded by the people. Keep the people in charge.

"If we truly want freedom and liberation, we must begin to act free
and liberated. If we want the ‘true liberation,’ we must understand
the true system of power that confines, oppresses, segregates,
exploits, impoverishes, and controls us. It is not a matter of the
state or the banks or the corporations. It is a matter of the
institution, itself. The structures of power must be struggled against
so that we may come to liberate humanity from all that confines it,
and experience what our true ‘human nature’ is.

"If one studies mice in a maze, no matter for how long or what the
maze is built of, looks like, feels like, you cannot deduce the nature
of the mouse separate from that of the maze. Break down the maze and
you may observe the true nature of the mouse. We have been living,
always, within a maze. The walls are constructed as institutions which
direct, steer, manipulate, define and segregate us from one another.

"First we must tear down the barriers that bind us from ourselves, and
then we may truly understand what it is to be human and free.

Ron Paul: Federal Reserve is why Americans are protesting on Wall St.

OCCUPY and END THE FED! - Support the Ron Paul Revolution

  #7   Report Post  
Old October 7th 11, 10:09 PM posted to
J R J R is offline
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Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Yeah, in fact of the business,,,, I saw something about that about a
week ago at

Old radio commercial I remember,
Whether you rent, or whether you buy, you pay for the home you Occupy.

  #8   Report Post  
Old October 7th 11, 10:24 PM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
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Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

On 10/7/2011 1:46 PM, wrote:

The Muslim Brotherhood took over the Islamic Spring in Egypt and Libya
and the unintended consequences are 20,000 shoulder rockets missing.

The word is "co-opted" and are these RPGs or SAMs? I heard a few hundred
SAMs were unaccounted for, which is another reason not to fly.
  #9   Report Post  
Old October 7th 11, 11:29 PM posted to,,,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.liberalism
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2011
Posts: 18
Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

On Fri, 07 Oct 2011 14:24:31 -0700, dave wrote:

On 10/7/2011 1:46 PM, wrote:

The Muslim Brotherhood took over the Islamic Spring in Egypt and Libya
and the unintended consequences are 20,000 shoulder rockets missing.

But "WE" were never at war in Libya, how could terrorists take
shoulder missiles when we were NOT at war with Libya?

Count them again....

NATO wouldn't go and attack someone and leave thousands of missiles
laying around for terrorists to use to shoot down American Commercial
Jets, would they?

Obama wouldn't neglect his job as Commander in Chief to Run for Office
and distance himself from a war he started and allow this kind of
incompetence to run ramped in a MERCENARY ARMY that our TAX DOLLARS
ARE BEING WASTED ON.... or would he?

The word is "co-opted" and are these RPGs or SAMs? I heard a few hundred
SAMs were unaccounted for, which is another reason not to fly.

The American Socialists ran the Egypt protests for a while, as they
are running these protests..... as communist/Socialist advisors.

While the Muslim brotherhood may or may not have run them out of
Egypt, they will stay here.

  #10   Report Post  
Old October 8th 11, 03:00 AM posted to
J R J R is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2011
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Default OCCUPY THE FED! - A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

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