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  #311   Report Post  
Old August 20th 04, 12:31 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

N2EY wrote:

In article , Mike Coslo

N2EY wrote:

These are the number of unexpired FCC ARS
licenses held by individuals on the dates listed:


Total Tech/TechPlus - 320,925 (decrease of 13,329)

Total all classes - 675,693 (increase of 901)

Good to see that the total numbers increased *despite* the "Great Falloff"

We have only 901 more hams today than we had when the whole restructuring
business came into being more than 4 years ago. (Some "professionals" can't
seem to even get a Technician license out of the box, despite the reduction in
written testing as well as code).

Total growth of 901 in that much time isn't healthy. Reducing the code test to
just 5 wpm did not result in sustained growth, and neither did reducing the
written tests.

I just gotta say it.....well DUH!

Things are not made popular by making them easy. Things are not made
popular by giving them away. A reasonably intelligent person can learn
the tests, the old "hard tests" tests or new "easy tests".

It doesn't matter. If a person has to spend a few more weeks learning
something, so be it.

It won't chase them away.

It doesn't matter if there is a Morse code test or not. Not one little bit.

Too many people seem to have thought that elimination of the Morse code
test would bring an influx of new eager hams. It will not.

If you think that elimination of the Morse test will help, You are
wrong. If you think that retention of the Morse test will help, you are

Karl, for all his bluster, has no more clue about what will attract new
people to the field than most PCTA's. He and the other CW haters simply
hate CW, and rationalize their hatred into "Ham radio will die unless we
get rid of the test.

Anything that needs rationalized is probably wrong to begin with. And
they are wrong to begin with.

You probably agree so far. You won't soon.

The difficulty or lack of "difficult tests" or the Morse code test
likewise has *no* effect whatsoever on the quality of the Ham community.

Ahh, what *does* grow Ham radio?

Hams grow Ham radio.

And an awful lot aren't doing it.

Bitching, whining, and moaning about the good old days and how much
better hams were then is only going to chase new people away. If I were
the sensitive sort, I would have quit Ham radio ten times over. I've had
to listen to Olde Tymers complaining about how only jerks and CB'ers are
joining the ranks, and how anyone can become an Extra nowadays. I've
listened to them claiming that all new Hams are stupid, and other
insults thrown at the new guys. At one time, I would gently remind them
that "I resemble that remark", but that gets old after the umpteenth time.

Answer me this, is that an inviting atmosphere? How many people enter
hobbies to be ridiculed?

Hams *must* provide a welcoming atmosphere, not inject their own
personal preferences into the mix, and take these new people and show
them they are valued on the air. Then word of mouth will spread among
the technologically inclined, and we won't have to be discussing how to
grow Ham radio.

The Morse code test could disappear tomorrow, and as long as Hams
encouraged a welcoming atmosphere that encouraged quality, we would get
quality. The test could be retained, and as long as newcomers could have
a reasonable expectation that they would have a good experience, then
the hobby would grow.

We must heal ourselves!

- Nickle Extra, Mike KB3EIA -

  #313   Report Post  
Old August 20th 04, 12:55 AM
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(WA8ULX) writes:

Hardly the work of a "nut", I'd say."

Karl is a NUT no matter how you look at it.

I presume you mean Mr. Carl Stevenson, WK3C.

How so?

hes the Clown who sees Black
Helicopters Flying over house.

When did he say that?

I see large dark-colored helicopters flying over my house on occasion. Also
A-10 "Warthogs". They're from Willow Grove NAS. No problem.

Hes the one who sees Pictures of GUNS on
Computer and thinks he going to be shot.

When did he say that?

Hes the Morron who Claims CW was the only reason he couldnt upgrade, AND
WHEN THE cw TEST WENT AWAY it took him a year to Upgrade.

That much is true. However, you also waited until the code test went away. So
you took the same test he did.

Hes the one who Claims
he will never support reducing written test, now hes all for it.

For which sdtance he has been challenged repeatedly - by me and others.

Hes the Idiot
who was going to bring all this great new Digital Stuff to Ham radio, and so
far we have seen nothing.

He was challenged about that too.

On the other hand, WK3C has done a *lot* to fight the BPL threat. Not just
comment-writing but actual on-site observations and reports of same to FCC. His
connections in the industry didn't hurt our cause, either.

And ol' Carl knows how to spell, punctuate and capitalize correctly. Worthwhile
skills ;-)

Som again, tell me why MR KOOK KARL is your hero.

I don't know anybody by that name who is my "hero". WK3C sure isn;t my "hero".
But he has done a lot to fight the BPL threat, and I have thanked him and
supported him publicly and privately in that effort.

What have you done to fight BPL, Bruce?


  #314   Report Post  
Old August 20th 04, 01:26 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Mike Coslo

William wrote:

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message


Subject: ARS License Numbers
From: (William)
Date: 8/17/2004 8:38 PM Central Standard Time

(N2EY) wrote in message

(WA8ULX) wrote in message


Total growth of 901 in that much time isn't healthy. Reducing the code


just 5 wpm did not result in sustained growth, and neither did reducing


written tests.

Of course not, all it did was give Lazy Ass people like Karl a FREE


Karl who?

When and how did you get *your* Extra, Bruce? Was it in front of an
FCC examiner? 20 wpm code, send and receive? Did you take the old
written tests, too?

Or did you bypass all that and get it after April 15, 2000 - just like
the folks you call "lazy"?


Well, well, well! I think Jimmy Who found his backbone.

Maybe he'll stand up to Steve's abuses next, if he doesn't fear legal
action or "Dialing..."

All I can say is, "Bravo!"

Jim's had his "backbone" for quite a while.

You say that just so long as he stays out of your way and
"never is heard a discouraging word." Yet he's been giving you subtle
hints to back off of Len, but you just don't get it (because you're
nuts and cannot NOT respond to Len). We'll see if he can stand
up to someone other than Bruce, and you'll change your tune when he
tells you to quit making an jerk of yourself. Best of Luck.

You are confusing good manners with weakness.

No. YOU are confusing the PCTA extra double standard with
socially-acceptible, logical behavior.

You are also confusing good manners with backbone.

No again. Given the enormous outpouring of vituperation from that
modern ham role model (aka "nursie"), there can be no other
recourse than telling the truth. HOW that recourse is done is
apparently a sore point with you.

Nope. You two and Steve are all getting exactly what ya'all want out of
this newsgroup. Enjoy!

YOU condone nursie and whatever he says...because he is another
PCTA extra (and that "club" must stick together...why, I don't know.

Jimmie Who writes so bloody much in here that he can't come to
a good point. YOU are confusing enormous content with "good
manners." shrug

Now WHY are you wading in here in yet-another-nursie-does-the
Yell-Yell versus Everyone Else?

Back to your penalty box...

Trrying to tell me to shut up?

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #315   Report Post  
Old August 20th 04, 02:16 AM
Posts: n/a

What have you done to fight BPL, Bruce?


Not a Damn thing, And Im not about to either

  #318   Report Post  
Old August 20th 04, 02:31 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: ARS License Numbers
From: Mike Coslo
Date: 8/19/2004 6:37 PM Central Standard Time

Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:

Subject: ARS License Numbers
Date: 8/18/2004 7:36 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

Jim's had his "backbone" for quite a while.

You say that just so long as he stays out of your way and
"never is heard a discouraging word." Yet he's been giving you subtle
hints to back off of Len, but you just don't get it (because you're
nuts and cannot NOT respond to Len). We'll see if he can stand
up to someone other than Bruce, and you'll change your tune when he
tells you to quit making an jerk of yourself. Best of Luck.

Well, Brain...

There ya go spouting off without facts again.

Suggest you balance the number of LennieRants against the total number

posts I've made, either to him or about him.

The numbers will, of course, prove you wrong.

There ya go...Running off at the mouth again, Brain.

Are you EVER going to learn...?!?!

Hey Steve.

Here is a good question.

Jim has suggested that you not engage with Lenover21 or Brian. I have
in the past also. There have been other things we have disagreed with.

And yet, between whatever Jim and you or myself have disagreed with, we

have always managed to keep it civil, am I not correct?

Hmmmmm, what would be the difference?

Well, Mike...It's probably because we disagree with each other without
calling each other Nazi's, jackbooted thugs, elitists, invent diminuitives for
each other, and generally treat each other with a modicum of respct when we
take each other on some point.

But that's just a guess on my part!



Steve, K4YZ

  #319   Report Post  
Old August 20th 04, 02:36 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: ARS License Numbers
From: (William)
Date: 8/19/2004 1:02 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: ARS License Numbers
Date: 8/18/2004 7:36 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

Jim's had his "backbone" for quite a while.

You say that just so long as he stays out of your way and
"never is heard a discouraging word." Yet he's been giving you subtle
hints to back off of Len, but you just don't get it (because you're
nuts and cannot NOT respond to Len). We'll see if he can stand
up to someone other than Bruce, and you'll change your tune when he
tells you to quit making an jerk of yourself. Best of Luck.

Well, Brain...

There ya go spouting off without facts again.

Fact #1. Jim HAS suggested that you stop it with Len.

Yes, he has.

Suggest you balance the number of LennieRants against the total number

posts I've made, either to him or about him.

Fact #2. You are unbalanced.


The mere number of activities I am involved in OTHER than RRAP negate that
assertion, Brain.

The numbers will, of course, prove you wrong.

Fact #3. You get to do the math.

The math's already been done.

You came up short.


There ya go...Running off at the mouth again, Brain.

Fact #4. That's what you're doing.


Are you EVER going to learn...?!?!

Fact #5. I learned a long time ago that you're nuts.

If you think you have, you've not proven it. You've only run your mouth
off. Kinda like the post I am responding to. Trying to show off, but only
showing your butt.


Steve, K4YZ

  #320   Report Post  
Old August 20th 04, 02:44 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:

Subject: ARS License Numbers
From: Mike Coslo
Date: 8/19/2004 6:37 PM Central Standard Time

Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:

Subject: ARS License Numbers
Date: 8/18/2004 7:36 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

Jim's had his "backbone" for quite a while.

You say that just so long as he stays out of your way and
"never is heard a discouraging word." Yet he's been giving you subtle
hints to back off of Len, but you just don't get it (because you're
nuts and cannot NOT respond to Len). We'll see if he can stand
up to someone other than Bruce, and you'll change your tune when he
tells you to quit making an jerk of yourself. Best of Luck.

Well, Brain...

There ya go spouting off without facts again.

Suggest you balance the number of LennieRants against the total number


posts I've made, either to him or about him.

The numbers will, of course, prove you wrong.

There ya go...Running off at the mouth again, Brain.

Are you EVER going to learn...?!?!

Hey Steve.

Here is a good question.

Jim has suggested that you not engage with Lenover21 or Brian. I have
in the past also. There have been other things we have disagreed with.

And yet, between whatever Jim and you or myself have disagreed with, we

have always managed to keep it civil, am I not correct?

Hmmmmm, what would be the difference?

Well, Mike...It's probably because we disagree with each other without
calling each other Nazi's, jackbooted thugs, elitists, invent diminuitives for
each other, and generally treat each other with a modicum of respct when we
take each other on some point.

But that's just a guess on my part!

And a good guess it is. Kind of flies in the face of those that say one
cannot engage in disagreement with you.

- Mike KB3EIA -

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