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  #371   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 05:34 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Cmdr Buzz Corey wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

I haven't seen Roger Wiseman since he fled a Marshall County ARES
meeting several years ago. He never returned.

Tell us about that one Dave, bet it makes an interesting story.

There's not so much to tell. Wiseman showed up at an ARES meeting after
his newsgroup "flurry of filth" festival directed toward my family and
after I'd visited the Glen Dale Police on a number of occasions. They
wanted copies of his e-mails to me and of his newsgroup postings
directed at my family.

I had some words with the lad before the meeting began. After the formal
meeting, N8FQN took us on a tour of the comm van. Roger was there one
moment and he slipped out quietly and beat feet for his car.
Onlookers said he was really moving. He signed up for membership but
has never returned for a single meeting.

Wiseman is about as well-liked by Glen Dale and Moundsville hams as he
is by usenet participants. They know who he is and they know what he is.

One of the locals dropped the dime on Roger for the malicious
interference for which he received the FCC letter in 1999. The guy
included tapes of Wiseman's work on 20m. Roger has since tried to claim
that it was me or N8NN who turned him in but Bert was living in Germany
and I was in Tanzania back then. Neither of us moved back here until
mid-2000. Roger now keeps a very low on-air profile. He's had two
strikes with the Commission and I don't think we wants to risk a third.

Dave K8MN
  #372   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 05:43 AM
Cmdr Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

Italy Anonymous Remailer wrote:
In article
Cmdr Buzz Corey wrote:

Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer wrote:

In article
Cmdr Buzz Corey wrote:

Italy Anonymous Remailer wrote:

In article
Cmdr Buzz Corey wrote:

Hiding behind the curtains.

That's rich, coming from somebody who thinks they are a character from a


TV show. Or should I say hiding behind a character from a 1950's TV show?


that's more correct.

Come see me fat boy,

Fatass, the only fat boy is you!

I sure won't hide behind the curtains like you do.

No, you'll just hide behind that front door whimpering and sniveling, like


do when you hide behind that 1950's TV show character screen name.

And you hide behind an anonymous remailer.

And you hide behind a 1950's TV character screen name all the while crying
about somebody else "hiding." Pot Kettle Black, Buzzie.

Come on down coward, the door is open.

How is that possible, when your fat ass blocks most of the opening as you hide
behind the door.

And I notice you didn't tell anybody where to "come down" to.

LOL at the Glendale turd!!!
  #373   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 05:45 AM
Cmdr Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
haven't seen Roger Wiseman since he fled a Marshall County ARES meeting
several years ago. He never returned.

Dave K8MN

Tell us about that one Dave, bet it makes an interesting story.
  #374   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 11:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Michael Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

I ridicule many things.


You do too!

I don't make fun of other people's religious faith.

So where do we stop, Brian?

Has it started?

Oh absolutely.

Is it when they call for the government to
assassinate the leader of a country that they don't like?

Is that when they called to assassinate Bush Sr's life?

No it wasn't. It was when Pat Robertson called for the US to assassinate
Chavez. I'm not talking about politicos, I'm talking about religious

Chavez should file charges. Let due process work. BTW, that due
process was set up by evil religious people.

Clinton sent a
couple of missiles into an emply office building to show that you can't
just go around threatening the President.

Is it when

they call for holy war?

Yeh, I think we should draw the line at Jihad.

There ya go!

Bravo! I was wondering if you were racist and only hated WASP's that
call for Jihad.

Is it when they launch inquisitions?

Saddam confessed to crimes.

Not Saddam. But religious leaders have often had purges, inquisitions,
and the like.

Those damned religious people. I wonder if non-religious people have
ever committed atrocities.

Kill people

in the name of an Exorcism? Is it when a Catholic priest is expelled
from the UAR after serving a jail sentence for the crime of evangelizing
without a permit? Is it when the preacher stands in the pulpit and
declares that if you vote for a certain political party, you have to
leave the church? And in my own case, where the local fundies put such a
stranglehold on the school system that not only is evolution not taught
at all, but that no teaching about any dinosaurs or any animal that
didn't live in modern time was taught or discussed.

Abuses in publice education? Couldn't be.

Yup. In the name of religion.

Which religion?

Public education is the grand indoctrination that our children receive
from the left.

Yeah, I keep hearing that. My experience has been otherwise. The far
right controlled education and what we learned in my little burg.

Keep blaming everything on liberals. It's almost as easy as religion. blaming on religion? You tell me.

My "sex ed" class
consisted of one session of naming of various STDs, and that was it.
That is it. less than an hour. I've seen the other side, and it isn't

What did your parent's tell you?


OIC. You blame religion for not teaching you things that your parents
are responsible for teaching you, but when your parents fall down on
the job, it's still the religious people who are blamed. You're double
standard is multi-faceted.

I got my education at the public library, reading the books
that the far right wanted the library to get rid of. It was nice of them
to give out the titles though.

Gay stuff? Recently, one upstanding citizen removed all of the
"alternative lifestyle" free newspapers from the lobby of a public
library. Said he didn't want his children to have to walk past it.

There is one problem with religious tolerance, and that is that many
religions have no concept of tolerance themselves.

Fine. It's called seperation of Church and State. We have that and
more. As rights are denied to Christians, the pendulum begins to swing
the other way.

Problem is that what some Christians consider their right, is to deprive
others of their rights.

Odd. I just reread the Bill of Rights, and I see no right to sex
education. For that matter, I see no right to education at all. As
such, it is a parental obligation to educate you or to pay to have you

I've been in a religion controlled community. I know how they act when
they are allowed to.

Get out.

Lock up people who make threats against other people and quit whining
to me about it.

I have no idea what you mean here

Robertson vs Chavez.

Aren't you supposed to be an educated man?

Supposed to be. Didn't find out about a lot of things that I should
have known until after I graduated High School.

- Mike KB3EIA -

You weren't supposed to learn everything in high school. That's why we
have colleges. Know anyone who's living depends on other people
thinking there's more to learn?

So it's okay to have forbidden knowledge?

Some issues may not be appropriate to teach in public school. For
example, I draw the line at "intro to Jihad," "intro to bomb making,"
and "intro to the combustible properties of effigies of the President
of the USA."

Meanwhile, I trust that your personal oddysey into human sexual
intercourse education was a success?

Dinosaurs are dangerous? What
threat does a dinosaur have to religion?

Don't know - never seen one. Never seen God, for what that's worth.

Life is a life-long learning experience. Learn something today.

Always do!

- Mike KB3EIA -

Hey, Joslyn Elders advocated teaching masturbation to school children.
You should look her up. You guys might make a dynamic duo on the sex
ed scene.

  #375   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 12:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


Dave Heil wrote:



From: on Aug 28, 6:02 pm

Dave Heil wrote:


Dave Heil wrote:


Dave Heil wrote:


From: on Aug 25, 2:42 pm

K4YZ wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:
Frank Gilliland wrote:

I've seen any number of Len's comments made to look like the product of
one who has little experience.

As Len has questioned your net control capabilities.

Not quite true either side. I was citing Heil as a CONTROL FREAK
that he appears to be from all his postings to me. Evident to all.

Closing a net with CW?

The only nets I've ever closed with CW were CW nets.

More word play.

Word play? Hardly. I've never participated in a State Department net
on RTTY or CW.

More word play. Clintonesque.

I fail to see any word play. I made a factual and concise statement of
the truth.

You continue to hide behind nuance. Clintonesque.

Further down you just admitted to opening and closing RTTY net using CW
on "another frequency."

Yes, I did. I was not active on any CW or RTTY net. It can't be much
more plain that that.

What is plain is your contradiction.

I have experience in radio. A considerable amount. Most of it is
PROFESSIONAL radio...that kind that pays money for services

Heil must not equate government employ in the Department of State
as "professional" yet he obviously got MONEY for that, PLUS living

Obviously he's not professional.

...not any more. There aren't any professional radio amateurs.

When did that end?

It never began.

You should work on your facts.

The W1AW operator is paid a salary to transmit on amateur frequencies.
School teachers may make radio transmissions as a part of their paid
instructions to students.

Is the W1AW op paid to transmit? Are you certain? School teachers
receive a salary for teaching, not for demonstrating amateur radio.

You need to come up to speed on the activities of your ARRL's
transmitters. You might want to look up Rosalie White/Education at HQ
as well. Well, maybe not at HQ anymore, but still working in the
education capacity.

Professional credentials don't get one a pass into amateur radio.

What? Another set of redundant licensing requirements?

They aren't redundant. They're for different services.

Oh yeh, forgot the physics change with the different services.

The regs, purpose, types of operation and requirements for licensing are
different, aren't they?

Not so different.

I recall taking the GROL. Looked identical to the Amatuer Advanced

Really? Were there lots of regulatory questions dealing with the
amateur bands?

There were lots of identical electronics and radio physics material.
Identical to the Advanced exam. And whaddayaknow? The exam was
administered by a famous VEC. Go figure?

So the only questions on the exam consisted of electronics and radio
physics material?

The questions and answers which were identical to the Advanced exam had
to do with radio and electronics.

...they claim that
his opinions are simply no good because Len isn't a ham.

Sometimes Len's opinions are no good because they are issued because he
has no experience in amateur radio. Sometimes his opinions are no good
because they are the rantings of a geezer with an ax to grind. Often,
he makes factual errors and there have been numerous times when he
deliberately fabricates.

You want us to believe that all of Len's comments are to be discarded.

Heil doesn't like my commenting, therefore I am to be "discarded,"
discredited, demeaned, and some other "d" I can't think of. :-)



As in murdered?

As in "deep-sixed".

As in "murdered?"

If "murdered" is what you want to write, then write it. You aren't
going to twist my words.

I'm merely trying to understand what is in the mind of Heil. In any
other context, when a person says "deep-sixed" it means murdered. But
when Heil uses "deep-sixed," what does he mean? If only you weren't so

David Heil/K8MN is a primary culprit in that tactic, but Jim has used it as

Oh no, I've by no means been "a primary culprit", but I have
participated over a period of years.

Can you guess how many times you've commented that Len isn't an amateur
radio operator?

He has a macro sentence generator for that. :-)

And there is a purpose for his stating that you're not an amateur.

There certainly is. It is to point out that Len isn't a radio amateur
and that he has no experience in amateur radio.

There must be somthing more to it than that.

A read-between-the-lines guy like you would probably attempt to find a
hidden meaning or agenda.

This is what surprises me. Except for this, your agendas and
double-standards are obvious. This one has me puzzled.

Some things which you might think to be obvious, may not be obvious.
Some things which you see as complex, could be simple.

If only you weren't so Clintonesque.

He is to amateur radio

as a fishing rod to deer hunting.

You're not even close enough to be considered a poor analogue.

It'd be tough to come up with something. I'm a long time participant in
amateur radio. The closest Len can come is being an SWL.

Well there you go! You could say that he is a "lurker" on the HF
frequencies. That should sound nefarious enough to raise eyebrows.

Nothing nefarious need be written. Len's closest involvement with
amateur radio is as SWL. He has told us that he has spoken over amateur
radio stations but he has to beat feet and visit someone in order for a
control op to permit his participation. Yeah, basically, Len can be an
SWL. There's nothing wrong with that. I began as an SWL myself. Len
is still a pre-beginner in amateur radio.

Dave K8MN

Welp, you have to start somewhere, and look where you ended up? An
ARRL A1-Op working out of band Frenchmen on 6M from some rare real
estate in Africa. Hi!

  #376   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 01:07 PM
Stagger Lee
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Secwet Scwuffy Woger wrote:
[nothing important]

Thor is the Norse god of thunder. He is a son of Odin and Jord, and one of
the most powerful gods. He is married to Sif, a fertility goddess. His
mistress is the giantess Jarnsaxa ("iron cutlass"), and their sons are
Magni and Modi and his daughter is Thrud. Thor is helped by Thialfi, his
servant and the messenger of the gods.

But today, Thor is all washed up. Know why?

Thor had long hair.

"If a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him." -- St. Paul
1 Corinthians 11:14
  #377   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 01:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
an old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


Then what's with your little "indeed you do always encourage people to
feed your ego" comment. My statement had nothing to do my ego or with
any self-aggrandizement. It was, in fact, just the opposite.

learn english

your statement was nothing but ego and selfaggrandizement. you have
little but your puff and stract and bluster

You're out of your ever-livin', medicated mind.

not at all I fully in my mind, not at all medicated

you just don't understand the written word, esp if it says anything you
don't wnat to read


indeed my point exactly

Wnat? was your point? Unbelievable.

unbeleiveable? I suppose anything outside your limited mind set is

but you just don't understand the written word, esp if it says anything
don't want to read
and Torturers are called "Pain Technicians" spin it all you like clerk,
but you are convincing no one, not already tkaen in by your bull****

I'll state it for you again, feeble one. I never worked in the position
of file clerk. You've lied so much and so often that you're assuming
that everyone does.

you still understand

Yes, I understand. You've attempted to create the false impression that
my job was something entirely different than it was.

more lies Dave

your job was trival, and the details never mattered when they are so

I Know you lie, indeed I know Bill Sohl lies (I am sure he answers
"fine" to the question how are you) everyone does lie.

You're starting to come off as pretty delusional, Mark.

indeed I am sure everyone that disgrees with you is seen as delusional

You lie here with almost every post you make, and in many case I
honestly think you don't know it

Sure, sure, Mark. Everybody lies with every breath they breathe out and
they're all talking about you too.

Never said that another Dave fabrication, never said any such thing

But I am sure you lie every day of your life, without exception

You were a peon, a clerk, a nobody in the dept, you puuf yourself up
with a title but I don't care

cuting more preening of feathers


Tom Cruise worked for the Department of State as a communicator? Get
outta here!

never said that another Dave Fabrication

I asked a question.

and Choose not to answer it as you might (and Steve has) fail to answer
the question have you stoped beating your wife yet

Funny that my informing you that I can't tell you something would
disgust you more than some of your own practices.

auf anglish bitte

It was in English, Mark. Hire a translator to put it into whatever it
is that you speak.

well it make no sense at all

after all nothing I practice disgusts me at all, there it is easy for
you to tell more disgusting

It might helps if youd bother to remember and pass though your brain I
don't beleive in the same things you do

yes I can you try to deny my right to even exist

I asked you to point to an occasion.

anther Lie you said bisexauls do not exist

You did not do so.

I did so

I have never
attempted to deny your right to exist.


I don't spend a lot of time even
thinking about your existence.

never said you had

  #378   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 01:18 PM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
an old friend wrote:

I'll bet you watch Monk on TV and don't find anything funny about the show.

pay up

I never watch the show.

I find the comercails for it too disgusting, to even consider watching

Dave K8MN

  #379   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a

"an_old_friend" wrote:
certianly are gay bashing

What's wrong with being gay?

engaging me?

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  #380   Report Post  
Old September 8th 05, 01:37 PM
Posts: n/a

AB8MQ wrote:
"an_old_friend" wrote:
certianly are gay bashing

What's wrong with being gay?

I never said there was that was Dave Heil

engaging me?

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